The days when I sold coal in the coal mine

Chapter 707 All the dust has settled

Chapter 707 All the dust has settled
Of course, as soon as Zuo Danya had news about Li Jinrong, Tang Sheng and Qin Sheng's anti-corruption matters, she would tell Zhang Xiaobei in time.

Still on that piece of green grass, the cows are roaming, the sons and daughters are happy, and the beloved wife is accompanying...

"On November xx, 2012, the main leader of a large G company was reported by his real name due to issues related to his life style. At the same time, due to many economic problems during his tenure, he is being investigated by the organization."

"On December x, 2012, Li Jinrong, a former entrepreneur in Tang Province, was arrested on suspicion of intentional murder. In addition, Li Jinrong was involved in multiple transfers of benefits in G-owned asset transactions, and the case will be dealt with together..."

"Xiao Bei, now I figured it out. Li Jinrong met Lin Xiaochen to ride a gravity locomotive on the winding mountain road in the name of talking about things, and knocked him off the cliff by surprise."

"In addition, according to the news, the matter between Li Jinrong and that large G company is also being investigated for evidence, and it is estimated that it will be transferred to the judicial authority soon."

"On January x, 2013, the leader of a coal industry group involved in the original theft case had a serious discrepancy between his income and his personal assets, and was undergoing organizational review."

"In the same month, the retired main leaders of the former Binmei Group and the retired main leaders of Pingfeng Group were under organizational investigation due to dereliction of duty."

"On February x, 2013, F official of the former Lin City legal authority was under organizational investigation for accepting benefits from the plaintiff during the litigation process of the case."

"In March 2013, Liao, the chairman of the board of directors of Xinxing Group, was arrested at the airport. He was investigated for a series of crimes such as drug poisoning, gathering people to make money, laundering Q, and hiring murderers."

"Xiao Bei, did you hear that, the culprit who killed Yue Nanqi and Zhao Honggui has been found, this is your revenge."

"Anyone who harms the interests of the people and the country will be severely punished."

"In April 2013, a certain leader in Tang Province was under organizational investigation for violating organizational discipline. The relevant situation will be transferred to the judiciary."

"In the same month, a certain leader of Qin Province was under organizational investigation for violating organizational discipline. The relevant situation will be transferred to the judiciary."

"In the same month, relevant leaders of the former legal department of Tang Province were under organizational investigation for violating organizational discipline."

"In May 2013, the Supreme Legal Department made a new judgment on the resource dispute between Jinsheng Group's Qin Province subsidiary and Xinmiao Investment Company, and Jinsheng Group's Qin Province subsidiary won the lawsuit."

"Xiao Bei, those two resources now truly belong to your subsidiary company in Qin Province."

"The law has fully done justice, and the crimes have been punished. You are right, you must believe in the law."

"Recently, the former TV star Tong Dandan issued a statement on Weibo that he has regained his freedom and will devote himself to promoting charitable education in the future."

"Haha, Zhang Xiaobei, your old lover was released without charge, but she was so bold that she dared to call me and said she wanted to come and see you, but I appreciate her courage, so I let her come. "

"And Xiaobei, your belief is correct. Now the anti-corruption efforts are getting stronger and stronger, and the law enforcement is getting stronger and stronger. The law and justice have been fully maintained. We should go back and see what kind of situation it is. scene."

"Of course, there are other situations. I will continue to read to you."

"The news is all about enterprise reform, and it is also related to the modern enterprise system you are concerned about."

"On June xx, 2013, the G family issued new regulations on large-scale G-owned enterprises. For large-scale G-owned enterprises that are not engaged in the coal industry, they should quickly divest the coal industry and transfer it to a large coal professional group."

"Professional things are entrusted to professional people. This is another major reform measure."

"On July x, 2013, the reform of the railway freight system was officially launched, and the 'XX7' system was officially launched."

"Now Kong Qiang has called and said that he has registered with the Guanzhou Railway Bureau, and he will be the planning unit in the future, so he can distribute coal by himself."

"The last vestige of the planned economy has completely disappeared in the long river of history, and the market economy has achieved full coverage."

"In addition, there are many reports on this aspect. It is said on the Internet that there is an ordinary citizen who is decorating a new home. It is a pity to throw away some furniture. Let's see if it can be transported back to his hometown by rail."

"Then I asked, and the person at the train station said yes, and checked the freight for him. The freight was very cheap, so he decided to send it back on the spot."

"The current railway transportation is really different. Ordinary people can participate in railway transportation."

