The rise of the prince

Chapter 30 Who Wrote the Poem

Chapter 30 Who Wrote the Poem
When Li Ye arrived at Tingyu Tower, the big stone in his heart finally fell. Although he was somewhat prepared, he was still worried until he saw the end.

Qiu'er and Yue'er held his arms joyfully, "Look, my lord, there are so many people here!"

Li Ye was also happy. There was an endless stream of guests coming in and out. This passenger flow exceeded his expectations.

Originally, the plan had three key points.

One is to take advantage of the mutual exclusion of civil and military people to make Wangjiang Tower lose its customers, but this loss of customers is only short-lived.So secondly, he had to use a topic to direct the passenger flow to Tingyulou.The last is to use strength to retain customers.

Of these three steps, the one that exceeded expectations was probably the second step. After all, it was Lu You's poem.

And after this good start, as long as there are no problems in the operation of the restaurant, there will only be more and more customers in the future.

This is also called the Matthew Effect in social psychology. Take this incident as an example: Master Lu’s poems attract some people, and then more people will know the reputation of Tingyulou. The more people come, the more famous, The more people come, the more famous it is. This is a continuous strengthening effect. The final result is that the strong will become stronger and the weak will become weaker. This is the Matthew effect.

The focus is on the cycle of "strongness". The premise and core is that this topic must be strong enough. Is "A Stormy Day on November [-]th" strong?Isn't that nonsense, so strong that it will still be a masterpiece after thousands of years!

That girl He Qian didn't bother him today, let him breathe a sigh of relief, the goal has been achieved, after that he no longer needs so many warriors, his own nursing home and Degong's nursing home are enough, as long as it lasts for a month.

Even if the boss of Wangjiang Tower reacts by then, it probably won't help.

Just after entering the lobby on the first floor, shopkeeper Yan leaned over with a smile on his face and bowed again and again: "Your Majesty is really clever, and you can predict things like a god. From noon yesterday to now, there are more and more guests, and they are still increasing. If so Go down, I'm afraid our building won't be able to accommodate it in two or three days!"

Li Ye nodded: "The more you can't relax at this time, after the closing time, you can go to the palace to pick a few good players, and you must not let people cause trouble these few days."

After these days, Yan Kun was obviously convinced by Li Ye, although he still couldn't understand many things.But it was also like this, Li Ye's magical calculations cast a layer of mystery in his heart, and his awe was even stronger.

He bowed respectfully and said: "Little man, remember, I must strictly follow the order of the prince. By the way, the old gentleman who often comes here today, and asked me to tell the prince that he will follow on the third floor. "

Li Ye nodded: "Go and do your work."

As he spoke, he took Yue'er and Qiu'er upstairs, keeping a low profile along the way. He was Li Xingzhou after all, and he might be in trouble if he was recognized.

For the old man De Gong, Li Ye has always regarded him as an outsider who can chat.He is Li Xingzhou, and no one outside is willing to talk to him except Degong, and he has extraordinary conversation, and it doesn't look like a lie to claim that he has an affair with King Xiao. If ordinary people lie, Li Ye can almost tell at a glance.

Judging by his clothes and speech, there are carriage servants in and out of him, he must be a big family, and he is not like a merchant.But he stays at home every day and has nothing to do. He is not an official in court, and nine out of ten he is a retired high official or an idle official.

As for the specific Li Ye did not ask, everyone just chatted casually, not to mention any deep friendship, as for him saying that Wang Xiaowang's old love would help him once, of course he can't miss it, it is useless for him to keep this favor, is it cheap or not? Occupy the bastard.

After taking Qiu'er and Yue'er up to the third floor, I heard De Gong's voice: "Did you write this poem?"

When I turned around, it was still the same place, still Degong and his granddaughter Gillian, this poem is on the first and second floors.

However, according to Li Ye, it was a copy, and the original was hung on the third floor. Li Ye had instructed Yan Kun not to let anyone come up except De Gong.First, there are not many tables on the third floor, and second, the sense of mystery is the most attractive.

"I want to say that I wrote it, but someone has to believe it." Li Ye said and sat down opposite him. Qiu'er and Yue'er stood behind them, and Li Ye forcibly pulled them to kneel and sit down, one on each side.

"You are frank. At first I thought you wanted to write a few lines of poems to gain fame, do money business, and come here to scold you, but after reading this poem, I realized that the rumors in Beijing may be true." De Gong Fu With a gray beard, Gillian sitting next to him bowed his head and remained silent.

Li Ye coughed twice, opened his eyes and said nonsense: "That is certainly true."

"What about the gentleman, Mr. Lu You who wrote this poem."

"I don't know. I left after I wrote the poem. I didn't stay for a moment. I guess I don't want to see me." Li Ye didn't blush and his heart beat. This is probably the most convincing reason for not wanting to see him. He is Li Xingzhou ah.

De Gong glared at him: "Hmph, thanks to your self-knowledge. Mr. Lu is a loyal and dedicated man. He is full of passion and loyalty, but you use it to make money. You are not afraid that you will not be able to sleep at night."

Yue'er pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction and wanted to say something, but Li Ye quietly pressed her little hand under the table.

In fact, he has thought about this issue, and if he said that this poem was written by someone else, some people must say that he exchanged his sincerity for money and vulgar things. After all, this is an era when the style of writing is prevalent.But even so he can't say he wrote it, because no one believes it.

Even Gillian, who usually doesn't talk much, couldn't help but say, "My lord, it's true, it's really wrong to act like this."

Li Ye casually took a wine glass and handed it over, and Gillian quickly poured it for him.

"Haha, it's really not good. But I have to do it. Mr. Lu is a loyal patriot, but so are nearly half of the people in the palace, even the handymen in this restaurant. If there is no business in the restaurant, they will It's going to freeze."

De Gong sighed: "Forget it, this is your business, how to do it is up to you, after all, the old man is an outsider, just talking casually, you should pretend that you have never heard of it.

However, after two days of careful consideration, I found that what you did seems to be not that simple. The old man can't figure it out. It is understandable that some people come to pay homage to Gao Zuo, but after all, Wangjiang Tower also has Prime Minister Yan Gao Zuo to pay homage to. Why do people almost run away? here? "

Li Ye took a drink and said helplessly: "Now you have said that I betrayed my sincerity, but if you want to say it again, you will accuse me of playing tricks on people's hearts."

"It doesn't matter if you say it, the old man said that I'm just an outsider, how could I scold you."

"Then I'll tell you"

"You kid is deceiving people, treacherous and hateful, you are clearly playing tricks on people's hearts! No wonder you came to find this old man to ask for a nursing home. I thought you were going to do something!" De Gong blew his beard and stared.

Li Ye spread his hands helplessly: "Let me just say, you are really troublesome."

"You, you boy. That's all." As he spoke, the old man glared at him, raised his head in resentment and drank a cup, and then continued: "I didn't expect you to have such scheming at such a young age. I have never seen it in most of my life." I don’t know how to say you’re good for playing with people’s hearts like this before. But what are you going to do when people come over? After a long time, they will go back to Wangjiang Tower.”

"Of course we can only rely on the strength of Yulou, I have my own countermeasures." Li Ye asked Gillian to pour him another glass of wine while talking.

"What countermeasure?" De Gong came over curiously.

"Don't say it, if you do, you will scold people again."

"The old man is an outsider, how could that be?" He also consciously stopped in the middle of speaking, snorted and waved his hands in dissatisfaction: "Forget it, don't talk if you don't talk, Gillian, stop pouring wine for this kid , come to drink with the old man every day."

Li Ye is speechless
(End of this chapter)

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