Chapter 44
With Zhao Qingshan's support, his former roommates happily played online games, and soon established contact with each other, and friendship was also accumulated in the daily games.The next step is to meet up, have a meal, and keep in touch. This friend will be considered as a friend.

Every year in winter, when the mountains are covered by heavy snow, the people in the countryside have nothing to do, and everyone’s daily life is drinking tea and chatting to pass the time.

Although the original farmers had the hard work of sweating the grass, they also had the leisure in winter.

And in winter, there are more sunny days, and the old men like to go to the south wall of the village committee yard to bask in the sun wrapped in cotton jackets and trousers, carrying dry pipes.

Rural life used to be leisurely, slow-paced, quiet and joyful.

However, with the increasing pressure from all aspects, everyone's sense of urgency to make money became stronger and stronger. Even at the end of the year, few farmers had any free time.

Everyone is busy making money, but the farmers are still poor.Even if you feel that you have earned enough money to spend your whole life, after a few years, high inflation will make your money less and less valuable.

In the blink of an eye, the end of the year has seen overwhelming coverage of SARS on TV and the Internet.

Zhao Qingshan knew that when he returned to school after the holiday, his roommate Zhang Tao and the others could only play games every day.

However, in the previous life, my friends didn't have any economic sense. Playing this online game was purely for fun and to pass the time.

There is a lot of time in the university, and there are only a few simple courses in each semester. There are only a dozen classes in a week, and the rest of the time is free.If you don't find something to do, this university is really difficult.

Just listening to the names in Zhao Qingshan's dormitory, it is easy to draw the conclusion that these people are basically from the countryside.

Boys in rural areas are generally more honest, and they don't have the confidence to take the initiative to chase girls.

Moreover, in 2002, the proportion of falling in love in college was not as high as later. No one had a boyfriend or girlfriend, and no one made jokes.Unlike now, sometimes I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and I feel ashamed.

So, Zhao Qingshan's roommates began to pass the time by playing games.

To say that this online game is really addictive.

However, while being addicted, there are indeed Taoism in this online game, which can make money.

In two or three years, when World of Warcraft goes public, at the Dajintuan studio at that time, one person can earn hundreds of dollars a day, and tens of thousands of dollars a month will be very easy.

After a month of exploration, the game level of Zhao Qingshan and his friends has reached level 102.

In 2002, almost the most difficult thing to play in most online games was to upgrade.This is different from later games.

Later, Big Talk 2 was also revised, and after a few days of casual play, it reached the second turn.

Zhao Qingshan and his roommate from the previous life, just like going to work, play games for about six hours a day just to upgrade.

After everyone reached level 102, Zhao Qingshan led everyone to play game coins every day, and then sold them to offline players.

In 2002, online transactions were not as convenient as later generations. There was no WeChat transfer or anything, and then you could only go to the bank to check in.

Although it is said that there are not as many local tyrants who play Dahua 2 as Fantastic, there are still some. Zhao Qingshan and the others sold the game coins easily.

After selling game coins a few times, Zhao Qingshan's classmates discovered that this thing is really profitable.

In Dahua 2, a skilled ring runner can run more than 300 million Dahua coins in an hour, and the 300 million can be sold for 30 yuan.As for the cost, if you surf the Internet at an Internet cafe, you will be charged 1 yuan for 1 hour of Internet access, and 4 cents for the game point card, making a net profit of 28 yuan and 6 cents.

Therefore, Zhang Tao and the others significantly increased the time spent playing games, and the time spent on games can reach ten hours a day.

After the winter vacation, Zhang Tao and the others were not in a hurry to go home, but stayed in school and continued to make money.

Now they can earn more than 200 yuan a day by playing games, and they have directly become the richest money among the students.

You must know that in 2002, the wages of migrant workers were only 30 to [-] yuan a day.

Zhao Qingshan and his brothers were flourishing in the game. In a blink of an eye, it was the Chinese New Year time, and then all the roommates went home, and Zhao Qingshan also shifted the focus of his life to the busy year.

Put the game aside for the time being and let Liu Tao help him play.Liu Tao also knows that playing games can make money. Zhao Qingshan is worried that all the young people in the village know how to make money by playing games, and he will not be able to recruit people in the next step.

On the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month in the Renwu year, January 2003th in 1 in the Gregorian calendar, tomorrow is New Year's Eve. In the mountain village, the sound of firecrackers can be heard from time to time.

Zhao Qingshan's family bought a lot of firecrackers from the Damiao market in the neighboring village. The firecrackers alone cost more than 300 yuan.In addition, Zhao Zhijiang brought back a pig's head, and a set of pigs was thrown into the water.

Today in the yard, Zhao Zhijiang set up a big pot, ready to boil the pig's head and pig offal.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, Zhao Qingshan entrusted someone to deliver a letter to Liu Yutang, asking him to come home today to collect the money.He owed Liu Yutang 5000 yuan in construction money, and it was time to give it to others.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Liu Yutang came to Zhao Qingshan's chicken farm with a black leather bag and followed by his son Liu Qiang.

"Brother Zhijiang, happy new year, your family has made a fortune this year."

Zhao Zhijiang was depilating the pig's head with rosin, when he raised his head, he said with a smile, "Yutang is here, Shanzi, your Uncle Yutang is here."

Zhao Qingshan has the final say on the Zhao family's money now.A few days ago, he spent 10 yuan to buy a lot of honeysuckle, and now he still has more than 12 in his hand. After giving Liu Yutang 5, he still has more than [-] in his hand.

In 2002, if you had a thousand children with 800 yuan, you could live a whole year.At this time, the New Year's money for children in the countryside is only ten yuan, and it doesn't cost much.

Zhao Qingshan was lighting the fire, when he saw Liu Yutang coming, he quickly stood up and greeted the two of them into the house with a smile.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the weather is getting warmer day by day, and the snowy fields on the ground have become less and less.

After entering the house, Zhang Huifen was busy making tea and water for Liu Yutang, while Zhao Qingshan went to the back room, took out the bundled 5000 yuan, and placed it in front of Liu Yutang.

"Uncle, let's settle the accounts clearly with my father, please do a little bit."

"Okay, I'll order."

Liu Yutang smiled and counted the banknotes, quickly finished counting, looked up at Zhao Qingshan: "Shanzi, didn't you give your uncle an extra one?"

"Hahaha, yes, look at our stingy family."

"Okay, Shanzi, you are busy, let's go."

Because Liu Yutang had to go home with the money to pay his subordinates, Zhao Zhijiang couldn't keep him, so he sent him down the mountain.

Zhao Zhijiang cleaned up the pig's head, added the pig's offal, put them together in a large iron pot, and started to cook.

"Oh, we bought enough New Year's goods this year, tomorrow will be thirty, Shanzi, you have to send some New Year's goods to your grandma's house."

Zhao Qingshan nodded, expressing agreement with his mother's words.

(End of this chapter)

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