The days when I sold coal in the coal mine

Chapter 76 Zhang Xiaobei Meets His Father-in-Law

Chapter 76 Zhang Xiaobei Meets His Father-in-Law

Well, let’s put the work aside for now, let’s balance work and life, let’s also tell the story of Zhang Xiaobei meeting his father-in-law.

Of course, this is also a part of Zhang Xiaobei's life.

In other words, it was impossible to hide, and this matter can also be reflected from the side, the external environment of the coal mine at that time.

Well, the story begins.

The National Day holiday lasts for seven days, I don’t see my father-in-law, and I’m sorry for such a long holiday.

Beginning in September, Zhang Xiaobei has assigned a secretary under his command. Under Zhang Xiaobei's guidance, he is learning secretarial work.

Now that there is a successor, Zhang Xiaobei doesn't have to struggle to write things on his own, so the time will naturally be more abundant, right?

You only need to do some important things explained by the leader, and the rest of the time is your own.

In other words, this is also the rhythm for the leader to send himself away. The "successor" has been selected, hasn't it?

In two or three months, I will adjust the personnel at the end of the year, and I will sell coal according to my original wish.

Another one, it's a good thing for "Big Gazi" to find "Er Gouzi"; I don't lack gifts, anyway, Yue Nanxi said, I don't care about anything at home, just look at it. What about him, Zhang Xiaobei?

Just take it casually, 50 years of Moutai is too precious, so 30 years of Moutai is always "modest enough"!We weigh two bottles, and to be honest, there are only four bottles at home.

My father-in-law doesn’t smoke, so I don’t have to. You can always bring some good tea, and you can also bring local specialties!Anyway, it's a full trunk.

What is it?trunk?Did Zhang Xiaobei buy a car?
No, this kid doesn't bother to learn his driver's license, what kind of car to buy!This is when Liufu found a client and borrowed a Paladin to give Zhang Xiaobei a "face".

Zhang Xiaobei sat in the co-pilot, and his parents sat in the back seat, and the car started.

The car returned to Zhang Xiaobei's hometown from Binzhou City, and then set off from his hometown to Linzhou City. It has been on the way for more than six hours.

Departing in the morning, we arrived at our destination at 12:[-].

Not to mention driving, the buttocks of the car hurt.

On the other hand, my father and mother don't take the car much, and it seems that they don't have enough rides. The old man kept sighing along the way, this small car is faster than a motorcycle!

When they arrived at the place, it was an ordinary residential building, not the high-end residential complex as imagined, so Zhang Xiaobei called Yue Nanqi, and Yue Nanqi went downstairs again wearing little slippers.

In other words, Zhang Xiaobei couldn't carry so many things by himself, this is the first time he came to the door, he had to let Yue Nanxi lead the way, right, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

It seems that an adult is an adult, and a child is a child. This Xiaobei has lived as a secretary for more than a year, and he has never seen any fun scenes. Just this, an old man, still makes him feel uneasy.

At the door of the house, Yue Nanqi opened the door straight away: "Xiaobei, come in!" Then he raised his neck and shouted: "Dad—Mom—Xiao Bei is here!"

This movement was not small, and the two old people hurried to the living room.

He said he was an old man, but his hair was still black, his eyes were on his nose, he was wearing a white shirt and blue trousers.

And Yue Nanxi's mother was wearing a cheongsam, although there were traces of time, but the irresistible luxurious temperament was still compelling.

"Yue Nanqi, you little girl, this kid is so white, he doesn't look like a coal digger!" The old man said with a smile, obviously feeling cheated.

"Sit down, Xiao Bei, what kind of work do you do in your company now? I don't look like the coal digger that Yue Nanqi said!" The old man is really kind when he speaks now.

Probably Zhang Xiaobei's impression score has increased, and he is not a coal digger as his daughter said, so he can rest assured!

"Uncle Yue, I'm the president's secretary now." Zhang Xiaobei replied sincerely.

"Hey, secretary to the president! Look at her temperament, isn't she a coal miner!" At this time, the old mother-in-law also hurriedly sat on the sofa, and she didn't forget to give Yue Nanqi a fake look.

"C'mon, aren't those in coal mines collectively referred to as coal diggers? Where did I say it wrong?" It seems that Yue Nanqi is the real "Princess Dirty" at home, which also shows how much the two old people dote on her.

"Xiaobei, what do your parents do!" When the old people met, they just asked these parents about their short stories.

When Zhang Xiaobei heard this, come on, isn't he just waiting for you to ask this?
"That's it, Uncle Yue, my father and mother are also here this time..." Before Zhang Xiaobei finished speaking, Old Man Yue stood up all of a sudden.

This Yue Nanqi didn't even say that the parents were coming!I just want to see how the child is doing, the next step is not sure yet!You even brought your parents here?
"Why is the old man here, why don't you come to the house!" This old man Yue's face suddenly turned ugly, firstly, he was not prepared in advance, and secondly, you are too naive a child.

"Uncle Yue, don't mind, you listen to me first." Zhang Xiaobei also stood up, "It's not that I won't let them in, but I have to tell you in advance to let you be mentally prepared."

At this time, Yue Nanxi laughed out of time with a "puchi".

"Then you two children can't cut it first and then play it!" Well, this is obviously unhappy.

"Uncle Yue, don't worry, it's not that I don't want to, I don't dare, I'm afraid you'll be too excited when he comes..." Zhang Xiaobei said here, and stopped talking, waiting for Mr. Yue to ask about his excitement. what?
"Excited? You kid, what did you say?" Mr. Yue also felt that things were not that simple, so he pulled Zhang Xiaobei to sit down again.

"Didn't Xiao Nan say that you have an old friend in Gaohe County? The one you talk about every day?" Zhang Xiaobei didn't dare to say it directly, and slowly laid the groundwork.

"Ah? What's the matter, did you find it?" The old man was full of doubts. How much money does this matter have to do with your father?

"I found it! In fact, I found it a long time ago, but I didn't dare to tell you. My father's name is Ergouzi, and I didn't tell my father your nickname."

After Zhang Xiaobei finished speaking, he closed his eyes. If he was in his own home at this time, the big ear would come up. Zhang Xiaobei closed his eyes, which had become a habitual action.

Zhang Xiaobei's eyes were closed for almost a minute, but there was no movement at all. When he opened his eyes, he saw the old man Yue standing there stupidly, muttering incessantly: "Goo... Goo... ..."

The old man stood up, Zhang Xiaobei didn't dare to sit still, so he also stood up.

At this time, Mr. Yue turned his head and grabbed Zhang Xiaobei: "Son, go, come with me to pick up your father!"

(End of this chapter)

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