Survival on the Island starts with a female boss

Chapter 40 Discovering the Bamboo Forest

Chapter 40 Discovering the Bamboo Forest
Ma Yongqiang looked at the time and found that it was past one o'clock in the afternoon. Then he tied the freshly baked stone ax to his back with a rope, and carried the stone ax on his back, which gave Ma Yongqiang an inexplicable confidence.

With his head held high and his chest held high, Ma Yongqiang explored the depths of the woods.

Ma Yongqiang waved a stone ax along the way like a warrior. With the addition of equipment, his forward speed has increased by more than one level.

When passing by the trigger mouse trap, I watched it carefully and found that none of the traps were triggered. It seems that the mouse activity is not frequent during the day. At night, it may be rewarding!
In the dense green woods, a man swung his arm and chopped the thorns blocking the way back and forth with an ax in his hand. Under the swing of the ax blade, countless thorns fell to the ground to make way for people to pass.

After slashing and clearing all the way, Ma Yongqiang stopped and explored in front of a verdant and tall bamboo forest.

The help of bamboo to survivors in the wild is undoubtedly a step forward, because having beads means that you can step into the civilization process further.

Fire: The skin of bamboo contains oil, which is particularly flammable.The wonderful use of bamboo When it is raining in the field and you can’t find dry firelighters, you can wipe the surface of the bamboo dry, scrape the skin of the bamboo into filaments with a knife, and use it as a firelighter. The effect is very good.

Daily necessities: Everyone should have eaten rice in bamboo tubes, right? Since bamboo tubes can be used for cooking, we can also use them to hold water when we are outdoors.Cut the bamboo with a larger diameter into a bamboo tube of 1.5-2 meters, and use a long sharpened stick to pierce through each bamboo node of the bamboo tube to become a water spoon (or soup spoon).This bamboo tube is suitable for taking water when the campsite is far away from the water source.Smaller bamboo can also be used to make a small water container, with a plug, which can be carried around.

The simplest rice in bamboo tubes can be made more complicated. It can be steamed in bamboo tubes or stewed in bamboo tubes. Bamboo is always the best choice when there is no iron pot in the wild, because the food made of bamboo not only tastes good , and it is very easy to chew and taste, very easy to digest, and will not cause indigestion due to half-baked food.

Bundle things: Children's shoes in the south should not be too unfamiliar with bamboo products such as bamboo hanging chairs, bamboo hats, and back baskets.In fact, these items are all woven from bamboo strips.Drawing on this usage, in outdoor activities, we can also choose bamboo that is not too old, cut out the tough skin of the bamboo, and cut it into bamboo strips of appropriate thickness according to needs, which can be used to bind objects.The bamboo rope made of many strands of bamboo can be used to climb cliffs.

Make a plank bed; sleep in a wet place, you can cut some thick bamboos, cut them into two-meter-long bamboo tubes, and use a machete to cut the bamboo knots at each knot.When cutting, it should be noted that the seam of each knot should not be in the same straight line. After all the knots are cut, use a knife to cut open the bamboo tube from one side of the bamboo tube, and step on it to get a bamboo raft. 2-3 pieces of bamboo rafts (depending on the size of the bamboo) can be made into a bed.The wonderful use of bamboo If there is no big bamboo, a few small bamboos can be used to spread them one by one, and they can also be used to make a bed board by binding them firmly with rattan or bamboo stalks.

Make bamboo rafts: Bamboo rafts play an important role in wilderness survival. Bamboo rafts can be used as a means of transportation to go down the river at a fast speed and save energy; bamboo rafts can be used as a tool for crossing rivers to help you reach your destination smoothly; bamboo rafts can also Use it as a fishing tool and provide you with food.When there is a choice, try to choose a thicker bamboo, and cut the bamboo into a suitable length with a chopping knife after felling; then choose three or four strong and thinner bamboos as the supporting structure of the bamboo raft.Next, arrange the bamboos neatly on the flat floor, and then fix the brackets and bamboos with ropes, and a simple bamboo raft is made.

Long-term supply of food: wild bamboo shoots, because of their fast growth cycle and good taste, are the best food for beginners in wild survival who do not know too many edible plants.

Making traps: Because of the softness of bamboo, if you find a bamboo forest when you live in the wild, try to choose some softer bamboos. Using the elasticity of bamboo, you can make simple and automatic fishing devices by the river and seaside. You can use the sharpness of the bamboo after it is sharpened, and sharpen the bamboo obliquely. The sharpness of the sharp bamboo tip can be compared to some simple iron tools. Whether it is making some trap cages or pit traps, it can be used than artifact.

In addition, the moment Ma Yongqiang saw the bamboo forest, a very perfect use appeared in his heart. With the magic weapon of bamboo, there is a high probability that he will not worry about the lack of fresh water in the future.

Ma Yongqiang couldn't hold back the joy in his heart, threw away the stone axe, ran towards the bamboo forest with excited shouts, threw himself on the bamboo pole, kissed the bamboo fiercely with his lips excitedly, and then hugged the bamboo Excitedly, he laughed loudly towards the sky.

This is just another village with no doubts and no way out, where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

Ma Yongqiang's gloomy mood for the past few days disappeared at this moment with the discovery of such a large bamboo forest. He hugged the bamboo and twitched his nose fiercely, breathing heavily into the bamboo forest, emitting a faint fragrance.

Finally, after Ma Yongqiang's excitement passed, he remembered and went to pick up the stone ax that he had just lost. Now Ma Yongqiang, the lumberjack, is officially on the line.

Ma Yongqiang, who turned into a lumberjack, found a relatively thick bamboo, pushed a simple stone axe, and chopped it evenly at the root of the bamboo with one, two, and three strokes.

With a click, Ma Yongqiang pushed gently with his hand, and a bamboo about tens of meters high slowly fell down and left the land where it grew.

Ma Yongqiang, who didn't stop at all, used an ax on the bamboo joints again, just like using a saw, sawing back and forth, leaving deep saw marks on the bamboo joints evenly, and laying stones under the bamboo joints. The bamboo snapped with a light tap of the hand.

Ma Yongqiang repeated the old tricks and broke some bamboos back and forth. The length of the bamboos was about three to four meters long. He was satisfied when he had earned a total of six or seven bamboos. He sat on the ground and took a rest.

Wiping the sweat off his face with his sleeve, he took out the mineral water bottle that Yu Tina handed to Ma Yongqiang before, took a few swigs, put the bottle away after drinking, and smacked his lips in satisfaction.

I also found some vine bark, tied the sawn bamboo into knots, and tried it on my shoulders. I felt that the weight was not too heavy, and it was acceptable.

He casually dug a few heads in the bamboo grove, and tied a rope to hang them around his neck. He patted the ax with satisfaction and stuffed it into his belt.

Then he picked up the newly grown bamboo, put it on his shoulders, and walked towards the outside of the forest step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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