wife's secret

Chapter 590 The Finale

Chapter 590 The Finale
Things have come to this point, it's time to make a summary.

The development of the story begins with an accident in the auction house.

Everyone should remember that at first, I opened an auction house.It was very smooth at the beginning, and my business was also very good, but then something went wrong.

Why did something happen? I have every reason to believe that I was framed by someone. After repeated searching and hard work, I finally figured out the truth of the matter.It turned out that the auction house was not caused by my classmates.

You may think that I am talking nonsense, yes, this story I made up is a bit outrageous.I decided to start from now on, and I will reorganize this story and give you an explanation.

Maybe someone will say, your tone of voice is wrong, how can you write a story like this.

Let me tell you the truth just now, the story has reached the final stage, so I have to explain something to everyone.

Let me talk about my wife first.

My wife is Huang Yijia. She graduated from a dance school. She is very beautiful and dances very well. She participated in several dance competitions and won gold medals.

Regarding this issue, I have already introduced it before.Now let me tell you what happened to my wife.

After working in the dance school for a long time, my wife's mentality gradually changed. She found that there are too many rich people in this society.There are too many awesome people, and it was my wife who had the idea of ​​making a fortune.

There is nothing wrong with this idea. Anyone who lives in this society hopes that his life will be better and he will make a fortune.At this time, my wife met a man named Yuan Shaolin.

The house of the dance school belongs to this person. This person has not been back for a long time. It happened that he came back from the island half a year ago.That is because this time when he came back, my wife met her.

Maybe someone will say, it turns out that your wife has that with him.

Don't talk nonsense, my wife is very nice, not what you imagined, after meeting this person who came back from the island, my wife invited this person to dinner and learned an important piece of information.It turns out that this person is from the country of Sakura, and has a company on the island, and the business is doing very well.

After my wife learned of this information, she proposed to cooperate with the other party to do business together to make money.

Some people may see this and say, you are simply talking nonsense, things are not as simple as you said.

I can only say that everything will develop in a good direction. In the process, there will definitely be some exceptions, and some things that we can't imagine will definitely happen.

But I can say with certainty that my wife has indeed made a lot of money in business.As I said before, my wife suddenly got [-] million yuan. In fact, this is the money my wife earned from doing business.

Let me talk about my good brother Dunzi.

After returning from working in the south for six years, many strange things happened to him and me. These things happened to me, but they happened to him.If it wasn't for me, Dunzi would still be working in the city. Now he is different, he has his own business, and it is going very smoothly. I am really happy for him from the bottom of my heart.

Now tell me about two of my old classmates.The first one is Yan Hao.Let me talk about his situation first. There are a lot of teasing elements, and the time is relatively short. In fact, there are a lot of jokes in it. My classmate is very persistent. He majored in international finance in college. A keen interest in medicine took place.With his persistence and unremitting efforts, he finally became an expert in endocrinology.

My classmate once did some bad things, but soon he realized his mistakes. After some hard work, he finally became a very successful person.

Now I am talking about my second classmate, Gu Rushui.His situation is a bit more complicated. As I said before, we played games together when we were young. My classmate is very strong. No matter what he does, his goal is to get No.1. It has been a long time. After that, my classmates' psychology became a little abnormal.

After graduating from university, he joined Ninghua Real Estate Company. As I said before, he became Jiang Haiyang's door-to-door son-in-law. He said that there was a misunderstanding. The so-called door-to-door son-in-law was just a play, just acting. .

In other words, Jiang Haiyang wants to use Gu Rushui, my classmate is very talented and a talent.Unfortunately, some of my classmates are not quite normal.As for the future results, I have already explained it earlier.

Now let me talk about my other female classmate, Xu Yanyan.

At the beginning, I specially introduced my female classmate. She is very kind, but she is also very ruthless in doing things. She made Mao Hu suffer a lot.These are real things.Everyone may ask, what happened to your female classmate, here I want to explain, my female classmate has her own company, and after my career has grown, I provided my classmate with great help.Her business is doing very well.

Now talk about the horse cannon.

This guy is very capable, very smart, and he built a team very early on.This incident shows that his ability is not ordinary.As I said before, the more than 300 paparazzi are not ordinary people, and it is beyond the reach of ordinary people to gather so many people together.

Ma Dapao has done a lot for me. Later, after my career became bigger, I certainly did not forget him. I became the security department in my company, and Ma Dapao was the minister. All his members came to my company go to work.

Now let's talk about Hu Grenade.

This guy is not an ordinary reporter, he is very powerful, and the reports he writes are very shocking.This guy has a great characteristic in doing things, that is, he is very ruthless.

Let me briefly explain what happened to him later.Hu Handlei later went to Sakura Country, where he found a woman to be his wife, and lived happily ever after.

Then talk about the other women.

Let me talk about Tong Mengna first.I gave her 100 million, she bought a house, lived with her mother and little daughter Panpan, and lived happily.

Some people may want to say, didn't there be a story between the two of you, and what happened afterwards.

I can only say this, many things are like dreaming, don't take it too seriously.Later, she found her other half and lived happily ever after.

Finally, let me talk about Meng Xue.

She and I are indeed college classmates. Our acquaintance was purely accidental. During this period, many stories happened between the two of us. Things were going in a very smooth direction.But after calm thinking, I still choose to be friends with her.

I know very well that I have a wife and I can't think about it.

So far, some of the important characters who have appeared in this story have been introduced.

Now, let me talk about the old man with the white beard.

As I said before, the appearance of the white bearded old man is very strange, and many people dream of him when they dream.

When I was dreaming, I also dreamed of the old man with the white beard. I once suspected that he was my grandfather.A lot of weird things happened without any logic at all, this is how I understand it, time and space travel happened to me.

Some people may want to say that your story will become a bit of nonsense later.

Is such that.

Originally, there are many things in this world that we don't know, and there are many phenomena that cannot be explained.

Regarding the white bearded old man who appeared, everyone can use their imagination.You can call this old man a god.

To be honest, I don't know what happened to this old man with white beard.

But one thing is certain, a comet exploded when it flew past the earth 60 years ago.Debris from the explosion landed on Earth, and from that moment on, the old man with the white beard appeared.

So there is such a possibility that the old man with white beard should be an alien.

Someone may ask, what happened to your grandpa?

Where did your grandpa go?
There is no answer or explanation for this question.

Well, here we are, this story is about to come to an end.

There are many readers who may say that you should have put a full stop long ago.The story has become less and less interesting.

All I can say now is that a new story is about to begin because this one is over.

The new story will be very exciting and the pace is very fast. I hope everyone can pay more attention to it and continue to support it.

Finally, thank you for your company all the way, and wish you happiness and happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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