The days when I sold coal in the coal mine

Chapter 100 Zhang Xiaobei's Next Step

Chapter 100 Zhang Xiaobei's Next Step

"Zhang Xiaobei, I was successfully 'led into the ditch' by you this time, and Jing Liufu also succeeded in being a gun for you." Jin Yongli said here, standing up.

"I was talking about your boy, but it seems that the matter of Jingliufu is much bigger than the matter of your rotten ass. Well, Mr. Jin is here today, waiting for your report. Let's talk about it together .” Jin Liufu said, grabbed his cigarette from the table, opened the door and walked out.

Jing Liufu and Zhang Xiaobei naturally followed behind.

But when going out, Jing Liufu shook his back molars at Zhang Xiaobei, Zhang Xiaobei covered his mouth and smiled.

They are all brothers from the same family, so they don't care about asking for cheap at all, not to mention, the leader knows what's going on in his heart.

But I have to admire Zhang Xiaobei's brains, no matter how much you talk about, you can talk about Jingliufu, and the talk is so serious that Vice President Jin is not interested in "holding" Zhang Xiaobei's responsibility. .

It seems that he is really capable.

But as soon as he entered the door, the secretary told Vice President Jin that President Jin was waiting for him.

It seems that it's not just waiting for Jin Yongli, but probably Zhang Xiaobei! ,

Zhang Xiaobei followed behind, greeted the current president's secretary and his former "little apprentice", and followed Jin Yongli Pigui into the room.

Jin Yongcheng was reading documents at his desk, when he saw Jin Yongli coming, he said, "Sit down first, I have a few more words, I'll finish reading."

After Jin Yongcheng finished reading the document, he raised his head and straightened his back: "Oh, who is this?"

The scene reappears or something, isn't that the first time I met Zhang Xiaobei?

"Zhang Xiaobei!" Vice President Jin spoke exactly the same as Director Zhao before him.

"Zhang Xiaobei?"

"It's Zhang Xiaobei."

"Why don't I look like it?"

"The face is bigger, and the courage is fatter."

President Jin and Vice President Jin sang together, exactly the same as the first time they met Zhang Xiaobei. Zhang Xiaobei knew that this Jin Yongcheng was trying to defeat him.

The face is getting big, and everyone calls it "Bei Ye"!You've become more courageous, this person who jumps over the building is not ordinary.

Zhang Xiaobei lowered his head deeply, but he was thinking in his heart: "Say it, tell it, you will come out like this once I know I'm here, but what I didn't expect is that it's so useless."

"Master Bei, lift your head up and let me take a good look." Mr. President Jin finally spoke, but it was really not a good thing.

Zhang Xiaobei raised his head all of a sudden, in front of the old leader, he was so self-willed.

If you ask me to lift it up, I will lift it up high for you to see.

"Hahaha, I'm still the boss and you're the second child, but Laozi likes it. Come on, tell me about your heroic deeds..." Jin Yongcheng said, opened the drawer, took out Three packs of cigarettes.

Jin Yongli raised the cigarette in his hand, which means he brought it himself.Jin Yongcheng threw a bag to Zhang Xiaobei and Jing Liufu.

Seeing that Jin Yongcheng was lighting a cigarette, Zhang Xiaobei took out a cigarette himself, lit one, and smoked it.

In the past, Zhang Xiaobei didn't dare to be honest in front of Jin Yongcheng, but this time it's different, Laozi is a hero, and a hero has to look like a hero, so I made an exception and smoked in the president's office like you one.

Next, how to go back and forth with the coal bearing company and the export company, how to go to the railway bureau and the station, and hype it up by the way.

But there will always be a few words. When I hear the word "Jin Yongcheng", I will give face, and I will give it a lot.

It's Director Zhang's old partner, and the station master's old leader, who lifts Jin Yongcheng up.

As for the leader, he naturally likes to hear about wearing a high hat by erecting monuments. When Zhang Xiaobei was a secretary, he also touched Jin Yongcheng's temper all over the place, so he kept flattering him all the time.

As the saying goes, if you wear it for thousands of times, you don't wear it for flattery.

This one is always useful.

After listening to Zhang Xiaobei's report, Jin Yongcheng and Jin Yongli kept nodding their heads. Jing Liufu, who was stunned with his big head bare, also kept nodding, but he didn't know why he nodded.

Anyway, the leader nodded, so I have to say no.

"Now it seems that the matter here at Lao Jing is particularly important. This is the breakthrough and foundation for the sales branch to completely and uniformly manage the sales work, and it is also a sharp weapon for maintaining the company's management sovereignty. So Lao Jing, your current job is You can't be behind Zhang Xiaobei!" After listening to Zhang Xiaobei's report, Jin Yongcheng spoke to Jing Liufu first.

Jing Liufuquan took these words as "a heavy responsibility" and "encouragement", and nodded his head vigorously.

"Zhang Xiaobei, you kid, don't hide it now, and say, what are you doing down here?" It's not too late for Jin Yongcheng to ask, now that the phased victory has been achieved, and the results are there, the next step I can talk about it first.

"There are still a few things to do next. The first is the order of loading. We can't allow the station to 'wear a hat' on the wagons, and say which customer owns the number of the car, and the autonomy of loading the car. , should also be ours, we have to arrange the loading sequence reasonably according to the inventory situation."

According to the inventory, according to the fart inventory, Zhang Xiaobei, you are talking nonsense with your eyes open, go to your coal yard to see, someday you will not be selling clean, and the wagons are waiting for coal to be loaded there?
But there is always a contingency. There are two or three months of bad times in the market every year. Because the weather is hot, many chemical fertilizer factories and steel factories will stop production for a period of time. In addition, when the weather is hot, The downstream market is not too good, so production is shut down for maintenance. At that time, the market will not be too good.

Just like the beauties in the bathing center, they have to rest for a few days every month, right?

But at critical times, as long as you have the initiative, you can install the relevant wagons first.

Because you have to know that the wagon looks like it is yours now, if the time is over, then there is such a thing as "cancellation". If it is canceled, your wagon will be for nothing.

Sorry, have to do it all over again.

If you come back, you have to spend money again.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaobei definitely talked about this matter with the spirit of "dead fellows never die poor ones".

"Second, regarding the ton loss, the speed at which the locomotives and wagons pass the track scale must be determined with the station. It should not be too fast or too slow. Otherwise, if the figure exceeds the track scale, it will be a loss to the customer or to myself. What's more, the track scale has been around for many years, but the accuracy of the measurement is questionable. So in the future, every time a train is loaded, a test vehicle must be prepared."

As for what this is about, we will talk about it in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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