Chapter 67 Finally Finished

Ma Yongqiang quickly and carefully wrapped the shrub leaves on Sun Hao's body one by one.

Then the two untied the rope, and slowly sent the raft into the deep sea through the sea.

Ma Yongqiang didn't let Yu Tina go too far into the deep water area. He swam by himself and sent the raft to the deep water area for a certain distance.

Know that the raft drifts slowly towards the deep sea along with the waves and currents of the ocean.

Ma Yongqiang turned his head and swam back to the beach.

He stood side by side with Yu Tina, and the two of them stared at the raft quietly, gradually drifting away with the waves.

There is more or less a painful feeling in my heart, but also a sense of relief.

In this way, neither of the two people spoke, and stayed quietly all the time. Before they knew it, the sun had already reached the center.

Ma Yongqiang first regained his composure, patted Yu Tina on the shoulder, and went to prepare to pack up the supplies that could be taken away from the camp.

In any case, the matter of Sun Hao in front of him was completely resolved.

Where he will drift with the current in the future and who will be discovered, it seems that it has nothing to do with Ma Yongqiang and Yu Tina on the island.

The two of them will continue to live their lives in the future, and they have to live on this isolated island, whether it is difficult or easy, they must survive.

After being reminded by Ma Yongqiang, Yu Tina also came back to her senses.

The next step is the long process of moving, moving all the things that can be used in this camp to the new camp that Ma Yongqiang discovered.

Next to that camp, there is also a tidal pool, such a geomantic treasure, no matter what, it must develop in a good direction.

It is impossible to continue to survive in this desolate camp.

There is also such an unpleasant thing that happened in this camp. It can also be said that in this camp, it is easy to feel frightened.

It's better to get out of here.

The iron bucket used to boil the water must be taken away, as well as the collected mineral water bottles that have been cleaned.

These are indispensable and important materials.

The stone ax that I made before must also be carried, at least this one is quite suitable for use.

There is also a small knife sharpened with an iron sheet, which will be more convenient to clean the fish.

In addition, they also need to bring the kelp they collected before. After all, they worked so hard to get it out, so it can more or less satisfy their hunger, right?
There was a lot of messy things like this, and soon, the two of them couldn't hold them.

Ma Yongqiang saw this situation, so he had to do it again when the time came, otherwise it would be impossible to bring all the things over this time.

Pack up the supplies and pack everything that can be bundled and packed.

Take the rest that can't be packed with you, or don't put it in your belt.

Sun Hao contributed a strong belt before, which can be used as a rope.

After packing up all the supplies, I collected the fresh water that was burned before.

Ma Yongqiang took a few sips casually, and then asked Yu Tina to drink some water.

The rest of the fresh water was bottled and ready to be taken to the new camp.

After packing up the supplies, Ma Yongqiang got up and prepared to go back to the new camp.

Ma Yongqiang, who had just walked two steps, found that Yu Tina was a little distracted and did not follow, so he had to say hello again.

Yu Tina's mental state is not very good now, she is distracted and in a daze at every turn.

Ma Yongqiang didn't have a good solution either, he could only enlighten Yu Tina slowly after arriving at the new camp.

The two of them stopped and stopped along the way, after all, the distance is not serious.

No matter how light something is, the road is far away.

Finally arrived at the new camp, Ma Yongqiang asked Yu Tina to put down the supplies in her hands.

I didn't bother to rest for a while, and prepared to rekindle the fire and cook.

After raising the fire, after sorting out, it was found that there were not too many edible ingredients.

The fish caught from the tidal pool before had also been eaten, so Ma Yongqiang picked up the fishing rod.

Let Yu Tina use a simple seawater distillation device made of bamboo tubes in the camp to burn some fresh water.

Ma Yongqiang, on the other hand, went to the pond in the previous Fengshui treasure to prepare some fresh fish.

People without thought, he must worry about.

If Ma Yongqiang doesn't take advantage of the time when fish are easier to catch, he can catch more fresh fish and store them.

If you wait until winter comes later, all the fish in the pit will return to the deep sea area.

When that time comes, if you want to eat this delicious protein-rich fish, you still have to think about it in your dreams, which is more realistic.

Because I fell asleep, I had everything in my dream.

Now that Yu Tina has also moved to this new camp, all the small work in the camp will be handed over to Yu Tina.

Ma Yongqiang is still concentrating on preparing to collect some fish and meat food, so that the division of labor can be regarded as clear.

The male lead outside, the female lead inside.

With peace of mind, Ma Yongqiang spent the whole afternoon fishing in a down-to-earth manner.

Until the fly maggot bait is used up, almost half of the amount.

Only then was he satisfied with collecting the results of fishing all afternoon and wrapping them in Sun Hao's expensive coat.

I don't care about the fishy smell, which will pollute the top.

There are hundreds of fish, large and small.

After wrapping it in clothes, Ma Yongqiang took it in his hand and weighed it, reckoning it must weigh at least 20 catties.

With so much meat, in the days to come, let Ma Yongqiang think about it, and couldn't help but burst out.

Jie Jie Jie's strange laughter.

If bamboo shoots and kelp are added, if Ma Yongqiang and Yu Tina save some food, they can consume more than a catty of fish a day, which can almost ensure a balanced body nutrition.

With so much fish to eat sparingly, two people can consume almost half a month's worth of food.

Humming a little tune, Ma Yongqiang happily walked back towards the camp in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Tonight, Ma Yongqiang decided to have a good meal.

If you don't have a big meal, I'm sorry, I caught so many fish today.

After returning to the camp, Yu Tina was also completely stunned by so many fish brought back by Ma Yongqiang.

Yu Tina repeatedly confirmed with Ma Yongqiang, is this true?
Are you dreaming.

After Ma Yongqiang prepared all kinds of fish, Yu Tina swallowed them with a mouthful of fragrance.

Only at this moment did Yu Tina completely believe that she was really not dreaming.

Yu Tina burst into tears as she ate. Since she came to the island, there has never been a more pleasant surprise and peace of mind than this time.


Ma Yongqiang looked at Yu Tina who was like a greedy cat, her face was full of food residue, and she grinned widely.

Yu Tina laughed inexplicably, and couldn't help but ask Ma Yongqiang back.

"You don't eat, why are you laughing? What's on my face?"

Ma Yongqiang stopped his smile, stretched out his fingers affectionately, and wiped off the residue on the corner of Yu Tina's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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