wife's secret

Chapter 43

Chapter 43
This time, I took the umbrella over carefully.Did not touch each other's hands.

Tong Mengna blushed slightly, smiled lightly again, and said, "Brother Chen, you are so funny."

I smiled embarrassedly, and wanted to say something, but for a while, I felt that I had nothing to say.

The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

I myself feel strange, before this time, I had contact with the other party twice, the first time was at her mother's house across the door, and the second time was when I helped her carry rice up the stairs.There were a total of three times, and twice I held other people's hands.Although it wasn't intentional, but unintentional is also a bit unreasonable. I don't know each other. I have never met him before, so I just shook his hand so cheaply.It's too...that.

"Is Brother Chen going to the South on a business trip?" Tong Mengna took the initiative to break the embarrassment.

"Oh no, no. To see a friend." Of course I wouldn't tell the other person the truth.However, after saying this sentence, I suddenly felt that I and the other party had the same feeling of being a fallen person at the end of the world.

Think about myself, when my career was at its peak and then I fell to the bottom.As for the other party, although I don’t know much about her, I know that she is an unfortunate woman who married her ex-husband wrongedly in order to treat her father’s illness. I sold it myself.After finally divorced, her ex-husband came to pester her again.


I couldn't help sighing.

"Brother Chen, it's not easy being a man. Take care." Tong Mengna finished speaking, turned and entered the room.

I noticed that when the other party said this, he looked at me in a very special way.How to say, it is difficult to describe in words.It can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. There is a kind of tenderness in the other party's eyes, which is the way a mature woman looks at a man.

Only mature women have this kind of look.After any man sees it, his heart will thump.

On the way to meet Dunzi Aqiu, I couldn't get rid of the beautiful image of Tong Mengna.I suddenly remembered the words that Aunt Liu said~~~ "My daughter Tong Menglu is one year younger than you, Xiao Chen. You are born in the year of Ox, and she is born in the year of Rat. My daughter is kind-hearted and has a good temper, but she is also very understanding... "

I thought about it again, and the more I thought about it, the more puzzled I became.Still the same sentence, in marriage, a cow and a mouse are a perfect match, why did Aunt Liu say this, did she just say it casually, or... any other hints?
When I arrived at the small restaurant, Dunzi and Aqiu had already arrived.Dunzi made all the breakfast.Seeing me coming, Dunzi said: "Brother, eat while it's hot. After eating, take a taxi and go directly to the high-speed rail station. Tickets are booked online."

After eating, I checked the time and there was still time.I asked Ah Qiu: "I heard from Dunzi that you went to the Civic Association?"

"Yes. The place is very remote, in an alley, and finally found it. It's pretty good."

I asked curiously, "Where are you going?"

"Look," Ah Qiu took out a plastic bag from his bag, and I saw that it was the soil that the other party took from the broken way temple in Beishan. "This is what Mr. Lu wants. Go to the Folklore Association to find out about the Taoist temple."

It turned out that after I came back from Professor Zhou, I arranged for Dunzi to accompany Aqiu to visit places with local historical sites and try the famous local snacks.When Dunzi enthusiastically asked Ah Qiu to do what I asked, Ah Qiu did not cooperate.Aqiu said that he was not interested in playing and eating, and he asked Dunzi to take him to the local folklore association.

Dunzi is very unfamiliar with the term Folklore Association, so he found the name on the Gaode map and went to the navigation.After turning around, I found the Folklore Association in a remote alley, where there was only one staff member on duty, and asked them why they were here.Aqiu said to the other party that he wanted to check the history of Beishan Taoist Temple and see if anyone practiced Taoism there.

The staff asked, Taoist temple?Is there a Taoist temple in Beishan?Seeing this, Aqiu was very disappointed.So I came back with Dunzi.

I asked Aqiu puzzledly: "I know that Mr. Lu asked you to inquire about the Taoist temple. However, I really don't understand. Is that broken Taoist temple important to Mr. Lu? Why is Mr. Lu so fond of it?" ?”

Aqiu said, "Well, when you see Mr. Lu, you should ask him."

After getting on the high-speed rail, the three of us found a good seat to sit down.Dunzi leaned against the window. After sitting down, he looked at the scenery outside the window and suddenly laughed twice.From what I know of Dunzi, he must have thought of something.

I asked Dunzi, "Dunzi, what are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing." Dunzi said it was nothing, but couldn't help laughing twice.

I remembered a question I wanted to ask Dunzi a long time ago, "Dunzi, why did you spend 120 million on that imitation Ru kiln sky blue glaze bowl?" I know Dunzi too well. Like antiques, pure nonsense.

This question has been on my mind for a long time, and I have always wanted to ask it, but recently I have been thinking about the Hejude Auction House, so I didn't bother to ask it.Now I have time, just ask Dunzi.

"To make a bet with a woman."

"What did you say?" I looked at Dunzi in surprise, "A gamble? For a woman?"


Next, in front of Aqiu, Dunzi told the story of him buying a bowl.

After Dunzi arrived in the south six years ago, he found that southerners like to enjoy themselves and don't want to work hard, so Dunzi's physical strength came in handy.In order to make more money, he specializes in hard work, such as moving bricks at the construction site, cement at the wharf, and carrying the dead at the hospital... After six years, he has earned 120 million.

When preparing to return home, Dunzi wanted to try his luck before leaving.What kind of chance?It turned out that Dunzi felt very itchy when he saw that the girls in the south were very juicy.When he had no money, he had no idea.Now that he has money, he thought of trying to hook up with a girl on the street of the night market, in case the hookup was successful.

Dunzi found a street with a bustling night market. After wandering around for a long time, he found a very good-looking girl standing in an antique shop. one time.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Dunzi entered, the girl slammed him away, speaking in a terrible way.The girl said, is this place from your country bumpkin? The price of the things here will scare you to death, so hurry up, you won’t be able to afford it if you break it.

Dunzi hates being looked down upon by others, especially by this good-looking girl, and his self-esteem can't stand it.Tunzi began to reason with the other party.He had a high voice, and after a loud voice, a fat man with a gold chain around his neck came out from behind the counter.The fat man politely said to Tunzi that it is for your own good to let you go, otherwise if you accidentally break anything here, you will not be able to pay for it if you are sold.Then, the fat man took out a bowl from the counter and said to Dunzi, this bowl is Ru kiln azure-glazed bowl with a price tag of 120 million. If you can spend 120 million to buy it, then...he pointed at the girl and said, This girl is your wife.

It turned out that the fat man was the person in charge of this antique shop. He had long noticed a rustic countryman outside the shop staring at the girl, so he wanted to play tricks on her.

(End of this chapter)

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