Happy life of fishing youth

Chapter 35 The World Is Wonderful

Chapter 35 The World Is Wonderful

Lao Wang led Wang Xin into the meeting room of Shining Star Group. Seeing them come in, the people in the meeting room stood up collectively.Lao Wang raised his hand and pressed it, and everyone sat down again.

Here, he is no longer the old king who fished with Lao He, but the chairman of Shining Star Group and the helm of the company!
"I just came back from another place. Please tell me the details of the product again, and I will go through it again."

After Lao Wang finished speaking, he picked up the teacup, smelled the fragrance of the tea leaves, and took a sip.

"Okay, Mr. Wang. Mr. Hu hasn't come back from the city yet. Let me report the details of the product to you first."

Wang Tiansheng, one of the heads of the group's R&D department, stood up and said.He stood up and nodded to his subordinates who were guarding the projector, and the projector over there began to display the content.

After half an hour, the information was released, which shows how hard this product development is.

"Mr. Wang. The above is the detailed content of the No. [-] product. The product experiment and testing are completed by the factory department. Next, Yao Gong from the factory department will explain it to you."

"Okay, sit down. You have put your thoughts into this product development. I already know the general situation of this product. I would like to add a little opinion, that is, don't make mistakes with our little ancestors. The most important thing! Whether it is hair removal or hair color loss, such problems must not occur. You must not patronize the taste and ignore the safety of the product. Yao Gong, continue to talk."

"Okay, Mr. Wang. This is the pre-inspection report for this product, please take a look. The same report has been sent to Mr. Xiaoxin before. Let me introduce the content of the pre-inspection for this product."

Yao Gong, who was wearing glasses, began to explain the report materials to the participants.

Time passed slowly, and the people in the conference room couldn't stand it any longer and started to light cigarettes.Pharaoh had already smoked on his own.The meeting room was filled with smoke after a while, Dong Xiaoqi quickly turned on the exhaust, and opened the window of the meeting room, only to see a puff of real smoke drifting out from the window.Wang Xin, who was sitting inside, couldn't bear it anymore, and coughed heavily.

Hearing Wang Xin's cough, the smokers immediately put their cigarettes in the ashtray, and Lao Wang also pushed the cigarettes away angrily.Dong Xiaoqi stood behind Wang Xin, trying to hold back a smile.

Yao Gong over there also stopped, and he also finished speaking.

"If you smoke again in a meeting next time, you will be fined! You will be fined 200 yuan for one cigarette! The fine will be given to Xiaoqi and me to buy food! Don't you smokers know how to take care of our two girls?!"

Wang Xin said angrily to the people in the conference room.

Everyone in the conference room showed embarrassment, only Lao Wang laughed.

"Okay. Let's pay attention. Let's continue the meeting."

Old Wang interrupted.

"I have listened carefully to this product just now, and there is no problem. When Mr. Hu comes back from the city, you are ready to start production! Report to me about the specific matters later, and I will not go out in the company recently."

When the people below heard it, they all breathed a sigh of relief.Lao Wang is not in the company, they have no idea.Lao Wang was not here, and they were all afraid of Wang Xin, the eldest lady.Wang Xin is good at everything, but she loses her temper and sometimes makes some inexplicable rules.For example, smoking is not allowed in the company, and a cigarette butt is found to be fined 100 yuan.Who can bear this!

The person who is happier than the employees below is Wang Xin, who can finally have a vacation.These days, she was exhausted.With so many mouths in such a big company, she couldn't help but be careless.Now that Lao Wang is back, she is finally liberated.

"Okay, let's adjourn the meeting and make preparations in all departments. The work at hand cannot be stopped or messed up. This time the product launch must be done beautifully for me. We Xingyao people are the least afraid of hardships, and the most afraid of There is no return for the effort! Dismiss the meeting!"

"President Wang, please rest assured!"

There were passionate shouts in the conference room.

Lao Wang led Wang Xin to his office from the conference room, while Dong Xiaoqi was still sorting out materials with participants from other departments in the conference room.

"Xiaoxin, where are you waiting?"

Lao Wang asked his precious daughter.

"Go to the First City Hospital first, and then go home."

"Go to the hospital? What's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

When Lao Wang heard Wang Xin say that he was going to the hospital, he immediately became nervous.

"No. I went to the hospital for a physical examination, and it's time for my physical examination."

"Oh, that's good. Play by yourself, pay attention to rest, don't be greedy for fun!"

"Old Wangtou, what are you talking about! I'm playful? I've been exhausted for the past few months! Last time I went to the studio to get something, I bumped into someone! It's all exhausting! Do you know?"

Wang Xin roared at Old Wang.

"I was wrong, I was wrong. You have worked hard, Mr. Wang."

"Huh! I'm ignoring you. I'm leaving."

"Don't worry, I still have something to ask you! How did you decide on the advertisement?"

"I have no idea!"

Wang Xin stamped her feet angrily, and ran towards the elevator.

Lao Wang looked at his daughter who was going away, and shook his head.This time she was completely offended!

Hey, come on!Wait for Xiaoqi to come back and ask Xiaoqi.Lao Wang had no choice but to walk towards the office alone.

After a while, Dong Xiaoqi came back from the conference room, brought back Lao Wang's teacup by the way, and put it gently on the table.

"Xiaoqi, is the advertisement for the new product finalized? How did you plan it?"

