Chapter 39
Everything was within Zhang Xiaobei's expectations. Sure enough, Section Chief Wang Da took the documents and hurried away without any strange expression at all.

The two staff members also came back, their expressions were very unnatural, and they began to approach Zhang Xiaobei to get close, and they were entertaining and eating.

Haha, thinking about the changes in the past few days, Zhang Xiaobei couldn't help laughing.

It's cool, it's good to be good when you get it cheap, it's good enough to do this kind of good thing more than a few times a month.

But think about it, the people below can receive so many benefits, where will Section Chief Wang be less?Portfolios are estimated to be "in duplicate".

Of course, this is only what Zhang Xiaobei knows, and there are others that Zhang Xiaobei doesn't know.

What he doesn't know is that when the production reports the output, the data will be deliberately lowered. When the time comes, the task will be overfulfilled, and there will be a bonus. The bonus is calculated according to the ton of coal production. It is to find some objective reasons to lower the output and let the enterprise management department pass it.

Excavation is the same as production.

The front-line division team still has the situation of overreporting wages. If seven or eight people go down the well a day, the team leader earns tens of thousands more in a month.

At that time, there were no underground monitoring facilities, and the team leader had the final say on how many people would be sent down.

In terms of finance, expenditures must increase, materials must increase, geological conditions are not good, mining difficulty increases, production is low, and consumption is increasing. This is all normal...


Compared with the methods of these people, the little money that Zhang Xiaobei left behind by himself is really nothing.

No, not even a fart.

The energy industry is good!This is Zhang Xiaobei's sincere sigh.

However, there was still one thing that caught Zhang Xiaobei's attention, that is, the big 500 yuan envelope, of course not because of how big the envelope was, but because of the large amount inside.

This envelope is from the sales department.How does the sales department make money, and why is it so generous?

The people who send materials and reports to the enterprise management department are all so generous, how much money do they have to give to the section chief?

But there are no fools in this kind of thing, they don't make money, they give it away with chicken feathers, what shameful things do they have in it?

You are a coal seller, right? As much as the coal mine produces, you can sell as much as you want. Why did you make the biggest package?

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.Especially the little invoicing clerk who came to deliver the file bag was an invoicing worker in the coal yard, and he was dressed up in a flashy and gorgeous way.

The material of the clothes was obviously much better than what Zhang Xiaobei was wearing.

Well, from now on, I need to get in touch with sales people more to see where the doorway is.

While Zhang Xiaobei was thinking about these issues, time passed by inadvertently, the end of the month was just around the corner, and it was time to go back to school to meet his beloved little lady.

By the way, this school also called, on May [-]th, the thesis defense.

Putting the two things together, it saves you from having to ask for leave twice, which saves trouble. It is estimated that the leaders are desperate for their own leave.

Seeing myself sitting in the office, Zhang Xiaobei felt ridiculous when the leaders looked cautious. What's the matter, I really don't know your little secrets.

At that time, Labor Day was not like it is now. It was only three days, but it was a full seven days, plus two days off for thesis defense.

Nine days, it's cool to think about it.

After such a long time, the five thousand and two in my pocket had already been forgotten by everyone.

What the hell, do they dare not forget?Give me a try.

Thinking of Mei Niang in the distance, he tapped the bank card in his hand, Zhang Xiaobei was satisfied, and fell asleep comfortably.Tomorrow is April 4th, please go on leave.

What I expected was that asking for leave is really easy to ask for, but what I didn't expect was that asking for leave also has subsidiary benefits.

What kind of treatment? The Coal Bureau organized the coal mine to go to the provincial capital for training, and the mine sent two people. Isn't Zhang Xiaobei going to leave?It happened to be in a car.

But this time, it seems to be some kind of bill training for the sales system.

These statutory holidays are all for the logistics department, and the front-line production units don't say that at all, what to do, and where the holidays come from.

When will the coal mine be shut down for maintenance, and when will it be possible to rest for two days?

Of course, this is not what Zhang Xiaobei cares about. What Zhang Xiaobei cares about is saving another ticket.

There is no way, I can only save one, and they only train for five days.

But to train with the sales system, this is an opportunity to get in touch.

Since it was the talent report for the May [-] Labor Day training the next day, I decided to leave on the evening of April [-]th. In fact, the so-called report means that the person arrives, registers, signs, receives materials, and then nothing happens for a day.

That's fine, it took 8 hours to get to the provincial capital by train, but it didn't take that long for Santana to run on the high speed, and it took three and a half hours anyway.

Departure at 06:30, arrive at ten o'clock, and meet Xiaonan at eleven o'clock.When the time comes, they have the nerve to let me go back alone?Doesn't Santana have to send me to school?

Hmm, good timing.

There was a deputy section chief and a staff member in the sales department, but the chief section chief did not go.

On the way, Zhang Xiaobei tried to chat with these two, but they didn't expect that they didn't seem to be very interested, and Zhang Xiaobei also felt bored, so he just fell asleep in the car.

When he woke up, he had already got off the highway intersection in the provincial capital, Zhang Xiaobei woke up on time as if he had a biological alarm clock.

"It's here!" Zhang Xiaobei is fairly familiar with the provincial capital, after all, this is the place where he successfully applied for the job, so it is somewhat commemorative.

"Chief Jing, please do your best when we arrive, and I'll rush to school!" Zhang Xiaobei lit a cigarette, and opened the car window slightly to let out the cigarette.

"You kid, you came to the provincial capital with my brother, and you are in a hurry to leave without even touching your ass?" The chief of the scriptures changed his silence on the road, and laughed instead.

The surname of the chief of the scriptures section is Jing, the menstrual classics, for some reason, Zhang Xiaobei can think of this word when he looks at the chief of the scriptures section along the way.

It is because the chief of the economic department is a big red face. It is said that he was on the production line before, and his face was burned, so he became the current one.

But what does this scripture chief mean?Zhang Xiaobei didn't react for a while.

All of a sudden, Zhang Xiaobei suddenly understood that there was a driver in this car and another clerk, and when there were many people, they could eat food but not talk nonsense.

It was obvious that the section chief had something to say, and he was afraid that Zhang Xiaobei would leave.

In other words, this has been held back all the way, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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