The rise of the prince

Chapter 55 History of the Power Plant

Chapter 55 History of the Power Plant
Another important link in the whole brewing process is to maintain good airtightness, because when the wine cage is filled with water vapor and alcohol gas, if it is not tight, it will easily lead to alcohol leakage.

This problem is easy to solve, and there is no need for high-end products such as glassware. The wisdom of the people is infinite, and only a wet towel and mud can be used.The clean yellow mud wraps the outer layer of the wood and keeps it moist all the time, which can not only block the alcohol gas, but also absorb the odor.

The iron pot at the bottom has been calcined for a long time and exposed to water. If it is not well maintained, it will have a peculiar smell, and the soil can act as a natural deodorant to absorb those peculiar smells.

Therefore, even in the later generations when industrial winemaking is developed, people who really love wine can taste the difference at once, and the wine brewed by this native method will be more fresh and mellow.Wine to Li Ye is like food to ordinary people.

Ordinary people will die if they don't eat for a long time, but they won't die if they don't drink alcohol for a long time, but it's almost the same.

In the past, it was the old man's wine, because the palace had no money at that time, and the wine was not cheap. Now that you have money, it is impossible to cheat for a lifetime.

That's right, after all, wine is a product of food, and it is a luxury in this era, so it's no wonder it's not expensive.

If you simply look at the atomic conversion rate, from a chemical point of view, the starch in 1kg of grain is converted into pure alcohol, and if calculated by chemical equations, 0.5679kg of pure alcohol will eventually be obtained.In other words, theoretically, the alcohol yield can be as high as 56.79%.

But there is often a huge gap between theory and reality.In the era when there was no distilled wine and wine was made from fermented grains, the yield of wine was less than 30% due to incomplete fermentation and loss in the middle.And even if the yield of distilled wine is only about [-]%, three catties of grain and one catty of wine are not pure alcohol.

So wine has always been a luxury drink.

The better cooking wine nowadays is light beige white, such as rice soup when cooking rice, the highest temperature is about [-] degrees, and it cannot be served again, but if the wine is brewed by distillation, the first few catties will definitely reach Around seventy degrees!

Of course, if it is suitable for drinking, it must be blended to about [-] degrees. Even so, this wine can be considered a fairy brew in this era!
People in the world love wine, and have always advocated wine culture, not only in the scenery, but also in the surrounding Liao, Xixia, and Nanyi countries.At that time, even if he puts a thousand gold price on it, people will probably buy it.Of course he's not that wicked, but anyway, it's a big deal.

Li Ye continued to teach the two girls mathematics in the courtyard all day long, and he followed the arrangement in the textbooks from elementary school in his memory step by step.He wasn't so cocky that he thought he could figure out a better teaching schedule.

Now he has taught the linear equation in one variable and its solution, but here he encountered a problem, the two girls couldn't understand the practice of assuming an unknown number.

In fact, this is not surprising, because this is not just a method, but also contains a deeper scientific logic behind it. If the thinking cannot be turned around, everything will be in vain.

Li Ye thought for a while that it is best to subtly influence the things that touch the ideological level, so he taught them more complex and advanced number calculations first.

Every once in a while, Li Ye would give Qiu'er and Yue'er some test questions, and then let them do it. He took the opportunity to watch Zhao Si's progress, and brought him a pot of fragrant tea, which flattered the carpenter.

Zhao Si's carpentry level is indeed very high, Li Ye can see, but manpower is always limited, although he works very hard, it is estimated that it will take three or four days to complete the work.While watching him work, Li Ye would also chat with him and ask some questions about life. After all, he has been in this world for almost two months, but he still doesn't know much about the living conditions of the lower class people.

At first, he was very nervous and afraid, but under Li Ye's intentional guidance, he gradually let go of his guard, and talked to Li Ye a lot, such as the harvest of ordinary people's homes for a year, the customs and traditions of the Chinese New Year, how his son misses reading, and so on.

He obviously didn't expect that Prince Xiao's son, who was rumored to be like a scourge, a wolf and a tiger, was so approachable.

While watching him work hard, Li Ye casually chatted with him. If people relax, they can reduce fatigue and speed up work progress.I always feel that I am an unscrupulous boss who exploits and squeezes employees
While chatting casually, Li Ye also thought of a problem, which was power. If water power was used instead of manpower, it would only take one or two hours to saw the wood into planks, but it would take Zhao Si two or three days.

In fact, the history of human development can't be said to be an epic of constantly looking for new driving forces.

The initial power of human beings comes from the body, and the chemical energy produced by the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body drives the body and brings power.

Humans then domesticated animals and used the chemical energy in their bodies for power.

After that, water and wind were also used on a small scale to become new power; then steam became power, leading a new era; the emergence of gas power and electricity made human beings go one step further; it is conceivable that when the power that is not yet familiar with the use is gradually matured, Maybe it is nuclear energy, maybe it is something else, human beings will move forward to another level.

Every power innovation will bring great changes in society.

Among them, wind power and water power may be the least familiar to people because they are too far away, but the use of water power has indeed brought drastic changes to human beings.

For example, the popularity of full-body armor.

Any weapon has a cost-effectiveness problem. Plate armor existed before the emergence of hydraulic hammers, but the problem is that it is expensive and the cost-effectiveness is too low. Only a few European nobles have it.And one or two people wearing full-body plate armor can't affect the battle situation.

Waiting until hydraulic forging became popular, using the power of water flow can easily lift heavy forging hammers that adults can't even lift without interruption!

The emergence of new power means that the manufacturing price of plate armor has dropped significantly, so knights with full body plate armor have risen in Europe.

The defense of the whole body plate armor is actually very high, it is not exaggerated. It is different from ordinary plate armor. It was designed to deal with the gradual rise of firearms when it appeared. In the past, the full-body plate armor like an iron bunker really suppressed firearms on the battlefield.

At that time, on the other side of the earth, the firearm penetration rate of the Ming Dynasty army was as high as [-]%, but most of their enemies did not use firearms. There was no need to defend against firearms, and there was no need to develop armor, so the Ming Dynasty did not appear That crazy defense method of wrapping people up with steel plates.

Thinking about it, Li Ye couldn't help but want to build a hydraulic system.Whether it is used to grind rice and flour, to forge iron and cast swords, or to saw wood to build houses, it is convenient to have a river in front of the palace.

Since he came to this world as a future person, he must leave something behind. Even if no one knows, he should leave a mark in this world to prove that he has been here.

Thousands of years later, future generations will also have something to talk about when visiting forums and posting bars. They proudly talk about how many years ago our great ancestors began to use water as power. What a visionary and superb vision!
Thinking about it, Li Ye couldn't help laughing. He had never thought about something from such a perspective before.

This is the inheritance of history. For the first time, he can truly feel and understand the line of inheritance that runs through thousands of years.Perhaps many ancestors also thought so, and after thousands of years, the descendants responded to their calls and did the same. The subtle connection, the inheritance in the blood, is probably the pride accumulated in history by countless ancestors. Bit by bit, bit by bit, the clouds accumulate into a long river of brilliance and vastness, and finally accumulate steps and even thousands of miles a day, and gather sand and gravel to form a high mountain, standing upright and reaching the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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