Taxi at night

Chapter 66, 1 car glass

Chapter 66, A piece of car glass
Seeing that it is about to enter July, the disadvantage of the car above is highlighted: there is no air conditioning.July, August and September are undoubtedly the hottest weather of the year. Sitting in an air-conditioned room feels too hot, not to mention hiding in a tight iron compartment... Therefore, Lu Ren's business has dropped by more than [-]%, and there are almost no one in the daytime. There are only two periods of time in the morning and evening that can be used, and it is conceivable that I feel depressed.

The deadline for changing the car is coming soon, and there is still 4 yuan short of the minimum fundraising standard.Lu Ren decided to adjust his work and rest time, sleeping during the day and working all night, trying to minimize the loss.

In fact, it's not just Lu Ren who made such adjustments, but all walks of life have made fine-tuning. In this way, when night comes, shopping malls, bars, nightclubs, food stalls... etc. are crowded with people who come out to play and consume, but it is more crowded than in the past. Prosperous and prosperous.

Since returning from the flower market, Lu Ren and Yuan Liqing's relationship has completely turned to freezing point.The two of them knew in their hearts that unless some kind of miracle happened, it was impossible for them to walk together.These two people maintain a kind of tacit understanding, and they basically don't communicate alone. If they meet by chance, they will only greet each other in a friendly manner, nod their heads, and drift away.

Guo Yi met Lu Ren a few days ago and greeted him warmly, but Lu Ren kept a respectful distance from him.Lu Ren wanted to keep a proper distance from Guo Yi, and he didn't want to make friends with too many bad things like this.

Thankfully, Tang Xue's school was finally on summer vacation, and when she returned to her hometown, her life suddenly became much quieter. Lu Ren heaved a long sigh of relief, and didn't have to face troubles for at least two months.However, people can't be seen anymore, and the phone calls are more frequent than before, one a day... no, sometimes, several a day.

You said that if you have something to do, you can find Lu Ren, but most of it is trivial family matters, or walking between classmates... It's nothing!

At noon that day, Lu Ren was lying on the mat to fight against the scorching heat tenaciously, with two fans placed one behind the other, sweeping left and right, and finally fell asleep... Tang Xue's phone call was inappropriate, making Lu Ren Furious, he asked viciously, "You're full, don't you know that brother is taking a nap? Tell me, what's going on this time?"

"Why are you so angry? Didn't they come to you for something important?" Tang Xue said in a disapproving tone, as if she was a little aggrieved.

"You... well, what's so important?" Lu Ren resisted his irritability and wanted to get rid of this idle girl as soon as possible.

"I have peas on my face again. The medicine I took before didn't work. Brother, do you have any good medicine?" To Tang Xue, this matter was simply a big deal, no wonder it would alarm Lu Ren.

"I really can't help you. You can ask your godmother about this kind of thing." Lu Ren felt dizzy and wanted to fall asleep again.

"I think the medicine I bought in the city before is not bad. Brother, you can buy two bottles for me and bring them to me later."

"Oh, what's your name?"

"I'll send you a message to save you from misremembering."


After finally dismissing the difficult Tang Xue, Lu Ren couldn't sleep for a while, the room was stuffy, and the wind from the fan had a slight smell of fire, and it didn't feel cool to his body at all.

"Papapa..." There was the sound of objects colliding in the yard, and Lu Ren frowned. This was the kid next door playing with a slingshot again.

Ever since Yao Qin moved away, the next door has been vacant for a long time.A week ago, a young family of three moved into the next room. The young couple were in their 20s and under 30, but they brought an eight or nine-year-old boy with them.

Lu Ren heard from Uncle Li that the male local works in an ore processing factory. He works two shifts a month. There are no rules.

The woman is from the provinces, small and exquisite, with a spirit in her eyes, which can of course be called cunning.Different people have different opinions and cannot be forced.

It's the school holiday now, and the boy next door seems to like playing with the slingshot very much. In the past two days, the birds, chickens, etc. in the neighborhood have basically been beaten away by him.

Lu Ren felt that the impact point was too close to the glass window of the house, so he got up and went to the yard, ready to go out and watch the child let him run away to play.

There was a sound of "ba ta", as if hitting the window glass outside. Feeling anxious, Lu Ren hurried out of the hospital to check, only to see that the boy saw that the situation was not good, turned his head and went into the courtyard and was never seen again.

"God bless, please don't break the window glass." There is no doubt about hitting the glass, the key is not to break it... The child is young and ignorant, and arguing is also a troublesome matter.

After investigation, Lu Ren found that there was an obvious white mark on the front windshield, and the remaining stone ash was still there.From the outside, it seems to be intact, but from the inside out, you can clearly distinguish several thin cracks through the scattering of sunlight. There are three cracks in total, and the longest is about 3 cm...

Then there is face-to-face testimony and accountability.

The child's mother looked innocent, wanting to deny it but dared not, the child bowed his head and admitted that it was his masterpiece.

"I don't think it will affect the use, and you can't see it from the outside at all." Uncle Li's eyesight is dim, and after repeated identification, he expressed his opinion.

"From now on, take good care of the child, use a slingshot to shoot birds all day long, and sooner or later he will beat someone up." Lu Ren thought about it for a while, and decided to let him go for the time being.After all, they are neighbors, so it's not easy to do things right.

When the mother and son heard what Lu Ren said, they nodded in agreement as if they had been pardoned.Uncle Li stood aside, feeling very happy that Lu Ren sold his face today, and then praised Lu Ren beautifully, as if Lu Ren was the only good person left in the world besides Uncle Li. The boasted Lu Ren himself was ashamed, so he covered his face and turned away.

In fact, Lu Ren also had his own ideas. He would be buying a new car in a few months. The window glass was not a big deal now, and he could drive it until it was scrapped.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Ren started working.The business was not good, and before dark, I only earned more than 30 yuan, and I was too hot.

After nightfall, the business picked up a bit. After ten o'clock, Lu Ren barely broke through 200 yuan, which is not bad in the hot summer.Along the river bank, Lu Ren parked his car in front of a nightclub. There are not many private cars here, only a few, and there are people coming and going, so there should be some business to be found.

A well-dressed young woman came out of it, with a sharp figure and staggering steps, obviously drunk.She walked up to a white sports car, took out a key from her bag, and pressed it lightly, the lights on the sports car flickered immediately, and the anti-theft insurance was released.The beauty turned around and got into the car door, and quickly started the car, only to see the car sprint forward, with a click, knocking down a small tree...

"Hey, road killer." Lu Ren saw it and laughed in his heart.

The beauty didn't get out of the car to check, but only heard a roar, and the car slammed into the back, startling Lu Ren who was standing aside watching the fun.

(End of this chapter)

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