Taxi at night

Chapter 56, the car that fell into the water

Chapter 56, the car that fell into the water
Yuan Liqing had a great time playing that night, as if he had returned to his childhood in his hometown.

At that time, she played and played on the lake carefree all day, free and easy... This magical feeling started from the moment of rowing, and her heartstrings twitched suddenly, making her inexplicably excited and trembling all over.

She is no longer the mature and beautiful girl, she has transformed into a pure and innocent girl, flying lightly on the river, shuttling back and forth, the clear and sweet laughter echoed on the empty water, hitting Lu Ren's eardrums, Feel her hot feelings at the moment.

Yuan Liqing released his self-expression on the boat, which made Lu Ren empathize.I felt that the most wise move tonight was to invite Yuan Liqing to row a boat, which hit her weak point right.

For ordinary citizens, boating is a leisure and pastime sport, which can relieve the boring life.For Yuan Liqing, it is the genes in his life, a part of his childhood life, which is like a shadow in his bones, and will be inseparable throughout his life.

Yuan Liqing was very satisfied with the first date, and gave Lu Ren's performance a high score of more than nine points.Why deduct one point?It was mainly on Lu Ren's broken car. No matter how happy and beautiful the mood is, once it gets into the car, it will be disturbed by the rattling noise. There is a trace of noise in the perfection, which is a bit disturbing.

Lu Ren was still in the process of adjusting and adapting. After this date, his affection for Yuan Liqing weakened, and it was more like he had made a confidante.

After entering June, the rain gradually became more frequent.An emergency rainstorm warning was issued in the city last night, and a rainstorm is expected during the day today.In the morning, the sky was still clear and the sun was shining, but after noon, the sky gradually darkened. It was not yet two o'clock in the afternoon, and it felt like the eve of night.There is no doubt that a heavy rainstorm may fall at any time, pedestrians on the street are in a hurry, and the traffic volume suddenly increases, and they are all racing against time.

Tang Xue called from school, and there was a trace of anxiety in her mouth: "Brother, are you still racing? Hurry up and go back! I just heard the weather forecast, and a heavy thunderstorm is coming soon... Hurry up and go home! "

"I can't go back!" Lu Ren turned off his phone with a wry smile. Both sides of the road were full of passers-by rushing to take a taxi. One group of people just got off the bus, and the other group squeezed into the car without any explanation. impossible.

"Master, can you drive the car up?" While talking on the phone with Tang Xue, Lu Ren parked the car at the bottom of a steep slope. The passengers in the car didn't get out of the car in a hurry as usual and walked up, but I hope he will go uphill and send people directly to the door.

"Everyone, get off here... To tell you the truth, my yard is still drying clothes. It looks like it's going to rain soon, so I have to go back now." Because it was still sunny in the morning, Lu Ren put his The clothes were hung up, thinking that the rain would fall at night.

The passengers in the car hesitated for a while, and just as they opened the door, a gust of wind came suddenly. A few seconds later, raindrops the size of peanuts fell from the sky, smacking... smacking on the window glass and the engine hood , Like the sound of finger tapping, the heavy rain finally came.

When the car in front came down the steep slope, the rolling rainwater flowed from the height onto the road, and after converging with the stagnant water that came down, it soon formed one piece after another of isolated ponds.The torrential rain was getting bigger and bigger, and the road surface was flooded with rainwater. Gradually, only the white line in the center of the road was left, still struggling tenaciously.

Lu Ren drove home in a hurry. At this time, there was no one on the road, only a small number of cars were still struggling in the heavy rain.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, hovering above the city in a trance, and shortly thereafter, thunderous sounds sounded in the air one after another, deafening and heart-pounding.

The road was slippery in the rain, and the braking effect became poor. Lu Ren was driving a nearly scrapped car and ran cautiously. The wipers had been turned to the maximum, but the line of sight was still blocked. The visible distance was less than 50 meters. , I can only guess.

"Beep, beep..." A car passed by on the left side. Lu Ren didn't even have time to see the color on the car body clearly. When he took a second look, he saw two faint red lights in front of him. Flashing, other than that, turned out to be nothing but white.

"Just follow him." Lu Ren pointed the front of the car at the two red dots and increased the accelerator to ensure that the target would not disappear out of sight.

This is one of Lu Ren's many years of driving experience. In an extremely harsh environment, following other cars at a leisurely pace can ensure maximum safety.

The storm was falling hard, as if someone was standing on the roof of the car with a washbasin full of water, one after another, pouring water on Lu Ren's front window glass non-stop, even if he tried to open his eyes wide, he couldn't see clearly what a distance.

A few minutes later, Lu Ren's heart skipped a beat. The red light in front of him disappeared in an instant.

It was the first time in Lu Ren's life that he encountered such a heavy rainstorm. At this time, his heart was pounding. He put his head as close to the glass as possible, and looked forward carefully. The red light that suddenly disappeared gave him a feeling of An unknown warning, he needs to ascertain the situation before deciding on the next move.

The glass was covered with breath, and Lu Ren wiped off the remaining breath with his sleeve. This time, his vision was clearer. He looked over intently, and took a deep breath, from head to toe, as if he was frozen.

Two meters ahead, there was only a piece of white water. He didn't know how deep the water was. The red car was lying quietly in the water, with only a small part of the roof floating on the water...

"Where are the people? Where are the people in the car?" Lu Ren was taken aback again, ignoring the heavy rain outside, he pushed the car door open as hard as he was about to get out of the car, but immediately shrank back.

Now he saw his real situation clearly. The water on the road had covered half of the wheel, and it seemed to be slowly rising.

To save others, save yourself first, Lu Ren quickly shifted into reverse gear, and slowly reversed the car until he left the ground full of stagnant water.

The next thing is to save people in the past.

Due to the heavy rain and the strong wind, Lu Ren could only get out of the passenger car door. As soon as he opened the door, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, his whole body was wet, as if he had been soaked in water, his face was pale, and his voice was trembling. Asked: "Master, can you hide in the car for a while, my car has driven into the water." After finishing speaking, he pointed forward with his hand, and before Lu Ren could say yes, he ducked into the car with his mouth open. Li was panting heavily, not knowing whether he was scared or angry, and his face was very ugly.

"You're the only one in the car?" Lu Ren handed over a wet towel, thanked the person who came, and hurriedly wiped the rain off his body.

After a while, remembering Lu Ren's question, he raised his head and said, "It's just me. I was in a hurry, but I didn't expect the water to be so deep. Alas, it's too late to regret."

"Yeah, who would have expected that!" Lu Ren said with lingering fear, secretly came ahead of me, would be hard to say.

(End of this chapter)

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