"It's fixed! It's decided by Mr. Hu. It's an advertising company in this city called Qingcheng Advertising Company. Mr. Hu has asked the other party to come up with a plan. I sent all the product information to the other party's boss. The other party is already making a plan. Yes. According to the agreement, the formal contract will not be signed until the plan is approved. This publicity plan will be published on buses, newspapers, new media and e-commerce according to your instructions. It is the most comprehensive launch so far. "

"That's good. How about the opponent's strength and aptitude?"

"I'm not familiar with the specific situation, but I've seen the previous plan, and it's pretty good. For other situations, I'll have to wait for Mr. Hu to come back and report to you."

"Okay, you inform Xiao Hu. Tell him to come back and see me immediately."

"Okay, Mr. Wang."

"Go get busy."


Dong Xiaoqi turned around and left the office, and gently closed the door for Lao Wang.

Wang Xin was driving the car, playing music, and was going to the city's first hospital.

Today is indeed the time for her physical examination, but it's already afternoon, how can I do the physical examination?
But she still went straight to the city's first hospital to meet someone.Her good friend and the doctor who did her physical examination, Zhang Xiaoni.The two were classmates in high school, but later one picked up a paintbrush, the other picked up a scalpel, and embarked on different paths in life.Over the years, their friendship has not changed.

This physical examination was made by the two of them in advance.The two haven't seen each other for a long time, so they just took advantage of this opportunity to chat more.Anyway, the physical examination itself didn't take long, and I didn't expect to be messed up by a meeting from Lao Wang.Along the way, Wang Xin kept complaining to his friends and complaining about his father.Zhang Xiaoni on the other side of the phone laughed out loud.

Shining Star Group is located in the Development Zone of City Y, which is some distance away from the city.When Wang Xin turned onto the elevated road, there was a traffic jam.Make Wang Xin anxious enough!

When there was a traffic jam, the unique siren of an ambulance came from behind.Wang Xin looked in the rearview mirror, and all the cars behind gave way to make way for the ambulance.Wang Xin also quickly turned 45 degrees to one side, giving way to the middle road.At this time, the ambulance needs the most time, but it is life-saving!
After the ambulance passed by, the traffic flow returned to normal, and soon the traffic flow became smooth.After getting off the elevated road, she went straight to the city's first hospital!
When he arrived at the City No. [-] Hospital, Wang Xin parked his car in the parking lot.I wanted to take the elevator up, but the elevator was full of people.Wang Xin turned to the stairs. Compared with the crowd, she would rather climb the stairs by herself.

Zhang Xiaoni's office is on the eighth floor. She is a cardiologist.Climb from the second floor of the basement to the eighth floor, which is ten stories high.Even if Wang Xin does exercise regularly, he is still exhausted, especially on some floors where there are no lights yet, and he has to rely on his mobile phone for lighting.Fortunately, there was a lot of people outside, so she wasn't afraid.

After finally reaching the eighth floor, the door was still full of people's voices when the door was opened. The hospital is indeed the best place for "business" in the world!

Wang Xin sat on the bench and rested for a few minutes before getting up to find Zhang Xiaoni.When we arrived at Zhang Xiaoni's office, Zhang Xiaoni was talking nervously with a nurse.The nurse was wearing a blue sterilized gown, and the mask was untied and hung over her ear.Wang Xin saw the blood on the blue disinfectant clothes at a glance, and immediately felt dizzy.She was dizzy and couldn't see any blood.Enduring the dizziness, Wang Xin quickly turned around and walked out, but she was still a step too late, and staggered and fell sideways.Seeing Wang Xin slumped at the door, the two people who were talking inside hurried out. Only then did Zhang Xiaoni realize that the person who fell was her good friend Wang Xin.

"Xiaoxin, how are you doing?"

Zhang Xiaoni supported Wang Xin and asked anxiously.

"I, I, faint blood."

Wang Xin said softly.


Zhang Xiaoni looked at her suspiciously.

"There's blood on her clothes."

Wang Xin pointed to the nurse next to Zhang Xiaoni without daring to raise her head.

"What? Where?"

The nurse pointed at by Wang Xin hurriedly turned up her clothes, quickly found the bloodstain on the disinfection gown, and quickly tore off the gown.

"Okay, it's all right. Gu Jing has already disposed of the clothes, and it's all right."

Zhang Xiaoni supported Wang Xin, comforted her, and helped Wang Xin to a chair in the office with the nurse and sat down.

Only then did Wang Xin take a breath, she was not afraid of anything except blood!The dizzy blood dizzy badly!

"Okay, then I'll go first, Xiaoni. I'll wait until the patient's CT is finished, and I'll take another look. I'll go down and talk to Dr. Zhang in the emergency department. I have to go down quickly. The emergency department is very busy."

"Okay, quiet. You go ahead, I won't keep you."

"Well, I went first."

Listening to the nurse's voice, Wang Xin became more and more familiar with it.She suddenly remembered that it was this nurse who brought the person hit by her to the hospital at the door of the breakfast shop more than a month ago!Later, because of her, he and the person who was hit were ridiculed by the doctor.Thinking of this, she quickly said:
"Wait a minute. May I ask, are you in the emergency department on the first floor? Is your surname Gu?"

"Yes, I'm in the emergency department on the first floor. My surname is Gu. Do we know each other?"

That nurse was Gu Jing. She had just returned from a visit to the cardiology department.Gu Jing looked at Wang Xin suspiciously, she didn't know Wang Xin.

"Why do you know each other?"

Zhang Xiaoni also asked Wang Xin suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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