wife's secret

Chapter 28

Chapter 28
"Gu Rushui?"

Gu Rushui was my classmate in high school. He had excellent grades in high school. After graduating from a prestigious university, he was engaged in the real estate industry. Due to his outstanding ability, he is now the chairman of a listed real estate company in Ningzhou. Over [-] million.

At the high school reunion that day, Zheng Liang mentioned Gu Rushui.By the way, as soon as Zheng Liang saw me that day, he said, Chen Yang, did you have a festival with Gu Rushui? He must have a problem with Gu Dong.

At that time, I felt baffled after hearing Zheng Liang's words, but now I heard Dunzi say that the house rented by Hejude Auction House was sold to Gu Rushui's real estate company, and I suddenly had a faint feeling.It is very likely that Gu Rushui heard that I was on the party list and did not attend the class reunion, which was related to the house.

Could it be that there is something... tricky between Gu Rushui and the landlord?

I immediately shook my head.What can be tricky?After all, Hejude Auction House closed first, and the house was sold to Gu Rushui after it closed. There is no connection between the two.What's more, the landlord is also kind. If the other party doesn't agree to cancel the rent, I have to pay the rent regularly. If the business is gone, how can I have the money to pay the rent.You know, the Hejude Auction House is located in a very good location. The contract stipulates that the rent is 20 per year. The auction house is not closed. Of course, 20 is not worth mentioning. Now that the auction house is closed, I will go there to get 20.

I told Dunzi my analysis.Dunzi said: "Many things are beyond our imagination. It is not difficult to find out this matter. Just find the Cai Mingyuan you mentioned and ask him to explain the situation clearly."

I said, "The mouth grows on him. If he doesn't tell the truth, there is nothing we can do."

Tunzi said, "I can only fool him."

"Fudge? How to fool?"

"First come the hard ones, then the soft ones..." Dunzi lowered his voice and whispered to me.

After get off work in the evening, Dunzi and I came to the tavern opposite the sales office of Ninghua Real Estate.Dunzi called Cai Mingyuan, "Is this Lao Cai? I am Secretary-General Chen of the Consumers Association. Now there is an urgent matter that requires your cooperation in the investigation. I will send you a location and you will come over immediately."

Putting down the phone, Dunzi asked me to go to the next room, where he sat alone.The two rooms are only separated by a wooden interlayer, not to mention soundproof, and there is a small space in between.Therefore, I can clearly see the situation in Dunzi's room.

After a while, through the glass window, I saw Cai Mingyuan rushing over on a broken bicycle.After putting away the bicycle, he entered the room and saw Dunzi with a smile on his face, "Secretary Chen, what else do you need me to cooperate with you in investigating?"

Lao Cai had just passed fifty, and he was bald. He was short and fat, and he nodded and bowed to talk to Dunzi, looking a little funny.

I really admire Dunzi. After six years of experience in the south, not to mention that his head has become more active, and his mind has become more. It is true that the southerners are ghosts.I have seen the certificate of Ningzhou Consumer Association in Dunzi Lane, black and white, with a big red seal, it is absolutely fake.I know Cai Mingyuan better, he is an honest person, and he will not doubt him after seeing Dunzi's certificate.

"Why don't you just tell Ming, the matter has been clarified, and there is no need to investigate further. You just need to be responsible for compensating the other party's losses." Dunzi looked very serious and his tone was stern.It seems to be performing official duties.

"Compensation for...loss?" Cai Mingyuan was confused by Dunzi's words.

"Yeah, they were supposed to sublease, but you took it back. So you have to compensate for the loss." Dunzi raised his fingers and began to settle accounts, "The penalty for breach of contract is twice the rent, and the rent in the contract is 20 a year. So the liquidated damages are 40 for one year. 240 million for six years..."

"Sublet? What kind of lease?" Cai Mingyuan was anxious.

"To tell you the truth, after the business of Hejude Auction House failed, a big businessman in the jewelry business approached Chen Yang, the owner of the auction house, and asked Chen Yang to sublet the house to him. The big businessman said to Chen Yang I have already made it clear, your current rent is 20 per year, if you sublet it to me, I will give you 25 per year, how about it?"

"Chen Yang agreed. Who would disagree with such a good thing? But, when Chen Yang wanted to sublet, you took it back. Therefore, you violated the rental contract, and you should pay Chen Yang liquidated damages. "

Cai Mingyuan was not intimidated by Dunzi's words. He said: "Is there any mistake? When I asked Chen Yang to take back the house, he agreed. The rental contract clearly states that if one of the parties has For special needs, the two sides will resolve them based on the principle of friendly negotiation. I offered to take back the house, and Boss Chen also agreed. Therefore, there is no such thing as a breach of contract.”

Dunzi was already prepared. He lit a cigarette, took a puff leisurely, and after exhaling a string of smoke rings, he asked leisurely, "Did you sign the supplementary agreement at that time?"

"Supplementary agreement? No, I didn't sign it. Why sign this thing, as long as the two of you agree..."

"Just kidding!" Dunzi interrupted Cai Mingyuan in a cold voice, and after taking a puff of cigarette, his voice raised suddenly, "Talk is unsubstantiated, only words in black and white are effective. Now the Consumers Association has received a report that you, Cai Mingyuan, terminated the rental six years in advance The contract not only caused losses to Chen Yang, but also caused losses to the jeweler. Therefore, you must be responsible for your actions."

"Jeweler?" Cai Mingyuan was confused. He touched his bald head, which was not growing at all, and asked inexplicably, "Secretary-General Chen, why am I becoming more and more confused the more I listen, what loss does the jeweler have? Why is it related to my house? "

"To tell you the truth, that jeweler is from the south and has a big business. He came to Ningzhou City to open a branch. He checked with the master. The place where your house is located has the best Fengshui in the urban area. When you open a shop, money will flow in from all directions, and it’s hard not to make a fortune. The jeweler failed to rent a house, and when you inquired, it turned out that you took it back six years in advance. So, he complained to you in a fit of anger.”

"So that's it." Cai Mingyuan's face turned yellow.

Through the small hole, I can see clearly.When Dunzi first said it, Cai Mingyuan didn't take it seriously. When Dunzi mentioned that Fengshui is good, Cai Mingyuan's demeanor changed suddenly.

I concluded that someone must have told Cai Mingyuan that the house was well feng shui.

Of course, the change in Cai Mingyuan's expression did not escape Dunzi's eyes. He chuckled, "240 million is not a small sum. Boss Cai, are you mentally prepared for this?"

Cai Mingyuan gritted his teeth suddenly, "I don't have any money. I won't compensate, I don't have money to compensate."

Dunzi said: "You are playing a rogue. It worked well before, but it doesn't work now. Do you know the consequences of being a rogue? Let me tell you, your name will be blacklisted immediately, and you will not be allowed to apply for loans in the future. You are not allowed to take a plane, you are not allowed to take a train, etc. In short, your future life will become very aggrieved, uncomfortable, and even feel worse than death. This is not the most important thing. It is a trivial matter that you are finished. The key It will affect your family, your wife, and your children will lose their heads because of you..."

(End of this chapter)

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