Chapter 95 Respective means

No matter who Yu Tina is, she has been in various commercial places all year round, groping for hob meat.

What kind of person can see the general situation at a glance, how can it be possible for people to easily take advantage of themselves.

Except Ma Yongqiang, who a bastard!

Yu Tina made a perfect sideways posture and made a gesture of invitation, avoiding Huang Chang's palm that only wanted to touch Yu Tina's back.

When Huang Chang saw Tina, he even avoided his hand several times, and the expression on his face changed back and forth several times.

In the end, Huang Chang tightly clenched the palm of his hand that was slapped in the air. Although his teeth were itchy with hatred, he had to pretend to be very enthusiastic and grinning.

Huang Chang smiled and invited Ma Yongqiang and Yu Tina to sit down and eat some of the various berries they collected.

Huang Chang exchanged a wink with Li Baoguo who was standing next to him, then sat down and started eating from Gu Zi.

Li Baoguo didn't understand when he saw this, so he had no choice but to stand up and greet Yu Tina, to see what the other party's purpose was, specifically?
"I don't know what Mr. Yu learned from coming so far this time?"

Ma Yongqiang saw the other party's attitude and wanted to tease his own woman, so he immediately pressed Yu Tina to make him sit on the rock, raised his head and looked at Li Baoguo and said perfunctorily.

"This uncle is too polite, what advice can we give here.

It's just that I heard that under the leadership of Huang Shang and Huang Ge, life here is quite good, and I want to come here to hang out with Huang Ge and struggle to survive. "

Ma Yongqiang flattered Huang Chang with a flattery.

And Huang Chang really did not disappoint Ma Yongqiang. Hearing that Ma Yongqiang and the others were planning to come and live with everyone, his eyes rolled and he immediately changed into a smiling expression.

"This brother...!"

"The cheap surname is Ma, Ma Yongqiang!"

Ma Yongqiang looked at Huang Chang's eyes looking at him, a little confused, knowing that Huang Chang didn't remember him at all, so he re-reported his family name because he was very good.

"To Ma Yongqiang, brother Ma, ha...ha! Brother, if you are willing to come over to be your brother, you can't let the brothers come over, can you!

But brother Ma Yongqiang, you have also seen that the supplies here are not particularly abundant now, so we can only make do with them casually, filling our stomachs with these unpalatable wild fruits.

So it's not that brothers don't show loyalty, it's really difficult for brothers! "

Huang Chang brought out the leftover wild berries on purpose so that Ma Yongqiang and the others could see them more clearly.

Afterwards, he and Ma Yongqiang had a bitter fight. Anyway, the meaning is that you can come here if you want, but the premise is to give me some benefits.

If I don't get any benefits, why should I let you come over?

When Yu Tina heard Huang Chang's remarks, she got up in disguise and used the commercial rhetoric to practice Tai Chi.

Before Tina got up, Ma Yongqiang pushed her down on the seat. Ma Yongqiang secretly winked at Tina Yu, which meant that Ma Yongqiang could handle it well and understood what the other party meant, so he let Tina Yu feel at ease. Let Ma Yongqiang handle it.

"What Brother Huang said is true. After all, we have encountered such a great disaster, and being stranded on this deserted island, being able to save our lives is simply a blessing in misfortune.

But after all, the area of ​​this island is too small, and there are only a few necessities that can be produced, so it must be very difficult to collect.

Brother also understands, Brother Huang can't help it.

However, when I came here, I brought some, and I am willing to share the remaining living supplies and food with Brother Huang.

I don't know what Brother Huang thinks? "

When Huang Chang heard about Ma Yongqiang and the others, they brought food and living supplies.

Immediately, he slapped his thigh and hooked Ma Yongqiang's neck very affectionately, like brothers who had been separated since childhood, so close.

"Oh! Brother Ma, you are not very authentic. We are all survivors of the shipwreck, and it is only natural to help each other.

If you say that, isn't it just seeing outsiders?

Even if you really didn't bring food, buddies, you can't let you sleep in the wild, right?

After all, there are only a few of us on the island right now, who else will help if we don’t help you? "

Huang Chang said while looking at Ma Yongqiang, hoping to find some unexpected surprises from them.

"I don't know where the food you mentioned, Brother Ma? Brother, why didn't I see it?

It's not that my buddies are thinking about the food you brought over, the main thing is that I eat these wild fruits fucking every day, and a bird is almost fading out of my mouth.

Guys want a change too, don't they?
Are you right, Brother Ma, hahahahaha! "

When Ma Yongqiang and the three of them entered the cave, they deliberately hid the food they brought over in the bushes outside the cave just in case.

After all, at this time, the heart of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of preventing others is indispensable.

It's always good to keep an eye on everything, and these are some words that Yu Tina deliberately confessed to Ma Yongqiang when she was approaching the cave.

Because after all, Yu Tina has been in the mall for so long, and she is used to all kinds of dirty tricks in it.

(End of this chapter)

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