Desert Island Records: PUBG

Chapter 31 A Sunny Morning

Chapter 31 A Sunny Morning

After confirming that there was really no brighter light, Zhou Hui returned to the island forest without much disappointment. He no longer relied on the weather to improve, and began to think of ways to deal with the severe cold temperature and weather.

He first used stones on the beach to surround a fire ring similar to that in the tent as the periphery of the fire, lit a fire in the fire ring, and then collected a large group of weeds with moisture from the jungle.

The weeds were not for burning, but Zhou Hui wanted to use the weeds as a quilt for sleeping at night, so he collected some and put them around the fire to bake off the moisture.

Although this process is a waste of time, fortunately, it does not waste energy, and he has a lot of time now.

After a long time, the burning flames dried up large clumps of hay, and burned a lot of dry firewood without a lot of white smoke.

Looking boredly at the brighter sky at noon, but the clear clouds that could not see the sun, Zhou Hui intuitively thought that there would be no big gains today.

As a result, until the sky really darkened, there was no big harvest, no coconuts fell from the coconut trees, and no other new food was found, and shells and other islands were still obtained from the reef. One end of kelp, and several green round fruits.

After the sky was completely dark, Zhou Hui listened to the sound of the sea wind outside, sat silently in the dim tent, silently facing the burning fire surrounded by the surrounding shadows, silently and silently.

To be honest, after only a few days on this desert island, he was already exhausted.

In the beginning, it was indeed difficult to survive. He also had a strong will to survive, but the will belongs to the will. The human body is not made of iron. It does not mean that as long as there is a strong will, it can drive the body to move.

He, an urbanite who is used to living in the city, can survive in the primitive and harsh environment so easily. Even if he survives, he will not adapt.

There is hard work in the city, but there is also entertainment, food, temperature, houses, mobile phones, games, and novels, but on a desert island, he only has hard work.

Even the expected thing of being able to go swimming in the sea in a clear weather was not possible. Swimming in such a cold temperature is a cold and fever, and then a dead end.

Phew... While thinking, Zhou Hui suddenly let out a breath, then quietly looked at the fire in front of him for a few seconds, and then clapped his palms heavily.

After a little refreshment, he decided to find something to do for himself tomorrow, preferably something interesting to do.

The body is hardware, the spirit is software, and neither of them can be missing. He believes that if he sinks slowly like this, even if he has overcome the initial difficulties, he will gradually despair on the island because of the sinking of the spirit. , and finally face death.

Live on, yes, live on... Repeatedly thinking in his heart, Zhou Hui quickly finished today's dinner, then covered himself with hay that had been dried during the day, and fell asleep peacefully in a warmer environment than yesterday.

Before going to bed, Zhou Hui was still thinking about the beauties in the city, and imagining what interesting things he could find to do the next morning—he thought so.

However, when the night passed and the day came again, he woke up before he could find anything interesting to do, when he first heard the sound of rain falling overhead.

It seems that last night's plan will be temporarily shelved.

It's just...Zhou Hui looked at the empty small iron pot for a long time, but couldn't find any delicious food.

Breakfast is gone.

Then, lunch is gone!

After a long time, probably at noon, Zhou Hui looked outside at the raindrops that didn't stop for a moment, and protested because his stomach didn't get the food it should have, which also made his face a little ugly.

I don't know how long it took, but the rain became lighter.

Not waiting for anyone to be happy, when he was about to go out, the light rain quickly became heavier, and then turned into heavy rain and wind again, and the tent that was blowing directly was making noise.

Another very important thing is that it has been raining for a long time, for a long time, so that in the cracks of the foundation stones piled up with stones below me, I can vaguely see water flowing and cold air rising.

Fortunately, the foundation was built on the second floor, and the height of the stones on the first floor probably allowed him to sit in the water.

In the end, dinner was gone...

Zhou Hui, who had been sitting in the tent for a whole day, watched helplessly as the last light outside disappeared, but there was nothing he could do.

In the dark night, Zhou Hui boiled a pot of hot water, and when the hot water cooled a bit, he poured the slightly hot water into his stomach one at a time, so that his stomach felt warm and had an illusory sense of saturation.

Today, he fell asleep in a worse environment than yesterday, colder, hungry, and restless.

In the dark night, he woke up several times due to hunger, cold or other reasons, and fell asleep again listening to the sound of heavy rain that symbolized the coldness and ruthlessness...


the next day.

Upon waking up, Zhou Hui instinctively felt that something was wrong with his surroundings.

In the past, the surrounding area was cold when he woke up, and his body was shivering from the cold, but this time it was a little different, not that there was no cold, but that the cold seemed to gather under his body, as for the top... it seemed to be surrounded by coldness. Get warm?
I had this feeling before I opened my eyes, and when I opened my eyes, Zhou Hui saw a bright, slightly dazzling light.

Zhou Hui was stunned, and suddenly looked up, and saw the door made of tree branches at the entrance of the tent. Bright or more dazzling white light quietly penetrated through the gaps between the branches, shining in the tent.


Seeing such a scene, he didn't blink his eyes, then slowly stretched out his hand and touched the light that came in. He felt as if he hadn't touched it, but he felt as if he had touched the warm sunshine.

Zhou Hui got up in a daze, pushed open the wooden door of the tent, and found that there was a lot of sunlight shining down from the sky above his head, which was not shaded by trees.

Instinctively squinting his eyes and lowering his head, when he raised his head again, he looked forward, which was the direction of the beach.

First, there are a large number of leaves and trees that cover the land with shadows but enough to see clearly, and then in front of it, outside the dense forest, the surroundings suddenly open up, only the sandy beach illuminated by the bright and hot sun.

(End of this chapter)

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