Chapter 12 Tina the Painted Cat
Ma Yongqiang took out the lighter in his pocket. This lighter was taken out of his pocket along with the half pack of cigarettes that had been smashed by the sea water.Although it is only a simple disposable electric lighter, the quality is quite good. After trying it, it can still catch fire.

Although less than half of the gas left in the lighter was still enough to light the bonfire.

Carefully lighting the dry leaves and leading the small branches, a blazing bonfire crackled on the beach.

Yu Tina looked at Ma Yongqiang's slowly rising bonfire, and touched her stomach that had been grunting for a long time, her heart pressed against her back, and her stomach was already rumbling with hunger.

He bent down and collected some dry branches on the beach, walked to the campfire with the dry branches in his arms, put down the branches in his hand, and urged Ma Yongqiang with a somewhat urging look:

"Ma Yongqiang! How about I look at this bonfire here? Or go get some food, after all, we haven't eaten food for two days, just get some sea fish, crabs, whatever, let's start Put your stomach on it! Then you will have the strength to wait for rescue, don't you think?"

Ma Yongqiang was already so hungry that his eyes stared like gold stars, and his limbs were weak. After all, men's digestion ability is a little faster than women's.After rubbing his aching stomach, he put down the dry firewood he was about to add to the campfire.

He nodded towards Yu Tina and responded:
"Okay, that's all there is now, Mr. Yu, take care of the fire, I'll go to the beach to find something to eat."

Ma Yongqiang got up and walked to the beach after the low tide, praying in his heart, hoping to find some seafood stranded on the beach! , To be able to realize the freedom of seafood is now the biggest wish in Ma Yongqiang's heart.

At this time, Yu Tina, who was guarding the bonfire, was in a hurry. Yu Tina, who was born in a big city since she was a child, would not make a fire!Throw all the big and small wet and dry firewood on the campfire at once.

The flames that were originally burning were directly extinguished by Yu Tina's brilliant operation, and a pile of bonfires that were originally good instantly burst into billowing black smoke. This operation directly skipped the bonfire and ignited it smoke.

Anyone who saw it had to yell.Xiuer!is it you?
Fortunately, Ma Yongqiang didn't see it. If Ma Yongqiang saw it, he wouldn't be so angry that he would faint.

Yu Lina wiped off the sweat and choked tears on her face with her hands covered in black ash. In a hurry, she fanned the wind and added firewood. A little fire meow.

If you are a friend who has lived in the countryside, you should all know that life in the wild requires attention to randomness, leaving enough air intakes for the fire to allow the air to flow quickly.

As long as you have learned the basic knowledge of physics, you should know that it is impossible to ignite the flame without oxygen entering the circulation.

And it just so happens that our heroine Yu Tina is a high-end person who knows nothing about common sense in life, and she adds firewood to the fire on her own, regardless of whether there are gaps reserved for air circulation.I can't wait to block all the gaps.

So now Yu Tina was about to cry, not because she was embarrassed, but because of the smoke, because the smoke was so choking!

The teardrops rolled down to reveal the tear stains on the clean face, plus the black and gray face is more beautiful than the painted face cat, plus a pair of cat ears, a proper cat girl!
Ma Yongqiang was trying hard to find the stranded seafood on the beach, when he suddenly heard Yu Tina who was coughing and coughing from the smoke behind him, turned around and saw Yu Tina's dark face, which was almost as black as that of an African, I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Although there were no seafood products that were stranded on the beach, I was a little disappointed, but when I saw Yu Tina's entire face at this time, only a pair of eyes and a row of white teeth were recognizable, I couldn't help laughing. The happy time instantly dispelled the disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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