"On August xx, 2013, under the background of G's coal resource tax reform, clean-up of various taxes and fees, coal enterprise relief and coal coke anti-corruption, Tang Province launched a tough battle to reform the field of coal transportation and marketing."

"The Tang provincial government has decided that starting from August 8 this year, all administrative authorizations for the management of coal and coke road transportation and sales for relevant enterprises will be cancelled, all coal and coke road transportation and sales bills will be cancelled, and all inspection stations and inspections for coal and coke roads in the province will be cancelled. point."

"Before August 8, all related facilities of coal and coke inspection stations and inspection points on various highways in the province will be dismantled."

"At the same time, the Tang Provincial Coal Sales Office will be canceled and changed to the Provincial Capital Coal Trading Center, fully transforming from the control function to the service function."

"The reform of the transportation and sales link in Tang Province is much stronger than before, and more than 4 people will be diverted in this reform."

"This is the combination of the "coal tax reduction ES article", "coal new policy SQ article" and the suspension of relevant fees and other "rescue" policies successively issued by Tang Province."

"The cancellation of coal transportation and sales bills and the abolition of coal coke checkpoints are called drastic measures."

"Xiao Bei, did you hear that? From now on, the coal mining company can no longer control you. The coal mine and the customer have finally realized direct contact."

"In the future, when coal is distributed, you yourself will be the main players in the market, and the railway transportation plan is only a means of management. Road transportation can sign a contract at any time and take the goods."

"All the constraints in the past no longer exist. The tide of the market economy has swept the coal industry in Tang Province."

"In September 2013, Tang Province canceled the "Coal Operation Qualification Certificate" policy. From now on, the "Coal Operation Qualification Certificate" is no longer required to operate coal in Tang Province."

"Coal operation, from now on, is just an ordinary business operation, not a special operation anymore,"

"Xiaobei, have you heard that the clarion call of reform has never stopped, and the footsteps of reform are always on the way!"

"There is still a lot of good news. I will read it to you one by one."

"On October xx, 2013, the world's top processing company, Foxkang Company officially settled in Longhai County. This company specializes in OEM processing of fruit phones."

"This will fully drive employment in surrounding counties and cities such as Longhai and Fengcheng. It is reported that the first batch will recruit 2 workers for training, and the number of recruits will continue to increase in the future."

"On November x, 2013, Longhai County Ceramic Art Research and Development Co., Ltd. was officially established. This move will reproduce traditional ceramic technology and research ceramic technology."

"There are ancient legends of Emperor Shun's pottery making, and historical relics of Qin bricks and Han tiles. It is an intangible cultural heritage project integrating culture, tourism, and ceramic research and production."

"'H North Porcelain Capital, Shine China' is their slogan."

"In December 2013, Longhai County Traditional Sericulture and Textile Co., Ltd. was formally established. It will regain the 12-year-old sericulture and textile technology and apply for intangible cultural heritage projects."

"This is the beginning of sericulture given by Duanmu, a disciple of Confucius. This is an important birthplace of sericulture in the Yellow River Basin. This will also be a development project that combines culture, tourism and traditional agriculture."


"I said Xiaobei, do you know why there are so many projects in Longhai County?"

"Let me tell you, the newspapers have said that this is due to the influence of a company named 'Longhai County Qingyang Xuanyue Traditional Agriculture Development Co., Ltd.' in April 2013."

"Based on traditional agriculture and handicrafts, they carry out an overall project that combines cultural tourism and traditional agriculture."

"Qingyang Xuanyue Traditional Agriculture Development Co., Ltd., who gave you the name, what else is Dantaolin, Yajitang, Qiyuchi, Qingnanlin, Juanguilin..."

"Xiao Bei, I really don't know what's going on in your mind, but you wake up quickly, I'm the proprietress there, it's been open for almost half a year, and I haven't visited it once!"

"However, the entire Longhai County has been strengthening measures to fill the hollowing out of the county's economy, and your ideals are also being realized step by step. I really didn't expect that your traditional agricultural project would have such a big impact."

But despite Zuo Danya's best efforts, she used such information to stimulate Zhang Xiaobei every day for nearly a year...

But Zhang Xiaobei just lay there quietly, not even a smile.

Xiao Bei, now that all the dust has settled, just wait for you to wake up and open your eyes to see the bright prospects of this reform and the gradual filling of the hollowing out of the county economy.

Of course, there is also the coal market that needs to be rescued urgently, and the struggling Jinsheng Group.

(End of this chapter)

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