Chapter 81

"Please stop!" Zhang Xiaobei waved his hands, and the applause stopped immediately.

"Okay, thank you all. My statement is actually very simple. When I come here, I am a part of this group. In the future, we will advance and retreat together and grow together. As long as it is the right thing, everyone should speak out boldly, do it with confidence, and say something I will carry it for everyone." Zhang Xiaobei said here, and paused.

"Please applaud." This sentence popped out again.

Immediately afterwards, uniform applause broke out, just like playing a game. Maybe everyone has never played this way before, and it feels fresh, and the applause is particularly hard-working.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xiaobei waved his hands again, and the applause stopped again.

"I believe that Mine Manager Zhang will also strongly support us, right?" Zhang Xiaobei finished speaking and looked at Mine Manager Zhang.

Haha, this is forcing the mine manager to express his opinion!Mine manager Zhang was forced to nod helplessly.

"Please applaud warmly for one minute." Zhang Xiaobei said without losing the opportunity when he saw Mine Manager Zhang nodding.

At this moment, the young workers below seemed to be going crazy. Their hands felt that their strength was not strong enough. They dared not speak of thunderous applause, but at least they had the force of a torrential rain.

The rest is that Zhang Xiaobei used the same method to "force" Vice President Jing to come here again, and then the meeting was over.

Of course, Zhang Xiaobei stayed in the office of the Liugou Coal Mine sales office, and the leaders returned to their jobs, doing what they should do.

At 0 o'clock that night, the coal mine officially stopped production for a holiday, but the workers have not left the mine yet. Why?There is one more important thing that has not been done!

According to the annual rules, there is a big event on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, which is "rewarding mines".

"Reward" means reward and reward, don't you know about "mine"?It means mine.The general meaning of this is to thank the mine for supporting so many workers in the past year, protecting the lives of the workers and so on.

In fact, it is what you think, but I just don't say it, otherwise I will be labeled as superstitious.

However, there is a rule that needs to be mentioned, that is, lesbians are not allowed to go near the mine. It is an unwritten rule, and it is also the same in normal times. At most, they will not be allowed to go to the "light house", let alone go down the mine.

This matter is not important. The important thing is that Zhang Xiaobei can't go home now, so he has to stay in the mine, deal with the leftovers in the coal yard, and participate in the ceremony of "rewarding the mine". It is completely over.

finished?Is it really over?
Nope!This Liugou Coal Mine Sales Office has a big director, who happens to be celebrating Chinese New Year. If you don't visit, how will you carry out the work in the second year, right?
Ha ha, this belongs to "personal work".

On the second day after Zhang Xiaobei took office, that is, the sixteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the first visitor arrived.He is a coal operator from Jiangsu Province.

The young man, surnamed Zhou, is just 31 and [-] years old, and his high-spirited appearance is very memorable. Speaking of the first person to visit, can you not be impressed?
Zhou always ships coal to Fangzhai Port in Suzhou Province, and then sells it himself to earn the difference in the middle price. The market is still very good, so it is not stingy to sell.

Five pieces of "Su Yan", which are known as local specialties, two boxes of Zhijiang Daqu, which are quite expensive, and a red envelope containing 1 yuan.

This is the meeting ceremony, including money and things that are less than 30 yuan.Zhang Xiaobei has seen a lot of 20 to [-] yuan, and he is not too excited about the money, but he still looks a little sighing.

Why?It's not Mr. Zhou who is going to visit, there is a line behind him!For such a large coal mine, don't even have forty or fifty customers for roads and railways?
Got it, got it now, no wonder Jing Liufu Nima got 3 or [-] yuan without blinking his eyes, is there even a need to blink?

It is said that since 2005, there has been another node, and the Mid-Autumn Festival has become the time to visit the leaders. With these two festivals, I am afraid that Liufu will make a lot of money!What's more, if you usually do something by yourself, it's not like you don't blink!

With the first one, naturally the second one and the third one will come to the door, of course everyone does business at night, Zhang Xiaobei is naturally in Binzhou, you can't let anyone see this matter, right?

Although the management of the company is not too strict, you can't be too blatant, right!

So this is less than [-] or [-] o'clock every night, and basically can't stop.The basement is not enough at all, so I simply moved most of it to the house, and the house is also full of piles.

Looking at this pile of things, Zhang Xiaobei was really worried, where to put them?

Also, the bundles are all cash, should they be put in the bank?Speaking of transactions of more than [-] yuan, the People's Bank of China records and monitors the flow every day. This is really a bit wrong in the future.

If you have a lot of money, you don’t worry about people, but the source of the money is too worrying about people, no, this is a problem, and you have to find a way to solve it in the future.

After roughly doing the calculations, I received another 35 in cash alone, and yes, another [-].It's not too little for a small family to get you five thousand.

But for now, it's not too worrying, because it's not uncommon for this person to have a million and 80 in his account, so this time the money can still be deposited in the bank, but what about in the future?

You have to think of a safe way.

The work of the secretary has taught Zhang Xiaobei to solve problems as he moves forward. As he gets to know more people and his circle grows bigger, there will always be a solution to these things, right?
However, a lot of people visited these two days, which delayed Zhang Xiaobei's trip. He originally planned to leave after "rewarding the mine".

Of course, Zhang Xiaobei also had something to do. He bought a box of 555 cigarettes for President Jin, and brought two boxes of wine and ten packs of cigarettes for Director Zhao.But you can't forget your roots, right?
However, what Zhang Xiaobei didn't expect was that in addition to this client, there were also colleagues who came to visit.The first colleague was the deputy sales manager of a company called Zhongma Coal Mine not far from Liugou Coal Mine. The surname was Hua, yes, Hua Yingxiong.

But this is much simpler, it's all tobacco and alcohol.The new year has begun. In the coming year, everyone will communicate with each other in terms of market prediction and price setting, and the reasons and reasons for communicating with each other.

In fact, they all changed their ways, giving each other some cigarettes and alcohol. In the end, the public spent money and the things fell into their pockets.

Haha, there are many famous halls, big and small.

Also, I would like to specifically explain that the reason why these two No. 2006 characters are explained is because these two people will "leave" this book immediately, and their lives will also end in [-].

(End of this chapter)

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