Happy life of fishing youth

Chapter 79 Who am I?where am i?

Chapter 79 Who am I?where am i?

On Friday morning, Lin Jiaojiao was busy making breakfast in the kitchen.Bread, hot milk, and an egg she was frying in the pan.A typical western breakfast, good-looking no matter how full you are.But she has tried her best, and it is not easy for her to achieve this step, which Chen Changyu can prove with tears.

She volunteered to cook porridge last night, adding a handful of rice to half a pot of water, which was quite accurate.But the question is, since it is cooking porridge, do you have to watch the pot?Fortunately, she was busy chasing the drama, and completely forgot about the fact that there was still a pot of porridge on the stove.

Chen Changyu waited and waited until he was hungry, wondering why it would take so long to cook porridge?I got up and went to the stove to have a look, and almost vomited blood.Originally planned to cook a pot of porridge, but in the end I didn't expect to cook a pot of rotten rice, and the bottom of the pot was completely black.Chen Changyu was really speechless, and he shouted several times before calling out Lin Jiaojiao from the plot of the TV series.Lin Jiaojiao went into the kitchen to take a look, covered her mouth and couldn't believe her eyes.She had already left this matter behind.The last two people had no choice but to deal with the meal with boiled instant noodles.

With the intention of making amends, she got up early this morning, ready to make a good breakfast to express her guilt to Chen Changyu.But when she got to the kitchen, she felt a headache.Because apart from fried eggs and boiled noodles, she can't do anything else.

porridge?Don't make a fuss, I just boiled a pot of porridge last night, and I also ruined a pot.Boiled noodles, the instant noodles that I ate last night, were made by Chen Changyu.After thinking about it, it's better to do what you are best at.Fry a few eggs, spread some strawberry jam on the bread I just bought yesterday, and heat up a cup of hot milk, and it's done!
Lin Jiaojiao put the prepared breakfast on a plate and brought it to the dining table, neatly arranged, with a sense of ceremony.She herself is very satisfied, the yellow eggs, steaming milk, and the rose-colored bread, don't be too appetizing.

Lin Jiaojiao smiled in satisfaction, and knocked on Chen Changyu's door to wake him up.After all, after breakfast, he still has to go to the hospital for an infusion. Today is the last day, so there is no delay.Even after knocking several times, Chen Changyu didn't come to open the door.What's going on?Lin Jiaojiao was a little puzzled, usually Chen Changyu got up earlier than her, but today was a bit abnormal.

"Don't tell me something happened?" Lin Jiaojiao immediately became nervous, and hurriedly knocked on the door again.After knocking a few more times, Chen Changyu finally opened the door.As soon as the door opened, Lin Jiaojiao was about to ask him if there was anything wrong, when he saw Chen Changyu's two giant panda eyes at a glance.I was happy at once, and the two big dark circles looked like they had put on smoky makeup.

Chen Changyu looked at Lin Jiaojiao who was leaning forward and backward with a smile, and felt baffled.Why is this silly girl giggling so early in the morning?

"You don't go to the park to go to the exhibition, it's a pity for your panda eyes."

Lin Jiaojiao pointed to Chen Changyu's face and said, still couldn't stop laughing.

Chen Changyu touched his face, understood what she said, and smiled self-deprecatingly.Forget it, just laugh.Hey, this is the sequelae of staying up late.

Ever since he saw the program about lure fishing in the restaurant yesterday, his whole mind has been attracted to lure, a fishing method that he has never seen before.After returning home, I watched various lure fishing videos on the Internet.The more you watch it, the more energetic you become, the more you watch it, the more energetic you become, and the more you watch it, the more you like it.Just watching and watching, I inadvertently saw the middle of the night, and didn't turn off the computer until nearly four in the morning before going to sleep.The dark circles under the eyes are made like this.

But it's strange to say that when you are in your teens or twenties, you can stay up late no matter what you do, and you will be alive and well the next day.But after passing the threshold of 30 years old, as long as he stays up late, he will have dark circles, which is really strange.

Chen Changyu didn't bother to talk to Lin Jiaojiao, let her laugh at her.Lin Jiaojiao smiled and urged him to wash up quickly, otherwise the breakfast would be cold, and he had to go to the hospital for an infusion today, so there was no delay.Chen Changyu followed the good advice and went straight to the bathroom to wash up.After washing, he felt more energetic. When he saw the milk, bread, and eggs on the table, he immediately felt a strong appetite, so he quickly sat down to eat.

This breakfast is delicious!

Seeing Chen Changyu eating so happily, Lin Jiaojiao felt a sense of accomplishment and was very happy.Even the little black dog felt her joy and jumped up and down at her feet.Its hard work was appreciated by the owner, and an egg was added to its breakfast.

