The days when I sold coal in the coal mine

Chapter 11 The first training drinking

Chapter 11 First Training Drinking

Entering the enterprise training, how worth looking forward to ah!Generally speaking, this corporate training should have a beautiful lecturer!Wearing a professional suit, black silk with a small height, long flowing hair, protruding front and back...

On the stairs, Zhang Xiaobei flirted and laughed unconsciously.

When Zhang Xiaobei arrived at the training center on the sixth floor, there were already five people sitting in it, two women and three men, the men were all crooked, and the two women could still see them.


Look at that waist circumference is more than 3 feet.It's a pity that Zhang Xiaobei entered the company's first training dream.

The temptation of the uniform is gone, and this person's dialect is very strong, and he is talking about mine production knowledge, technical terms and dialects, Zhang Xiaobei's two-hour training time is almost all in a daze spent in the state.

Seeing Zhang Xiaobei yawning in the audience, Ma Rui also snickered beside him.It seems that he has also experienced this state.

I didn't understand what it was talking about; I didn't know who said it.Although the speaker was introduced at the beginning, he understood the three characters of the production department and didn't even remember his name.

After finally getting through to 5:00, this first training session is finally over.

He got off work at 6:00, Zhang Xiaobei didn't leave in a hurry, but was waiting for Ma Rui. You have to know that there are no exams for training, right?

"What a fart!" Ma Rui and Zhang Xiaobei were together, talking very casually.

"No exam?" Zhang Xiaobei's eyes widened in surprise. It seems abnormal for corporate training not to take exams.

"Others have been training for two days, and it will end in one afternoon this afternoon and one afternoon tomorrow. You are two days late for this batch." Ma Rui said nonchalantly.

Of course, he doesn't care about it. According to Zhang Xiaobei's current understanding, this kind of training is just going through the motions so-so.However, what about the modern enterprise system we just talked about?

Zhang Xiaobei now feels that his life is pretty good, so let's recruit. He made a phone call, sent a brief introduction, and then passed a simple test.

Let's train now, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, there is no exam at all, it's so scary!

"What are you doing at night?" Zhang Xiaobei got excited.

"A drink?" Marie replied.

"Drinking? Okay!" Although Zhang Xiaobei said this in his heart, he didn't think so in his heart. He just drank last night and didn't sleep well all night. Fortunately, he took a nap at noon.

But when Ma Rui said it, it was naturally difficult for him to refuse.The first is fellow villagers, who have been very enthusiastic since they got to know me; second, I am a newcomer here, so it seems that I should also integrate into this environment as soon as possible!

Although he was helpless in every way, Zhang Xiaobei felt that he had to agree because of emotion and reason.

Looking at Zhang Xiaobei's pensive look, Ma Rui smiled: "What's the matter, I'm afraid of spending money! Do you think I'll let you pay when you just came here?"

Well, the men in Hebei Province are very manly.

"No, Brother Ma, I just had a fight last night..." Zhang Xiaobei said shyly.

"So, victory in one battle is nothing, you have to test your long-term combat ability..." Ma Rui said maliciously, "Hurry up, get off work immediately, prepare your "Sign-out Form" and go to the Bar!"

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaobei realized that he was already at work and still had a job!
It took only one minute from the sixth floor to the first floor. When Zhang Xiaobei arrived at the office, a stack of "Sign In Form" and "Sign Out Form" had already been placed on his desk. It seems that this work has now been completed. Handed over to him.

Just don't know who handed it over to him.

Zhang Xiaobei didn't say a word, put all the forms into the drawer, and left a "Sign and Cancel Form" on the table.Look at the watch, it's already 5:45.

After 10 minutes, someone came in and signed out. Zhang Xiaobei looked at the people who signed out, compared their faces, and thought, this job is not bad. Get familiar.

At 6 minutes after 10:[-], Ma Rui went downstairs slowly to sign out, and there were two people behind him, one was Zhang Xiaobei's roommate, and the other didn't know each other.

The three signed and returned, but Ma Rui asked first: "Zhang Xiaobei, why didn't you sign?"

"Ah?! I signed it too! It doesn't have my name on it!" Zhang Xiaobei lay down on the sign-out form and looked at it.

"There is a blank space below, which is the place for new employees to sign in and sign out. This thing is a proof of salary!" Under Ma Rui's glasses, a pair of eyes rolled around.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaobei quickly grabbed the bib, and signed his name eloquently.

"Where are the people I trained with? Didn't you see them sign?" Zhang Xiaobei put down his pen and immediately realized the problem.

"Nonsense, you are the only one who is paid during the internship period. There is no one before or after! If they don't have a salary, of course they won't sign." Ma Rui said.

"Are there many outsiders in our unit?" Zhang Xiaobei asked while tidying up the forms.

"A lot of people come and go, and the location is so remote that we can't keep people." Ma Rui said.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaobei seemed to continue to ask questions, Ma Rui stopped immediately: "I'll talk about it later, let's go drink first." Zhang Xiaobei was a little embarrassed when he said this.

Alright, off work, let's work together!Let's go to the bar!

Speaking of which, this industrial area is still in the initial stage of construction, and there is not even a decent restaurant, so the four of them simply found a simpler restaurant and sat down like this.

"Old rules, N+1." Ma Rui seemed to have come earlier and had the right to speak.

"Damn, it's so boring to keep doing this!" Zhang Xiaobei's roommate, Yang Ming, said this.

"Master Ma speaks, I dare not disobey, he is in charge of wages." These words sounded more like a joke.

According to Ma Rui, this roommate of Zhang Xiaobei is in finance, and he is in the same school as Ma Rui, and is now a cashier.

After two cold dishes were served, the wine was served first.

"Damn, five bottles of wine for four people?" Zhang Xiaobei exclaimed.

"Yeah, didn't you hear me clearly? N+1! No matter how many people there are, add a bottle of wine." Ma Rui said.

Well, Zhang Xiaobei fell silent.This is the first time I drink like this. It seems that going to work and going to school are really two concepts, and drinking is two concepts.

But the four of them drank two glasses in a row, Zhang Xiaobei felt that the wine was nothing but strong, and it didn't hurt when it went down his throat, so he let go.

They were all young men at the age of [-] Lang, drinking very quickly, Ma Rui ordered another deck of cards, two bowls of dice, and played many games that Zhang Xiaobei had never seen before.

Since you haven't played, you must have lost a lot.

Although he drank a little more, Zhang Xiaobei obviously felt that his condition was not bad.Seeing that the fifth bottle of wine had bottomed out, Zhang Xiaobei asked, "How strong is this wine?"

"53 degrees!" Marui said with a belch.

"What?" Zhang Xiaobei suddenly felt dizzy, as if all the wine he drank just now rushed to his head, and he fell unconscious with a "hutong".

(End of this chapter)

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