Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 83 I Don't Like This Village Chief

Chapter 83 I Don't Like This Village Chief
The majestic Mount Tai is the head of Dongyue.

At the foot of Mount Tai, there is a prefecture-level city called Mount Tai City.

Relying on mountains and eating mountains, Taishan City's economy mainly relies on Taishan tourism. It receives more than 400 million tourists a year and realizes tourism income of more than 200 billion.

In the suburbs ten miles away in the northwest of Taishan City, there is an inconspicuous small factory called Zhengde Incubator Factory. The incubators produced by the small factory account for more than 30% of the incubator market in Qilu Province.

Under Li Hong's guidance, Zhao Qingshan came to Zhengde Incubation Machine Factory. After some investigation, he knew that the equipment produced by this factory was still reliable.

Therefore, Zhao Qingshan decided to use the equipment of their factory.

Because it is a genuine manufacturer, the price of the incubator is higher than that of other brands. An incubator with an egg capacity of 500 eggs costs [-].In fact, there are some miscellaneous brands on the market, and you can buy an incubator with a capacity of [-] eggs for [-] yuan.

There was no need for Zhao Qingshan to buy some poor-quality equipment in order to save some money, and then signed an order contract with Zhengde Incubation Machine Factory at that time.

Zhao Qingshan ordered a total of 21 incubators with a capacity of 1000 eggs, paid a deposit of [-] yuan, and then delivered them one month later.

Returning from Taishan to Luzhong, back to his nest, Fenghuangling Village, Zhao Qingshan immediately went to find Liu Mingcai, the head of Fenghuangling Village.

According to seniority, Zhao Qingshan should call Liu Mingcai Second Grandpa.

"Second Grandpa, did you drink good tea?"

In the village committee compound, Liu Mingcai's office is located in the two easternmost rooms, next to him is the accounting office, the middle two are table tennis rooms, and the westernmost two are warehouses.

There are only seven red-brick and red-tiled houses in the square courtyard. This is the village committee compound of Fenghuangling Village. There are only two permanent residents in it, a village chief and an accountant.

The Family Planning Squad and the Public Security Squad are well-known, but they don’t have to come to work every day, they come to meetings when they have something to do, and when they are free, those who should farm the land and those who should work part-time work.

Fenghuangling Village is a small village, and there is not much profit and water, and the little profit and water that is there are all occupied by Liu Mingcai, and the accountant Sun Wei, who is close, does not get much glory.

The small village is poor, and the village committee has no money to buy a car. Compared with Zhaizi Village, which is also Zhaizi Township, there is a big gap.

In 2003, in Zhaizi Township, several larger and richer villages bought cars.

The income of the village mainly comes from the income of the village in the "Three Unification and Five Plans".Of course, there are three unifications and five unifications, which are also called three mentions and five unifications.

Before 2006, the state did not carry out rural tax and fee reforms, and then the main sources of financial income in the villages were provident funds, public welfare funds and collective management fees; while in the township-level finances were family planning, special care, militia training, rural road construction and education costs.

It costs tens of yuan per person, and only about 30.00% of them fall into the village.A small village like Fenghuangling can have a few thousand dollars a year in funding.Except for the normal maintenance of various tasks in the village, the rest of the money fell into the pocket of the village head.

Only when Liu Ming saw Zhao Qingshan coming, he hurriedly stood up.

"How can I have good tea here? Your big boss Qingshan doesn't often come to your second grandpa to sit and send some good tea to your second grandfather. Can I have good tea?"

"Hahaha, second grandpa, didn't this come for you? The top-notch Tieguanyin, try it."

While talking, Zhao Qingshan opened the package and made a pot of tea for Liu Mingcai.

Liu Mingcai looked at Zhao Qingshan with a smile, and asked: "Qingshan, you don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, so come to me today, what's the matter?"

Sitting opposite Liu Mingcai, Zhao Qingshan looked at Liu Mingcai with the same smile, and said, "Second Grandpa, I really have something to discuss with you. I want to contract the gravel ridge at the foot of Dongling Mountain to the north. Take a look. ,How about it?"

"That's easy to say, Qingshan, our country has a policy that allows some people to get rich first. The area of ​​the Suishi Ridge is not small. Are you going to contract it all?"

"Yes, contract them all!" Zhao Qingshan's attitude was very firm.

Then Liu Mingcai showed a strange smile on his face and said: "It's a good thing to contract all of them, but our contracting fee must be explained clearly. We can't be as cheap as the original contracting of apple orchards in 84. Our village collectives are everywhere. You have to spend money, and the next step, you big households, have to support the work in the village."

Hearing Liu Mingcai talk about the contracting fee, Zhao Qingshan thought to himself: In the entire Zhaizi Township, the contracting fee per square meter is only three yuan a year for the best places and the flattest land, and generally in remote places, It costs only fifty cents per square meter.

Therefore, like the gravel ridge, the price of [-] cents per square meter is reasonable for places that were not contracted before.

"Second Grandpa, tell me the price, it's fine, let's be with whom."

Liu Ming showed embarrassment, and then seemed to muster up a lot of courage: "Well, otherwise, it costs one yuan per square meter, and that piece of land belongs to your family. I also know that that piece of land costs one yuan per square meter. , but you have to know that our village doesn’t even have tap water now. The land has a total of 2 acres, [-] square meters, and you will be charged [-] yuan a year. I can just give this money to the young and old in the village. Connect to the tap water and eat."

Zhao Qingshan nodded slowly: "It turns out that the second grandpa was thinking about this problem, then you charge fifty cents, and I donate 1 yuan to the village, can you help connect the tap water?"

"That can't be done, oh, if you donate money, everyone in the village owes you favors, how will the villagers pay you back? Ah, it's not right to do this, you have to consider other people's feelings, you know Qingshan. This matter ah , you just listen to me."

It can be seen that Liu Mingcai doesn't like Zhao Qingshan's family very much in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't have raised the contract price explicitly.

As for Zhao Qingshan, he felt that although the contract price was expensive, it was still within his own tolerance, so he nodded his head and said: "Okay, Second Grandpa, then we will follow the price you said, and you will give me the price." Open more contract years, don't have to change the contract at that time."

"This one, easy to talk about."

Seeing that Liu Mingcai was busy writing the contract, Zhao Qingshan began to plan something in his heart.

Liu Mingcai is too old and cunning, the next step is to change the village chief.Looking at the village, who should be the village head, who can not only convince the public, but also listen to his own words?
Suddenly, Zhao Qingshan thought of someone, and that was his neighbor, Cao Mingren!
(End of this chapter)

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