Fengcheng old events

Chapter 36 Take 1 step

Chapter 36 Take a Step (Please recommend for collection)
Biscuits, fruits, canned food, frozen meat, fermented bean curd, soy sauce, salt, vinegar, brown sugar and white sugar, hard fruit candy, preserved eggs, sausage bread, and farm tools and bicycles.

The tall black-painted bicycle was polished and placed in the most conspicuous place, even the sewing machine could not be compared with it.It is the most shining star luxury car in the 4S shop of later generations.

At this moment, a pound of corn is more than four cents.In the store, a catty of biscuits is about [-] cents, and [-] taels of food stamps (later, a catty of food stamps is required).The price of pork is about the same as that of corn.

Although tickets have been used for everything, in fact, in 61, non-staple food products were still sold without tickets, but they were more expensive.Biscuits are 13 yuan, one catty, and two pieces of pork.

Tickets are required for big-ticket commodities like bicycles. There are Baishan, Fenghuang, and Yongjiu brands in Liaodong. The price is between 75 and [-].

At that time, it was hard to get a ticket for industrial goods, and you had to wait in line to go through the back door.

By 62, a black market began to appear among the people, reselling food stamps and various short-selling tickets, and there were also commodities.Food stamps are three yuan a catty, corn is three yuan a pound, and Phoenix bicycles are six hundred and twenty.

By 75, the price of bicycles on the black market had dropped, Dongfanghong (Baishan changed its name) was [-] yuan, and Phoenix was [-] yuan.It will always be Rolls-Royce, and you have to wait for the goods with the ticket.

"Buy something?" The salesperson sat by the door, knitting a sweater.

This is one of the most awesome group of people in this era: stethoscope, steering wheel, civil affairs cadres, salespersons.

They have face and resources, and in the city they can be brothers and sisters with bureau chiefs and division chiefs outside the system. In rural areas, procurement, supply and marketing are integrated, and the cooperative controls all the content of purchase, pricing, supply and sales, and has considerable power.

The reason why the civil affairs cadres are awesome is that there was no labor bureau and personnel bureau at that time, and all manpower mobilization work arrangements were the work of the civil affairs bureau.

Zhang Jingyi hesitated for a moment: "The child is hungry and wants to buy something to eat."

The salesperson turned his head and looked at Zhang Jingyi: "How old is the child?"

Zhang Jingyi said: "It's Eleven, girl. Her father died early, I'm not capable, I can't work, and now I don't have enough food."

The salesperson curled her lips and stood up with a sigh: "It's not easy. Get some biscuits, it's cheap, and you're hungry. Do you have any food stamps?"

Zhang Jingyi shook his head: "There are no food stamps, no points. There are other tickets."

Food stamps are not divided, and they are basically not used in rural areas. Food is distributed according to the amount of food, there are no restaurants, and farmers basically do not travel far.

At that time, farmers who went far away also brought pickled vegetables with them, and they asked for a bowl of hot water wherever they went.

In the city, food stamps are even more important than money, or another kind of money.Food stamps are life, without food stamps you will starve to death, there is no other way to go.

Food stamps can be exchanged for remaining food, and you can go to the food department to apply for a long trip.But in rural areas, there is basically no replacement, and there is not enough food to eat.

The salesperson looked inside the counter, thought for a while and said, "If the biscuits don't have food stamps, let's count it as ten yuan, candy or something? This fermented bean curd is good for dinner. Do you have a non-staple food ticket?"

Zhang Jingyi thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, let's buy some."

Weighed two catties of biscuits, took five pieces of fermented bean curd, bought a sausage, two pieces of bread, and a few pieces of hard candy.

Because there were no food stamps, it cost 27 yuan and [-] cents.According to Zhang Jingyi's work points, it would take her two years to earn enough money without eating or drinking.

The salesperson said, "You are not short of money. What did you do at home?"

Zhang Jingyi said: "In the city before, my husband was a cadre, and then died of illness."

The salesperson had a serious expression on his face, but he still said: "You pack it well, don't make it too obvious, and let the children eat it secretly at home and don't take it out."

Zhang Jingyi smiled and said thank you. The salesperson said, "It's not easy. If you want to buy anything in the future, come to me. My name is Huang."

Wrapping things in his coat, Zhang Jingyi hurried home.

"Eat it, you two. If you say you can't take it out, just eat it quietly in the house, remember? Don't say it when you go out."

After thinking about it, he took half a catty of biscuits out with wrapping paper, went out of the house to the west, and entered Zhang's house.The sister-in-law of the Zhang family was mending the child's clothes on the kang, and Zhang Jingyi put the biscuits on the kang: "Jin Bao'er is hungry, so I bought some biscuits for the child to eat."

Zhang's sister-in-law looked at Zhang Jingyi: "Where did you get the food stamps?"

Zhang Jingyi said: "If you don't have food stamps, you can sell them even if you don't have food stamps."

The sister-in-law of the Zhang family raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Are you willing to give up more than ten yuan a catty? Oh my god, Jing Yi, are you not worth it?"

Zhang Jingyi said: "When my husband left, the Anton government gave some money, and I kept it."

Zhang's sister-in-law put the needle in her clothes and put it aside, and moved to the edge of the kang: "Jing Yi, I know you used to be a big wife, and you have never worked or suffered. It is not easy now, but you can't be careless." Ah, you go out to spend money so blatantly, is it because you are afraid that others will not follow you?

Stupid thing, a catty of biscuits costs ten yuan, how much work points do we have for a year?If you have money, you keep it, hide it well, and don't even show your children, understand?It's hard to say how to change it, there has to be a way out, isn't it? "

Zhang Jingyi said: "There is not enough food, and the child is hungry. I am a mother, and the child has suffered."

The sister-in-law of the Zhang family sighed, thought for a while and said, "Why don't you, Jing Yi, go find your family members. There is an old man in the family who is better than you. At least he can fill the child's stomach. What do you think?" Woolen cloth?"

Zhang Jingyi shook his head: "I don't know. I have two children here, who would be willing to be so burdened."

The sister-in-law of the Zhang family said: "If you can believe it, Lao Zhang and I will help you think about it. You have to take this step sooner or later, so as to save the child from suffering a few days. I know you are concerned about the child. Find someone who is good for the child, as long as you don't mind it."

Zhang Jingyi said: "It's enough to feed the children. I don't really think about anything else. It's useless to think about it."

That's how it fell.

Half a month later, Zhang Jingyi was grinding millet in the mill when Zhang's sister-in-law rushed over: "Jingyi, Jingyi."

Zhang Jingyi stopped, wiped the sweat off his brow: "I'm here, sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

Zhang's sister-in-law beckoned: "I won't go in, you come out." Normally, members of the commune seldom enter the mill, and the melon fields and plums are afraid of reputation.

Zhang Jingyi put down the grinding rod and came out: "What's the matter?"

The sister-in-law of the Zhang family said: "Your eldest brother in my family found a family for you. The fourth team, also surnamed Zhang, is some kind of partial relative of your brother in my family. The two brothers live together. Two years ago, the commune was built from Zhang Qizhai. moved down.

The two brothers have never married and have no children. Your brother asked and agreed. Now it depends on what you want.Do you feel okay? "

(End of this chapter)

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