Chapter 54 The Great Harvest

Ma Yongqiang, who was resting for a while, was really tormented by the feeling of hunger in his stomach.

Finally stood up to deal with the few small fish caught in the morning.

After processing, some fresh water is poured out from the bamboo tube where the fresh water is distilled and stored.

Then put the small fish into the bamboo tube that has just been poured with fresh water.

By the way, I cleaned some of the bamboo shoots I got back, and tore them into fine strips by hand.

Throw all the brains into the bamboo tube, put it on the fire, let the food flame be heated, and burst out the original aroma of the food.

Finally the food was cooked, and Ma Yongqiang felt the warmth in his stomach after gobbling it for a while. People are like iron, and rice is like steel.

This day is really too full, enough to make the muscles all over the body sore, and the legs and feet swell.

It was so comfortable that people lay on the ground and didn't want to get up. Even so, Ma Yongqiang got some firewood and arranged it in a line.

In this way, the burning time of the bonfire can be guaranteed to the greatest extent, so that you won't find that the fire is extinguished at a glance when you wake up tomorrow morning.

With his head resting on the bamboo he carried back, Ma Yongqiang fell asleep at some point, and had no dreams all night.

When he woke up the next morning, he felt a lot lighter all over his body. Ma Yongqiang moved his body casually on the beach a few times.

I did a set of simple radio gymnastics to stretch my muscles and bones.

I had a pretty good rest last night. After all, when people are extremely tired, it is especially easy to relax and fall into a deep sleep.

Then Ma Yongqiang collected some dew in the woods. After all, this thing is sweet and delicious, better than fresh water distilled from sea water.

The fresh water distilled from sea water always has the salty smell of the sea, which cannot be removed no matter what.

In comparison, pure nectar makes people drink more comfortably.

After all, in ancient times, nectar was considered a delicacy that could only be enjoyed by emperors and emperors.

In ancient times, Ganlu also had a beautiful legend.

According to legend, a long time ago, many evil spirits from the six realms roamed the world, hurting many people, and making people miserable. High-power mages from all walks of life came out to crusade against evil spirits, but to no avail.

Because these evil spirits are extremely angry and die, their resentment is so high that they cannot be killed cleanly.

The mages were exhausted, and finally fell down and sat cross-legged. Later, the Heavenly Court sent troops to help the battle, but the evil spirits were unable to appease their grievances. In addition, the evil spirits were killing other six realms, and another batch of six realms were full of resentment. The dead souls just like this More and more, the entire universe is darkened and wrapped in resentment.

Later, everyone knelt down and prayed to the Buddha to save the common people. Later, the Buddha looked at the cause of the world, and led all his disciples and all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who protect the Dharma to the lower realm to sprinkle rain and dew. Relieve the fire in the heart, make the life of drinking prolong life, and make the face radiant.

As long as people with kind hearts and good thoughts drink this water, they can get inner joy. After drinking this water, all ghosts can immediately resolve their grievances.

Later, Avalokitesvara often used this water to save suffering beings, and it was called Manna Water.

After all, the legend is a legend, but it cannot be regarded as a fact. The scientific method of explaining the nectar is yes.

Manna water refers to the liquid water in which the water vapor in the air condenses on the ground.In the evening or at night, due to radiation cooling on the ground or ground objects, the air layer close to the ground surface also cools down.

When its temperature drops below the dew point, that is, when the water vapor content in the air is supersaturated, water vapor will condense on the surface of the ground or features.If the dew point temperature at this time is above 0°C, tiny water droplets will appear on the ground or features called dew.

This legend is also explained from the side, the sweetness of nectar.

Therefore, Ma Yongqiang is willing to waste some time to collect a certain amount of nectar, unless there is no other way, to distill seawater and drink the distilled fresh water with a slightly salty smell.

After Ma Yongqiang collected some nectar, he took the fishing rod and continued to fish in the tidal pool.

According to Ma Yongqiang's vision, we should catch a few more today, whether they are kept in water bottles or stored after being smoked.

Anyway, try your best to catch more fish, so that you don't have to waste extra time building shelters to find food.

Ma Yongqiang looked at the little maggot bait left, and quickly bent forward to the place where the dead seabird was, collecting all the remaining tumbling maggots.

Looking at the dead seabirds with only skeletons left, Ma Yongqiang realized that this kind of bait for flies, maggots, and worms has not been around for a long time.

Maybe next time I have to find ways to raise some fly maggots.

In this way, he would not end up looking at the ocean and sighing at the tidal pool in that geomantic treasure land because there was no bait.

If it is because there is no bait for fishing in the end, it would be too unfair to starve myself.

Since Ma Yongqiang discovered this problem, the first condition must be to solve this problem.

And to breed maggots of flies, in this open-air environment, it should not be too simple.

It's just a child's play.

Let's just say it's the simplest one, although it's a bit disgusting.

Normal people no matter who?Always poop every day!

Although poop is very disgusting, flies like it.

So Ma Yongqiang is not too worried about this matter.

In his heart, Ma Yongqiang didn't intend to use poop to feed maggots. In that case, the fish he caught would always have a special smell.

Ma Yongqiang planned to use the fish corpses he caught and the viscera that had been dug out, and collect them together to make a special place for raising maggots.

Although it is also a maggot of a fly, doing it like this will make Ma Yongqiang more accepting in his heart.

After all, there is still a big difference between maggots that grew up eating shit and maggots that grew up eating meat.

Well, essentially there is not much difference.

But Ma Yongqiang couldn't help himself to comfort himself!

In this way, Ma Yongqiang, with his hook on his back and the bait, went to the tidal pool in that geomantic treasure land, ready to kill all directions.

To say that this Longkeng pool is really a face-saving one. In less than a morning, Ma Yongqiang has already caught thirty or forty fish.

It must be said that it was a bumper harvest day, according to Ma Yongqiang's current daily consumption.

Ma Yongqiang has been eating so many fish dogs for 2 to 3 days. Besides, it is impossible for Ma Yongqiang to eat only fish and some plant fibers.

For example, kelp and bamboo shoots, if you eat only fish, you will get tired of eating, so the combination of meat and vegetables can achieve balanced nutrition.

Looking at a large fish tank made of mineral water bottles in front of him, small fish that are not too big are swimming happily.

(End of this chapter)

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