After eating this pleasant breakfast, the two of them tidied up, and Lin Jiaojiao accompanied Chen Changyu to go to the hospital to report to the nurse sister.Chen Changyu was going to drive there, but Lin Jiaojiao snatched the car key from his hand.The reason is that driving is easy to tire the waist, so it is not allowed to drive.Chen Changyu couldn't resist her, especially the cold light flashing from time to time in Lin Jiaojiao's big eyes, which was quite intimidating.

When I arrived at the hospital, I went straight to the infusion hall and found the nurse who had been giving Chen Changyu infusions for the past two days.After matching up the name and the medicine, the two found a relatively quiet place and waited for the nurse to come and give the injection.Chen Changyu stayed up all night last night, watched the video all night, and fell asleep as soon as his head touched the back of the chair.Coupled with the noisy voices in the hall, he was even more sleepy.Before the nurse came to give him the infusion, he fell asleep against the back of the chair.When the nurse came, I felt strange. The nurse saw the patient who fell asleep before the infusion for the first time.

Lin Jiaojiao was convinced too, and wanted to shake him awake.The nurse shook her hand, meaning not to yell, and the fluid can be infused just like this.The nurse's technique was really powerful, and he got it done by adding three, adding five, and dividing two. Chen Changyu was still sleeping throughout the whole process, without noticing it.Lin Jiaojiao couldn't help giving the nurse a thumbs up, and the nurse smiled and pushed the cart away.

Lin Jiaojiao looked up at the medicine bottle, and had to sit for more than two hours. Fortunately, she had a TV series to watch, otherwise she really didn't know how to pass the time.She looked at Chen Changyu, who was already asleep, and thought it was funny.There are still people who can fall asleep after receiving an infusion in the hospital. The key is that they fall asleep before the infusion. Chen Changyu is probably the only one.After getting along with Chen Changyu for almost two months, it was the first time that she really discovered the cuteness of Chen Changyu.Compared with the occasional flashes of cuteness before, this time he fully showed his true nature in front of her.

There is no distance, no restraint, only complete relaxation, complete relaxation.

Lin Jiaojiao smiled very satisfied, took out her mobile phone and began to follow the drama, she just saw the good part of the plot, and quickly invested in it.But even when she was watching TV dramas with great concentration, she would still raise her head to look at the medicine bottle from time to time, paying attention all the time.After all, once the bottle is empty, it will be terrible.

Chen Changyu leaned on the chair and fell into a deep sleep.But people are asleep, but the brain is not resting.He has already entered his dream, and in the dream, he is fishing with Gu Lei and Lao Hu by the Yangtze River.Each person has a lure rod, and he uses a spindle-wheel fishing rod. From time to time, he catches big fish from the Yangtze River.What cocked mouth, mandarin fish, all of them are the fish species that were not seen much in the video yesterday.A few people by the river are called a happy, that is called a carefree!Couldn't be happier!

But just when he was happy in the dream, he was shaken awake.Chen Changyu opened his eyes in a daze, and the first thing he saw was the ceiling of the infusion hall of the hospital. Looking at the gray ceiling, Chen Changyu was stunned.

Aren't I fishing for lures by the river? What kind of place is this?

Lin Jiaojiao looked at the dazed Chen Changyu and laughed secretly.

This man is dreaming and confused.

"Where are you?" Lin Jiaojiao joked.

"Where am I? I was fishing by the river just now."

Chen Changyu rubbed his eyes, checked the surrounding environment, and finally remembered that he was in the hospital.

"I remembered?"

Lin Jiaojiao covered her mouth and smiled.

"Oh, I remembered."

Chen Changyu touched his head in embarrassment, when he raised his hand, he remembered that he was still carrying water, and hurriedly put his arm down again.

"Hahaha, look at your stupidity! It's over, go home."

Chen Changyu was ridiculed by Lin Jiaojiao so much that words cannot describe it.

Sleep well this time!Completely fell asleep with his own image.

"Why did today end so quickly? Didn't I hang up for more than two hours yesterday? Besides, why didn't I know that the nurse gave me an infusion?"

Chen Changyu stood up and asked Lin Jiaojiao suspiciously.Lin Jiaojiao smiled but didn't speak, and showed Chen Changyu his mobile phone.Chen Changyu took a look at the phone, and his face immediately became embarrassing like Dayao's.

Lin Jiaojiao took pictures of him sleeping, even smiling and dreaming, and he was still sleeping when the nurse came to give the injection at the end.The key is that the nurses all had smiles on their faces, obviously amused by him.

"Hey, so what. Let's discuss it and delete it."

Chen Changyu blushed and made his request.

Lin Jiaojiao snatched the phone, afraid that he would delete these videos.

"Hmph! That's not okay, this is my long-term meal ticket in the future! You have a good idea!"

"Oh! Without these videos, wouldn't I cook for you every day? You already have a long-term meal ticket."

"That doesn't work either, except for meal tickets. You can also make other tickets, such as buying clothes and bags, right?"

The two of them bargained and walked out the door, still haggling along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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