Chapter 124 Killing the Enemy

After all, being able to kill enemies remotely on the battlefield is the most effective and labor-saving method.

It is also the most able to reduce the sequelae after fighting on the battlefield.

Although it sounds very addictive, people are not animals after all. Not to mention ordinary people, even soldiers who are new to the battlefield will not be able to stand such a scene, and even have a nervous breakdown.

Liu Peng collected some seaside shellfish and oysters and was going back to the cave.

The injuries on Liu Peng's body a few days ago have basically healed, at least they are completely invisible from the outside.

However, Liu Peng still had deep resentment towards Ma Yongqiang in his heart, and planned to give Ma Yongqiang a whole body bone massage sometime.

Help Ma Yongqiang loosen her bones completely, and let her understand that she was only a surprise attack by him last time, lost her position, and suffered some losses.

Otherwise, based on Ma Yongqiang's strength, he is really no match for Liu Peng.

Liu Peng was walking and suddenly a light flashed in front of him. It was as if he had been bitten by a poisonous snake in his abdomen, and it was such a pain.

After the pain passed, all the strength in his body was slowly withdrawn from his body.

Liu Peng lowered his head and looked at the thin bamboo strips trembling back and forth in his abdomen. He didn't know if it was plotted by someone or something unexpected happened.

I felt like my abdomen was being put into a meat grinder, and I fell to the ground slowly.

Ma Yongqiang saw that Liu Peng was hit by an arrow and fell down slowly. Only then did he boldly reveal his hidden body.

With a distorted smile on his face, a little crazy, and a little bit bloodthirsty.

Looking at Liu Peng who was falling slowly, Ma Yongqiang felt a little happy and an indescribable sense of satisfaction in his heart.

This may be the beast nature hidden deep in the human heart.

It's just that this kind of animal nature is completely suppressed by human nature in normal times, and it is difficult to fully display it.

If the animal side is infinitely magnified, then this person will completely become a demon. In his eyes, life is no longer an awe-inspiring existence, but a way to make fun.

Ma Yongqiang came back to his senses, and was taken aback by his mentality. He didn't understand why he saw Liu Peng hit by an arrow and lay on the ground bleeding.

There will be such a sense of satisfaction in my heart.

For a moment, Ma Yongqiang seemed to not recognize himself.

He was afraid, afraid that he would become a bloodthirsty demon.

I was afraid that this primitive impulse would hurt the people around me, but I couldn't resist the excitement in my heart, and fell into a state of confusion.

Wandering back and forth between self-blame and excitement.

This is also a kind of inner torture and self-punishment experienced by many people after going to the battlefield for the first time.

If it can be solved perfectly, using human nature to suppress animal nature, this person will become calmer in dealing with problems in the future.

If animal nature completely suppresses human nature, it cannot be said to become a complete bloodthirsty demon, it can only be said to become a bystander who treats life very indifferently.

In the future, this person will no longer be able to use rationality to look at problems normally, and more often will use violence to solve all problems.

Just like in the Three Kingdoms era, Lu Bu, a character who can be resolved by violence, will never reason with the other party.

No matter who the other party is?As long as you think that the other party hinders your development and has an influence on yourself, you can wave the weapon in your hand and go to the other party's head and sword.

In the end, Ma Yongqiang's human reason defeated the beast's nature.

Although Liu Peng is an enemy on the opposite side to Ma Yongqiang, human reason tells Ma Yongqiang that he still needs to stop the bleeding first, and after the wound is bandaged, whether Liu Peng will live or die depends on his own destiny.

The act of bandaging the wound was nothing more than an excuse for Ma Yongqiang to comfort himself psychologically.

If the opponent is an enemy, first of all, the abolition of the opponent's combat power is still the first necessary existence.

The great man once said that treating the enemy should be as cruel and ruthless as the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves.

(End of this chapter)

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