Taxi at night

Chapter 58, Yiren is well

Chapter 58, Yiren is well

Guo Yi invited Lu Ren and other friends to eat and drink at the hotel. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Xue called and asked Lu Ren to put the door key in the hidden place outside the door. She had a rest tomorrow and was ready to go to Lu Ren. There to help him cook and wash clothes.

This news sounds very heartwarming and cozy, what a sister who knows the cold and the hot!In order to save time and money, Lu Ren usually goes to the side of the road to eat some cheap fast food. Of course, it will be harmful to his body in the long run... Now, he just needs to go home on time, where there are delicious delicacies waiting to be tasted.

"Are you here alone, or are you bringing a group of cronies?" Last time, Tang Xue brought three or five of her campus girlfriends to Lu Ren's place. When Lu Ren went back in the middle of the night and had to rearrange the messy housework, his teeth were itching with hatred.

"Of course...he came alone. Brother, tell me what you want to eat, and I will make it for you tomorrow."

"As for the key, I've left it where it is. I'm busy tomorrow, so I won't be home all day. You can cook and eat by yourself."

"What's the matter? There's not even time for a meal." Tang Xue drew her tone, a little dissatisfied.

"My colleague is getting married, let me go over to help, I guess I can talk to you tomorrow night if you can come back."

"That's it, then it's boring for me to eat alone, or..." Tang Xue stopped, as if thinking about a solution.

"As long as you don't bring your group of harmful girlfriends here." Lu Ren hurriedly warned Tang Xue first, cutting off her nonsense.

"Don't bring too much, one... one head office." Tang Xue bargained to Lu Ren.

"Okay. Remember to turn off the kitchen faucet before you leave... Last time, the faucet was not turned off, and it was running in the middle of the night, and it was all money!" When this matter was mentioned, Lu Ren became angry. Distressed to death.The accidental mistakes of a few girls caused him to directly lose half a year's water bill, which is a painful lesson!
Since the two of them often talk on the phone, they have already finished talking about the topic they should talk about. Now they usually talk about the matter on the phone and hang up after talking.

Lu Ren sat there thinking about it for a while, and felt that it's best to go back now. Tang Xue will come over tomorrow, and some private things need to be hidden tightly, and those cheap and long-haired girls can't let those cheap and hairy girls accidentally find out.

So after saying hello to Guo Yi, he drove back home and dealt with some "family affairs" urgently.

Uncle Li passed by the door to go to the toilet, knowing that Lu Ren was at home, he struggled for a while, and finally coughed a few times outside, opened the door and entered the hospital.

"What are you doing, cleaning up the house?" As soon as he entered the room, he saw Lu Ren busy up and down tumbling things around, and while studying, he found a comfortable place to sit down, and asked with rolling eyes.

"The house is a bit messy, let's tidy it up." Lu Ren pretended to have just discovered it, stopped what he was doing, took out a cigarette and handed it over.

"Since I bought the car, I rarely see you at home during the day, are you resting today?" Uncle Li asked curiously while lighting a cigarette.It was strange for the two of them. After Yao Qin moved away, the relationship was more harmonious than before. Uncle Li was not as aggressive as before, and his tone returned to normal.

Lu Ren's conclusion is: the old guy is lonely.

"My friend got married in these two days, and I will go to help later, the car... temporarily parked for two days. Oh, you are old, how are you doing recently?"

"You can eat and sleep. You are still the same. I think you are not bad. Once the wheel turns and the banknotes are in hand, you are also full of ambition... Alas, I just feel sorry for that... Xiaoyao." Lu Ren thumped for a moment, looked up at him in surprise, and asked him inexplicably, "What's wrong with Yao Qin..."

"You don't know? Oh, that's right, it's normal not to know." Uncle Li rolled his eyes again, feeling a little weird.

Lu Ren couldn't help muttering in his heart, this dead old man just couldn't mention Yao Qin's matter face to face, it seemed that Yao Qin's life was not good, and he needs to bear 99% of the responsibility... It's really unreasonable.

Fortunately, Lu Ren has a large number of young people who are not as knowledgeable as him.Observing Uncle Li's expression, what happened to Yao Qin?There must have been a worrying past, so Lu Ren sat down to find out.

"What's wrong with Yao Qin...Is she sick?" Lu Ren asked impatiently.

"No. It's about Teacher Yang..." Uncle Li hesitated to speak, with a hesitant expression on his face.

"The two of you broke up?" Lu Ren heaved a sigh of relief, this is normal, isn't it?
"It's really yellow. It's a good thing. Xiao Yao is now in a dilemma."

"So what do you say? There was a quarrel, or did you start a fight? You always hesitate to speak clearly!" Lu Ren was a little anxious on the contrary, and his tone raised accordingly.

"What's your impression of Teacher Yang?"

"That's right. He's strong, he's a middle school teacher, and he's still a young man. It's more than enough for Yao Qin."

"These are superficial phenomena. How else to put it, a relationship between a man and a woman requires communication and understanding."

"The two of them have known each other longer than me, so they don't know each other well?"

"Ms. Yang is lazy, addicted to gambling, you know that?"

"Didn't he help Yao Qin with business in his spare time? Uncle Li, how did you get these eight characters?"

"Hmph, if you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing. Xiao Yao told me about it personally. At that time, I was still a little skeptical. I sneaked to see it a few times... It was not fake at all. of."

"He has his own job. Even if he doesn't help at all, he can only say that he is lazy, and maybe he will be better when he gets married. It's a bad thing to gamble, and no amount of money can fill it up!"

"You're right. Xiao Lu, to be honest, I used to have a lot of complaints about you, but now it seems that the teacher surnamed Yang is the same as you, and there is really no comparison!" Uncle Li, suddenly It was the first time for Lu Ren to praise Lu Ren. Under the shock, he couldn't help but feel a little bit secretly happy.

"Hehe, Uncle Li, if I remember correctly, this is the first time you have praised me, what an honor!"

"You kid, don't be complacent, that is, compared with this Yang, if Xiao Yao really followed you, he might not be much better!" Uncle Li swung his ax up and whirled, chopping whoever he saw, Lu Ren had been complacent for less than two seconds before he fell to the ground with an axe.

"Uncle Li, if you say that, I'm a little skeptical about whether your evaluation of Teacher Yang is true or not?" Lu Ren sneered and began to question Uncle Li's judgment.

"Don't work all day long, and eat and drink for nothing in Xiaoyao's shop three times a day, is it considered lazy? It's not worth it to use my wages to gamble, and let Xiaoyao pay off his gambling debts for him. Aren't you a gambler?" Uncle Li couldn't tolerate Lu Ren's doubts, he straightened his back, blushed, and asked back with his neck stuck.

"Really? Uncle Li, aren't you just listening to the story?" This time it was Lu Ren's turn to be quite surprised. If this is the case, Yao Qin's idea is well known.

(End of this chapter)

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