Chapter 38
A chicken pecking at the anus caused the loss of more than 3000 chickens in He Zhongheng's farm.

Moreover, because of chicken disease, the feed intake in the large flock plummeted, and it took almost three days to return to normal levels.

All of this will increase the meat-to-feed ratio of He Zhongheng's chickens.

Feed costs have risen, and so many chickens weighing two catties have been lost. It can be said that He Zhongheng will definitely lose money for this batch of chickens.

As for how much to pay, it depends on the situation of these chickens in the future.

Judging from the current situation, He Zhongheng's chickens will have to wait another 23 or [-] days for the chickens to be slaughtered.

It's going to snow soon, and when the snow covers the mountain, cars outside can't get in, it will be very difficult for these chickens to sell.

Calculating before and after, He Zhongheng actually ignored the fact that it was snowing.

In fact, Zhao Qingshan didn't realize the impact of the heavy snow before it was about to snow.

In the past few days, He Zhongheng's family has been worried almost every day. The whole family is about to suffer from depression.

Let's talk about Zhao Qingshan's family, after selling a batch of market broiler chickens, they immediately began to plan for the next step.

It is also a good idea to raise another batch of contract chickens while the white-feather chicken market is hot.But on the one hand, considering the snow, on the other hand, Zhao Qingshan suddenly realized that an extremely important event will come, which will affect the whole society, and it will also have a great impact on the breeding industry.

That social event was SARS.

Throughout the first half of 2003, because of the impact of SARS and the hype of the media, the whole society was in a state of panic.

No one can explain how SARS came about and why it is so contagious.

All kinds of rumors are flying, some say that eating chicken can also cause SARS, and then the price of chicken has plummeted, and no one has bought it yet.

In the end, after the civet cat took the blame, the whole society slowly came out of fear.

This social incident, which caused great repercussions in the future, ended on July 2003, 7.

The whole society is fighting against SARS. In each village, special personnel are arranged to guard, holding a backpack sprayer, and lime is sprinkled on the ground. You have to check it again, it's the same as anti-secret agents.

Although it is said that SARS is indeed terrible, but it has made the people of the whole country panic, and it is indeed suspected of excessive propaganda.

Zhao Qingshan knew that throughout the first half of 2003, raising chickens had no future.Not only raising chickens, but raising anything has no future.

If you want to say what you did to make money in 2003, it was planting herbs.

The original 30 yuan per kilogram of honeysuckle rose to [-] during SARS, and the original price of a few yuan per kilogram of Cangzhu rose to [-].

During the SARS period, some people took the opportunity to make money in the country.

At that time, Zhao Qingshan was still in his freshman year, and then some of them had a cold and fever, and each of them was so frightened that they thought they had SARS, and they were so depressed that they made people pitiful.However, many people around were also worried that the dejected person was also SARS, so they hid far away and did not dare to approach.Then in the school, the temperature of the students is taken every day. If it exceeds 38 degrees, no matter what the temperature is 21 or [-], they will be quarantined first.

At that time, everyone panicked, but some people were thinking about how to make money.A classmate of Zhao Qingshan got a batch of masks from somewhere, and they cost [-] cents a piece, but they sold like crazy for [-] yuan apiece.Selling off the goods directly, and even more legendary, a girl actually slept with him once in order to buy a mask.

Panic makes people do ridiculous things, but the media always likes to do things that make the public panic.

With money in hand, next, Zhao Qingshan decided to do something to make a living.However, it has nothing to do with raising chickens.

Zhao Qingshan decided to collect a batch of Chinese herbal medicines.About two hundred miles away from my home, there is a honeysuckle trading center called Pingba County, where the supply and sales are booming.As for Zhao Qingshan, he decided to hoard honeysuckle.

Zhao Qingshan knows that the price of honeysuckle will skyrocket next year, but what is puzzling is that at this stage, the price of honeysuckle is going down, from 30 yuan per kilogram to 25 yuan per kilogram.

In fact, the price of honeysuckle, from 1998 to the end of 2002, has been running in the space between 30 and 50 yuan.However, as the Ministry of Health announced in 2003 that each prescription of SARS must contain honeysuckle, the price of honeysuckle suddenly skyrocketed, from less than 30 yuan per kilogram to a maximum of 320 yuan per kilogram.

In 2002, two days before Thanksgiving in the West, Zhao Qingshan drove his family's tricycle and followed Zhao Zhijiang to Pingba County.

Hearing that the current price of honeysuckle is only around [-] yuan per catty, Zhao Qingshan did not hesitate much, and verbally agreed on a purchase agreement with several relatively large honeysuckle sales stations.

Returning to Laigang County from Pingba County, without further ado, Zhao Qingshan wrote a withdrawal application to the Rural Credit Cooperative, intending to withdraw [-] yuan tomorrow.

Back home, he saw that the chicken manure in the chicken coop had been cleaned out and piled up on the wasteland at the foot of Dongling Mountain. Then Zhao Qingshan was busy riding his motorcycle to Huangzhuang Township to find the contracted orchard growers and sell them. The chicken manure went.

Chicken ring fertilizer is very sought-after. After finding a buyer, discussing the price and the time of transaction, Zhao Qingshan returned to the chicken farm in Dongling.

The Zhao family still has three employees, so it is obviously inappropriate to give them a paid winter vacation, and if they have nothing to do to report by name every day, that is not good, since I am not a welfare institution, and employees cannot create profits for themselves. It's not the employee's problem, it's the boss's problem.

Standing on the top of Dongling Mountain, looking to the east, Zhao Qingshan can vaguely see a relatively high mountain peak, and that mountain peak is Qishan Mountain.

Qishan Fried Chicken is quite famous in the entire Luzhong area. Many people from Quancheng and Taishan City come to Qishan to have a special meal of Qishan Fried Chicken.

After connecting with Qishan Fried Chicken Restaurant in the next step, it will bring me a lot of profit growth points.

Moreover, the [-]-acre apple orchard in my home is basically abandoned now, and how to use it in the next step is also a topic.

Zhao Qingshan changed his mind and decided to buy a thousand native roosters. After they were raised, they would be sold to Qishan's fried chicken shop next.

The roosters used as ingredients in Qishan Fried Chicken Restaurant are all local roosters weighing more than six catties.

Some people may not understand what a native chicken is. The native chicken does not mean local chicken.For example, the local chicken mentioned in Laigang County, Luzhong City may be a breed of Guangdong Province.The so-called native chicken is a concept relative to meat chicken.The local breed of chicken in central Shandong is actually a breed of grass chicken whose maximum weight can only grow to about 4 jin.This kind of grass chicken was gradually eliminated due to the introduction of Hongyu, No-Ma chicken and other breeds.

Zhao Qingshan made many inquiries, and contacted a thousand No-Ma chickens from Sidian Town, Ning'an County, Taishan City, and asked his father Zhao Zhijiang to buy them himself, while he took 10 yuan and bought four in Pingba County Tons of honeysuckle were all transported to Dongling Chicken Farm and placed in the southernmost chicken shed.

Wait for another half a year, these four tons of honeysuckle will be worth more than 100 million. I have to hurry up and make a lot of money, because Zhao Qingshan wants to get them before the sand in the North River is dug up and the stones in the South Mountain are mined. They are all contracted and protected, so that their hometown will always maintain green water and green mountains.

This is the greatest meaning of being reborn.

(End of this chapter)

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