Chapter 85
Ma Yongqiang took out the ready lunch from the fire, greeted Yu Tina, who was giggling, and Feng Yali, who was blushing, and the two hurried to eat.

Taking advantage of the meal time, Ma Yongqiang carefully asked Feng Yali about the specific situation in another stronghold before.

After Feng Yali's careful narration, Ma Yongqiang and Yu Tina finally figured out that there were four or five survivors on the other side of the island.

Now those few survivors followed a leader named Huang Chang (this role was provided by book friend 20210301106500111452), and led the remaining few people to find a cave to live in.

Ma Yongqiang clearly remembered that the leading man named Huang Chang was originally a tour guide on a cruise ship. He was neither too tall nor too short, with a height of more than 1.7 meters, not even 1.8 meters.

It may be that he has been walking by the sea all year round, his skin is tanned, but he feels quite strong, a young guy.

He always talks in the same way. In Ma Yongqiang's impression, the tour guide named Huang Shang should be considered a relatively trustworthy person. At least he is not forced to buy some black clothes like some places. Tourist guide.

I heard from Feng Yali that when they first drifted to the island, they were scattered all over the place. After a day or two, they were finally gathered together under the leadership of Huang Chang.

When the man named Huang Chang was rushed to the island, he was holding a relatively large suitcase, which contained some useful daily emergency supplies.

There was an emergency medical kit in the suitcase, as well as the magnesium rods they used to light the fire, which were also turned out of the suitcase.

There is also a multifunctional emergency knife that is very suitable for survival in the wild. According to Feng Yali, the suitcase is now taken by Huang Chang as his own and no one is allowed to touch it.

The people on their side took the initiative to let Huang Chang be the leader within a few days after they went to the island.

Because except for Huang Chang, who has certain survival skills in the wild.The rest don't have any survival skills.

Knowing a lot of berries and mushrooms, and because Huang Chang has a lot of experience, it is easy to find a pool of clean and drinkable fresh water in the wild woods.

The few people who gathered together had not had a sip of water or food for nearly two days because they did not have the ability to survive in the wild.

After Huang Chang found fresh water that could be eaten and drunk, he was very clever and used a small trick. He didn't tell anyone and just ate and drank by himself.

When everyone was so hungry and hungry, they picked out someone who could lead everyone to survive and be the leader of the team.

The rest of the people could hardly survive because they had nothing to eat or drink.

Huang Chang went out for a walk, picked some berries and came back, and naturally distributed them to the big guys.

The people with a little full stomach naturally and spontaneously acquiesced that Huang Shang was the leader of the team.

To say that this Huang Chang is quite capable, he didn't stop for a long time to formulate a very effective and fairly fair method of material distribution.

Because besides Feng Yali, there was another girl named in the team, but Feng Yali didn't elaborate.

Except for Feng Yali and that girl, the other three are all men.

It's just the first few days because everyone has hope.

Men, relatively speaking, are more tolerant of girls, let girls do lighter work, and men will do heavy work.

But as time went on, hope was gradually shattered.

Someone in the team had a bad idea, and thanks to the leader, Huang Chang, who suppressed it all by himself, no more serious consequences were caused.

After that, Huang Chang formulated a series of rules in the team. Of course, the person who didn't obey the discipline at the beginning didn't take it seriously.

Until Huang Chang drove the man out and left him starving outside for about two days.

The undisciplined person who was kicked out in the end almost collapsed due to lack of food and drink in the wild, so he was completely honest.

And because of this matter, the person who didn't obey the discipline also completely recognized Huang Chang, and enshrined Huang Chang as his own elder brother.

(End of this chapter)

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