Taxi at night

Chapter 62, emergency deceleration

Chapter 62, emergency deceleration

When Lu Ren returned home the next morning, the house had already been cleaned up. It was clean and tidy, and the worries hanging in his heart were finally released.

That woman finally didn't disappoint him completely, and she knew how to keep the last bit of decency for herself.Lu Ren took a short rest and immediately started working normally.

Besides, the taxi driver Xiao Du took a small long-distance trip when it was getting dark, and went to the mountainous area to the west to pick up some goods. The round trip was about 50 kilometers, and he was allowed 100 yuan.The road is not difficult to walk, but there is a downhill dirt road of more than 30 meters when approaching the passenger's residence.

The dirt road is very wide, obviously there are often cars coming in and out of it, it is midsummer, the road is covered with grass, only the part of the ruts is exposed, and a few green shoots grow sparsely... A heavy rain a few days ago turned the high Some of the soil washed down, and the old ruts were covered with a thick layer of loess, and after being exposed to the scorching sun at noon, they were covered with a hard shell.

Xiao Du looked at the dirt road ahead, hesitantly, and asked worriedly: "Boss, can this go down?"

"Haha, don't worry, little master. I live in the house below. The pear field is raking the ground. This road is often used, and it is very hard."

The passenger's answer put Xiao Du's worries on the ground.Pulling a few packs of feed for pigs on the cart, it went downhill without much effort, and when it came back uphill, the cart was empty, so it shouldn't be a problem.

To be on the safe side, Xiao Du shifted into first gear and drove slowly down the slope.Since Xiao Du bought the car last year, it has been more than half a year today.The people and the car are running in the same way, and some common glitches can be eliminated normally, which is the time to be full of confidence.

To be honest, he didn't pay much attention to the gentle slope at the moment. He drove down the slope confidently at the moment. He had just walked less than ten meters, and he felt the car shaking and accelerating uncontrollably... not good , he screamed in his heart, knowing that he was in trouble.

At the same time, Lu Ren was deeply surprised when he received a call from Yuan Liqing.

"Hey, Miss Yuan, why did you think of calling me? This is a rare thing." Lu Ren joked with Yuan Liqing.

"Boss Lu, Boss Lu, you have not replaced your broken car, you look down on people, and you don't answer your phone calls. What do you mean?" No contact.

"Didn't I pick it up? Don't wrong people!" Lu Ren immediately cried out.Although the possibility of the two of them becoming a success is less than 1%, Lu Ren is not willing to give up easily.

"Yesterday morning, you picked it up?"

Lu Ren hurriedly looked through it, and immediately smiled and said, "I'm sorry, my friend got married yesterday, and I was busy all day, so I really missed it."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to the flower market tomorrow morning, are you free?"

"What time?" Of course Lu Ren didn't want to go, but he had to, even for Sister Gan's sake.

"Nine o'clock in the morning, come and pick me up. Goodbye." After Yuan Liqing finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Lu Ren knew a little about Yuan Liqing's flower shop. The little girl wanted to start a business and didn't want to spend her life in the sink. Her spirit was commendable.

The more people a person interacts with, the more chores will come uninvited.Just after finishing talking with Yuan Liqing, Xiao Du's phone calls came in non-stop. After a few pleasantries, Xiao Du said in a pleading tone: "Brother, my car is stuck in a mud pit and I can't come back."

"Where are you now? Explain the matter clearly so that I can help you find a solution." Lu Ren knew that Xiao Du's cry of brother was not in vain. Don't go...Brother is gone, go...Brother's business has been delayed.

Xiao Du explained in detail how he got there, where he went, how he accidentally slipped down the dirt slope, and couldn't get back up...

"I'll go there right away, remember... borrow a sickle, cut some weeds and lay them on the road, and try again." Lu Ren has seen countless things like this kind of getting stuck in mud pits, climbing and slipping, and has accumulated rich experience. With practical experience, often a small trick can easily get out of trouble... The key is to use your brain.

"Yes, brother...I'll give it a try, but you must come here."

"I know, I know, I'll go right away." Lu Ren put down the phone, a little worried, and just ran away with an empty car, and the oil cost was about ten yuan, which seemed uneconomical. It would be more appropriate to pick someone up along the way.

This seemed like a difficult problem, but it couldn't be difficult for an old driver like Lu Ren.The trick, which is inconvenient to disclose, belongs to the protection scope of intellectual property rights. It is an exclusive secret recipe for treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

All in all, Lu Ren was "lucky" to pick up two passengers who were going to Xiao Du's neighborhood, and they rushed there like lightning.At least, gas money is back.

On the way, Xiao Du received calls one after another, announcing that Lu Ren's little idea had failed.accident?Lu Ren wasn't surprised at all. This method might be useful to temporarily deal with small pits and small slopes, but it would not work for deeper or longer slopes.

What Lu Ren did was nothing more than bringing some hope to Xiao Du who was in despair... If he succeeded by luck, of course it would be better; if he didn't succeed, wouldn't there be a brother?

The col that Xiao Du went to was really hard to find. Fortunately, Lu Ren was not too unfamiliar with the situation here. After a little delay, the two of them finally met.

"Brother, you're here, it's really hard work for you. You are really my real brother!" There were two shiny things in Xiao Du's eye sockets, which flickered under the reflection of the car lights, making Lu Ren I felt a little amused.After snickering, my heart was somewhat touched. Emotions are sometimes a bit sensational.

"Or, I'll be surnamed Lu from now on..." Lu Ren joked, shook off Xiao Du's muddy hands, walked down the hillside, and carefully observed the situation on the side of the road.

After checking the details, Lu Ren finally understood why Xiao Du couldn't climb the hill.The hillside is not a straight line. From top to bottom, it turns slightly to the right to form a 30-degree slope. There is a five-meter-long mud pit in the middle. After Xiaodu tossed back and forth for more than an hour, the mud pit looked deep and slippery. When the car rushed here, it couldn't take advantage of it, not to mention a 30-degree turn, which was indeed a bit difficult.

"It's good to have your car. I have a rope at home. You can hang it on both ends, pull it, and then it will come up." A middle-aged man next to him suggested to him.

"That won't work. It's not a question of whether the power is enough, but that the car skids and doesn't have enough power. If this problem is not solved, it won't be able to get up at all." Lu Ren shook his head, directly denying the middle-aged man's suggestion.

"Brother, how will you know if you don't try it?" Xiao Du was a little moved, thinking it was necessary to try it.

"If there is no such 30-degree corner, this method is worth a try. You see: in the middle, the rear car skids, and it can't be used at all. You think I can turn a one-ton car with my car alone. Is your car pulling up at an angle?"

When the two heard this, they were immediately dumbfounded.

"If you don't hold a pole behind you, and push up bit by bit, we have more than one person now, this method should be feasible." The middle-aged man proposed another method, but he forgot one important thing, even if the method is feasible , The car went up, and the bumper at the back was also broken, and the loss outweighed the gain.

"I have an idea, but I need to borrow a ladder." Lu Ren rejected the middle-aged man's opinion one after another, and put forward a new suggestion himself.

(End of this chapter)

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