Taxi at night

Chapter 93, Second hand house

Chapter 93, Second-Hand Housing
At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Ren returned home. He felt that the trip was extremely hard and not worthwhile.

But Brother Qi was very happy, because in less than half a day, the fresh mutton he pulled back was snatched up, and there was not a single leaf left.After dinner, he came to look for Lu Ren, and planned to come back in two days, but Lu Ren immediately refused.

Lu Ren doesn't want to turn his taxi into a truck, what are you kidding?For the sake of the neighbors, it's good to help you once, and I'm still thinking about such a beautiful thing.

Besides, I have been resting at home for two days, and the main streets in the city have been cleared out. Today, Zhang Jia called to ask about the time to go to work tomorrow. After tonight, everything will return to normal. It is me Serious work.

Brother Qi left disappointed. Lu Ren was hesitating about getting out of the car at night, and finally decided to go out for a walk. If the business is not good, he should come back early.

Before he left the house, he received a call from Tan Rui and provided him with a piece of information, which immediately caught his attention.

"I'm very surprised, have you changed your mind? Are you not going to buy a new house?" Lu Ren asked puzzled.

"Buy it, who said not to buy it? I mean... ask you... buy it or not? This is a second-hand house, and it can be transferred directly to your name. In this way, won't you have a wedding house?" When Tan Rui said this, Lu Ren finally understood.

Tan Rui hopes that Lu Ren will buy this second-hand house as a temporary wedding house; while Tan Rui wants to buy a new house as a dowry when he gets married.

To be honest, Lu Ren wasn't very interested in second-hand housing, but it sounded like Tan Rui liked it, so he couldn't bear to refuse directly, so he agreed to go and have a look.

In this way, Lu Ren would have something to do at night. It was not only looking at the house but also a date, killing two birds with one stone.

The two of them came to an early community building, the floors here were generally not high, only six floors, and there was no elevator.It fell into the city in the middle and late 90s, and it has been less than ten years now, so the age of the building is not too long.

"Looking at you, you seem to be very familiar with this." Lu Ren followed behind Tan Rui, seeing that she went straight to Unit [-], Building [-] without asking anyone since she entered the community, so she asked curiously .

"This is the home of a classmate of mine. I used to come here to play when I was a child. Do you think... can you not be familiar with it?"

"Is it your classmate's house?" Lu Ren immediately felt relieved, no wonder he could move freely here without hindrance.

"Yeah! His parent's unit has allocated a new house, and he doesn't want the old house anymore, so let me inquire about it. Hehe, I are short of money now, and it will be unrealistic to buy a new house for a while. It’s better to buy a second-hand one. Besides, in the city, there are differences between people who have a house and those who don’t. With this house, at least you are a house owner. Who cares if you have a new house or an old house? ?" Tan Rui spoke out his thoughts in detail, and after listening carefully, he found some truth, Lu Ren was a little shaken in his heart, and decided to go up and have a look.

Walking all the way to the fifth floor, Tan Rui knocked on the door.

"Ruirui, you're here." The girl who opened the door was a girl wearing glasses, wearing a loose woolen sweater and a pair of cotton slippers, shouting excitedly.At the same time, a pair of dark eyes looked behind him, staring straight at Lu Ren's face for five seconds, but still refused to get out of the way.

"Dead glasses, have you seen enough? Don't invite us in." Tan Rui blushed for a while, pushed his best friend away with both hands, and walked in first.

"Hi, my name is Lu Ren, and I'm here to look at the house." Lu Ren stepped forward to say hello in embarrassment.

"My name is Ding Jiali, welcome. You can sit down casually, and I'll pour you a cup of hot tea." After Ding Jiali finished speaking, she covered her mouth and giggled a few times, then turned around and poured water for the two of them.

"Jiali, where are your parents? Are they not at home?"

"My dad is on the night shift, and my mom went to the club to dance. She won't come back until nine o'clock." Ding Jiali said as she poured a cup of tea for Lu Ren, and Tan Rui for a cup of boiled water, and then hugged each other. Tan Rui sat down beside him.

"Lu Ren, this is a house like this, with two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom, with a small balcony. The area is about 80 square meters... Jiali, is it that big?"

"It's less than 80 square meters, and the actual usable area is only a little over 70 square meters." Ding Jiali corrected Tan Rui's statement, turned her head to look at Lu Ren, thought for a while and asked, "Our new house has been renovated a long time ago, and we're moving next week. If you decide to buy it, you can celebrate the New Year with Tan Rui here."

"Dead glasses, what nonsense are you talking about?" Tan Rui turned around, pressed Ding Jiali under his body, and stretched out his hand to tickle her.The two of them immediately twisted into a ball, so that they forgot the serious business.

Lu Ren sat beside him with a dry smile, picked up the teacup and pretended to drink water, the water was very hot, so he quickly put it down again.

A few minutes later, Ding Jiali asked for mercy, and Tan Rui straightened up, and said bitterly: "I wanted to introduce you to a doctor, but now this girl has changed her mind, so that you will not be able to get married in the future and become a doctor." Old girls are fine."

"Doctor? Is it from your hospital?" Ding Jiali immediately aroused her interest, and asked with her arms around Tan Rui's shoulder affectionately.

"A new intern, 26 years old, about 1.7 meters tall, from other provinces, what kind... Are you interested?" Lu Ren didn't expect that there would be such a thing. , it seems that the two girlfriends really can't be together, otherwise, it is very likely to turn into a kiss meeting.

"I'm a bit short, I'm afraid I'm not as tall as you." Ding Jiali snorted after hearing this, and brought the topic to Lu Ren, feeling a little disgusted.

This is a bit straightforward, Lu Ren felt a little unhappy, and thought to himself: You are only about 1.6 meters, and you want to find a taller one.

"Among men, he's of medium height. He's handsome. He's very popular with women in the hospital. Many little nurses have long been envious. Let me tell you straight!...He's not Wu Erlang, and he doesn't worry about marrying him at all. Not a daughter-in-law." Tan Rui knew that Ding Jiali was in good condition and she was beautiful, so she inevitably developed a habit of picking and choosing.

This new doctor is really good, so he remembered his best friend and wanted to match the two of them.I didn't expect that Ding Jiali hadn't seen her yet, she just had such a disgusted look, and unconsciously called Qu for the doctor.

"Is it really as good as you said? Do you have any photos? Let me take a look." Ding Jiali was still a little moved, and she had the idea of ​​initial contact.

"I really don't have this. I haven't heard people often say that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. If it is suitable, you will know if you get in touch with it."

"Okay then! You arrange for me as soon as possible. What kind of thing is this girl going to see this sought-after doctor?" Ding Jiali finally made up her mind. Single, if you say you are not in a hurry, that would be a lie.

"Hey, have you finished talking about the two of you? I've also seen the house, what about the price?" Lu Ren sat aside and couldn't wait any longer, so he interrupted and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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