Chapter 93
Only then did Ma Yongqiang fully understand that it is quite dangerous for a person to be in a low temperature environment for a long time.

In the past, Ma Yongqiang only thought that in winter, people would freeze to death if they were outside for a long time.

But I didn't expect that even in summer, prolonged rain would have such serious consequences.

Thinking of this, Ma Yongqiang decided to go to the cave with all the supplies he could bring to join the group of people without saying a word.

After all, to survive in the wild, only the survivors have hope.

Now that the decision has been made, the three of them took the time to pack up all the supplies and food that could be taken away from the camp before the rainstorm came.

After all, when a typhoon comes, it will take about five or six days, four or five days to come and go.

During this period of time, there is no way to come out to look for food again, and if you meet up with that group of people, you don't know what kind of sparks will happen.

It's better to prepare enough, otherwise, if they don't accept them over there, and if there is any edible food, then they will be committing suicide.

The fish meat that was placed on the smoking rack before is basically okay, and it is tied with a rope like a necklace around the neck.

Then there is the cured fish meat that has been made. Although there are not too many left now, it is food after all, so it cannot be wasted.

You should bring it with you, and you should bring all the simple tools you made. If something unpredictable happens to the cave, it is a self-defense weapon anyway.

In addition, the kelp heads that Yu Tina brought back yesterday should also be tied up with rope and taken with her.

Then replace the fire pocket with a good fire core, light it and put it in your pocket for later use, in case there is no way to ignite the fire due to the lack of things to ignite the fire over there.

anyway?It is to take away everything possible, impossible, and everything that can be taken away.

Thinking in a good direction, that is, if you are easily accepted by the other party when you get there and cooperate happily, there is no need to go back to the camp in front of you, and there is no need for a shelter or anything.

After a period of intense work, Ma Yongqiang and the three of them finally packed everything.

The heaviest package, Ma Yongqiang, carried it on his shoulders without saying a word, and let the two women carry the rest of the lighter ones!

After tidying up all these, Ma Yongqiang nodded towards the two beauties, ready to go on a long journey.

The wind got stronger again, and the trees that were blowing were toppled, and the dry trees were constantly being broken by the strong wind, making a crackling sound.

Ma Yongqiang took the lead and carefully led the two women through the dense forest.

Feng Yali had already pointed out the general direction to the cave. Ma Yongqiang calculated the direction to the cave. It is not too far from the bamboo forest. If you go to the bamboo forest to collect some bamboo shoots, it is not too far to take a detour.

"Nana, Yali, let's go to the bamboo forest to collect some bamboo shoots, in case the typhoon lasts too long and we don't have anything to eat later.

The bamboo forest is not too far away from the necessary road, and there is no need to take too many detours, and it is basically a side trip, so I think it is more appropriate for us to collect some. "

After listening to what Ma Yongqiang said, Yu Tina and Feng Yali felt that it made sense. After all, it is better to prepare more food. Otherwise, if the storm does not pass in the later stage, the food they brought now will basically be hungry after eating. .

So the two girls happily agreed to Ma Yongqiang's decision.

The bamboo forest is still the same bamboo forest. Under the attack of the strong wind, the tall bamboos sway violently with the wind, as if twisting gracefully in the wind.

Showing how graceful and graceful the slender body is.

But the three people who were eager to go on their way didn't have much thought to appreciate the song dancing in nature, the manic wild wolf disco.

I just hope to hurry up and collect some bamboo shoots, and then go to the cave to escape the coming storm.

The delicious bamboo shoots were quickly collected by Ma Yongqiang, carefully tied up with ropes, and distributed to three people, each of whom took some.

Then the three of them started to walk in the dense forest again, groping their way towards the cave.

Along the way, he avoided all kinds of branches and branches that were blown messy by the strong wind, as well as hidden weapons that struck from time to time.

If there is no strong wind, you can see the mountain on the other side of the island after walking for about three hours in the dense forest.

However, the sudden strong wind brought various uncertainties and unknown dangers along the way, and the three of them had to be careful while walking.

To prevent being injured by the sudden falling branches, in this way, it took the three of them five hours to vaguely see the towering mountain during the three-hour journey.

Finally, Ma Yongqiang and the three of them walked out of the ecstasy-like forest after going through all kinds of hardships.

However, to Ma Yongqiang's despair, Feng Yali actually said that the cave they took was on the other side.

This may be because people can easily get lost in the woods on a windy day, so they should have gone astray.

(End of this chapter)

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