Fool Qi

Chapter 40 Binding

Chapter 40 Binding
After standing all day, it was time to get off work.

Du Yi shook his sore leg, changed into his employee uniform, went to the nearby market to buy vegetables, and returned home.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw that the chair was tilted to this side, the wall was smashed into several holes, and Ah Qi was gone.

"Did someone steal something? Where's Ah Qi?" Du Yi hurriedly opened his room.

The room was clean and tidy, just like when we went out.

She put down her bag and vegetables, locked the door, and hurried downstairs.

On the second floor, she frantically slammed on the landlord's door.

After a while, Aunt Chen opened the door.

"Aunt Chen, there seems to be a thief in my dormitory. Ah Qi is gone too." Du Yi said impatiently when Aunt Chen appeared.

"There are no thieves, but there is a king of destruction." Aunt Chen suddenly became angry.

Du Yi was stunned for a moment, did Ah Qi smash the wall?What about Ah Qi?She turned around and shouted: "Ah Qi, Ah Qi!"

Aunt Chen interrupted her and said, "Stop barking, come in, he's at my house."

Du Yi followed Aunt Chen in.

But Ah Qi was sitting at the dining table, gnawing on a big chicken leg, his face was covered with oil.

She was relieved that the person was not lost, but she was also faintly disappointed.

She couldn't tell what was going on.

She said to Aunt Chen, "Aunt Chen, I'm so sorry. I didn't know he would do this, and he caused you trouble. I'll get someone to paint the wall later."

Aunt Chen sat back at the dining table, waved to Du Yi, and said, "When I delivered the lunch at noon, I saw him yelling and smashing the stool. So I brought him down, lest you worry, So I didn't call you. Have you eaten yet? Come and eat together."

Du Yi still had the nerve to stay here for dinner, she grabbed Ah Qi's arm, and said to Aunt Chen, "No need, I bought some food, I'll cook it when I go back."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Ah Qi to go outside.

Ah Qi hadn't finished eating the chicken legs yet, so she refused to leave without saying anything, and dragged Du Yi to pull it.

Du Yi became angry, picked up the broom near the door, pointed at Ah Qi and said, "Can you go?"

Seeing her holding a broom, Ah Qi burst into tears.

Du Yi took the opportunity to pull the broom towards the door and put the broom away.

Turning back to Aunt Chen, she said, "We're going up first."

Without waiting for Aunt Chen's answer, she dragged Ah Qi and brought him back to the house.

Rice to cook.

Although the food is not as good as Aunt Chen's, it's okay, Ah Qi eats quite vigorously.Du Yi looked at Ah Qi's foolish appearance, thinking that this was not good.

After rolling her eyes several times, she finally thought of a way.

After dinner, she went downstairs and bought a rope as thick as a thumb in a nearby store.

Since Ah Qi is moving around, tie him to the chair, he is so stupid that he won't feel anything.

She thought so, and the next morning, she did the same.

At first, Ah Qi thought it was fun and let her be tied up, but after a while, she felt unable to move her hands and feet, and began to cry loudly.

Du Yi felt upset, so he stuffed it with a towel.

She said to Ah Qi: "Sit down properly, I will untie it for you when I get back from get off work."

Ah Qi yelled a few times, seeing Du Yi's angry face, worried that he would be beaten again, so he stopped yelling.

Du Yi then greeted Aunt Chen and went to work.

Besides, Ah Qi, after Du Yi left, he felt very uncomfortable in his hands and feet, so he began to frantically support the rope with his hands, and kept kicking the ground with his feet, trying to get the rope out of the way.

But the rope was tied tightly enough, no matter how much he tossed about it, it didn't loosen.

Ah Qi bit the towel, her face was covered with sweat, she was extremely tired.

His head started to hurt, and he gradually calmed down.

After half an hour, he passed out.

The sun was brighter and the room was hotter.

Ah Qi who was sitting on the chair was motionless.

Time passed quickly, and the hour hand had already moved to two o'clock in the afternoon.But for some reason, Aunt Chen hasn't delivered the meal yet.

The room was quiet.

Ah Qi suddenly opened his eyes, and there was no foolish look on his face.He came to himself.

The surroundings were strange, and he wanted to stand up, but found that his hands and feet were bound and his mouth was gagged.

"What happened?" He was terrified in his heart, and when he saw the hole in the wall, he thought he had been kidnapped.He shouted anxiously.

"Ah ah ah..."

But his mouth was blocked, so he couldn't speak.

He couldn't figure it out, why would someone kidnap a fool?Did he owe the fare, steal something from someone else, or beat him up?
He just remembered that he was in a car.

What are these.

Stomach is also growling loudly.

He tried a few more times, but found that it was useless, so he stopped and looked around.

This room is one bedroom and one living room. The living room is small, the table is small, and the balcony is also small.Hey, why are there still women's clothes hanging on the window sill?

Also, apart from a few holes on the wall, the hall is still neat and clean.It looked like a place where ordinary women lived, so why was he tied up instead?
He was really puzzled: what kind of person lived here?

No, I have to escape quickly.

He took the chair and tried to stand up.But his legs were bound too tightly, and he couldn't stand up no matter what.

If that doesn't work, ask for help.The main thing is to remove the towel from your mouth.

He started puffing his mouth and spitting out.

Stretched and retracted, but couldn't spit it out.

At this moment, there was a sound of unlocking the door, and then a woman walked in.

It was Aunt Chen.

Seeing her coming in, Ah Qi thought she was the one who had tied her up, and stared at her angrily.

Aunt Chen was holding a bunch of keys in her hand, and was about to put them away, when she saw Ah Qi's face was flushed, she ran over and pulled the towel away: "What a crime, what is this Du Yi doing? Qi made it like this. Ah Qi, don’t be afraid, Aunt Chen will help you untie it.”

After speaking, she put the key on the table, walked behind the chair, and started to help Ah Qi untie the rope.

When Ah Qi heard her say Du Yi, she felt that the word was very familiar, and when she saw her helping to untie her, she was even more puzzled.He turned his head and asked, "Excuse me, who are you and why are you here?"

When Aunt Chen heard this, she stopped.She walked up to Ah Qi, and said doubtfully, "Excuse me? So you're not stupid!"

Ah Qi shook her hands, but found that she still couldn't move.He looked up at the person in front of him, and felt that this person had a kind face, and he didn't look like an evildoer no matter what.He said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, my name is Luo Tian. Because I was a little stimulated before, my spirit is not very good, and it goes up and down. I'm causing you trouble."

Aunt Chen frowned and asked, "Well, do you know Du Yi?"

"Du Yi, Du Yi..." Ah Qi muttered twice, and suddenly remembered that he was going to the provincial capital by car this time, wasn't it just to find Du Yuan and Du Yi's brothers and sisters?

It's a godsend, finally found it.

He nodded wildly and said, "I know her. She also has an older brother named Du Yuan. I was entrusted by his father to find their brothers and sisters."

"Well. Let me untie the rope for you first." Aunt Chen could see that he was not lying, so she helped him untie it.

"Let me call her back for you." Aunt Chen took out her phone and was about to dial.

"No." Ah Qi suddenly stopped her.

(End of this chapter)

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