Taxi at night

Chapter 41, Eventful Night

Chapter 41, Eventful Night

Most of us know some common sense of life. While building roads, some auxiliary road administration facilities are also being carried out simultaneously.For example, street lamps for lighting, drainage of stagnant water and dark ditch...etc.

In modern underground drainage channels, prefabricated cement pipes between 1 and 2 meters are often laid underground at a depth of several meters, and a deep well type kiln mouth is built every 50 meters, with a diameter of about one meter. After completion, the top is covered with a manhole cover.

The light in Lu Ren's hand shone on the opening of a cellar, and the faint call came from inside.Needless to say, the girl fell into the mouth of the well with her luggage. Lu Ren couldn't help but feel annoyed and funny when he thought of this. He rushed to him and looked into the well.

First of all, I saw the suitcase floating on the surface of the well, occupying 3/4 of the area.What about people?Where are people?Lu Ren searched around with the light, and in the corner of the suitcase, he vaguely saw half of a pale face floating on the water, and then a pair of frightened eyes.

The well water looked very deep, as if it had submerged up to the neck. The girl saw the flickering light above, and shouted excitedly.

"Master, help me go up... I... I can't climb up."

"Don't worry, I'll save you right away." Lu Ren bent down, first pulled out the girl's suitcase, and then rescued the girl who fell into the cellar well.

Although it is said that it is the turn of spring and summer, the well water at night is still a bit chilly and uncomfortable.

The girl was wet all over at this time, and was blown by the night wind mixed with drizzle, shivering non-stop. Lu Ren estimated that half of it was really cold, and the other half was probably because of an accidental shock.

"Master... Master, my... mobile phone fell into the well, can you help me to find it?" Lu Ren was stunned, looking at the dark hole of the well, showing a embarrassed expression.

To be honest, he didn't want to go down.

The well water is at least 1 meter deep, how can he get down?Of course you can't wear clothes, but if you take off your clothes, you'll be naked and you'll catch a cold easily... The main reason is that he doesn't feel the need to go down. in the water.

What is this...for a stranger's phone?Why?

"Girl, let's talk in the car first. You are likely to get sick if you stand in the rain." Lu Ren changed the topic and persuaded the girl to go to the car to take shelter first.

"But I don't have a mobile phone, how can I contact my relatives?" The girl stood there stubbornly, looking at Lu Ren pitifully with her big eyes, making him speechless for a moment.

This girl seemed to be determined by him, forcing him to make a decision in such a soft way, Lu Ren was a little depressed.

He couldn't get away, and he didn't want to go down to get his phone, so Lu Ren walked around the mouth of the well twice in a hurry, and suddenly he had a good idea.

"Do you remember your relative's mobile phone number?"

"I forgot. I usually don't remember the number, it's stored in my mobile phone." The girl shook her head and replied very positively.

"Why don't you do this. I'll go to the community and ask if I can find your relatives." Lu Ren only had this last resort. Although it would take a lot of time, it was better than going down the well. It's much better to go here.That's it, he thought to himself.

"You let me stay here alone?" The girl turned her head and looked around, showing a scared expression.

"Don't be afraid, I can't run far. After I leave, you close the car door. If you encounter an emergency, you can honk the horn a few more times... I will come over soon after I hear it. "Lu Ren told the girl the plan he had thought up, and comforted him a few times, and the girl nodded and reluctantly agreed.

Lu Ren ran towards the gate of the community a few hundred meters away, thinking as he ran, it was really unlucky tonight to encounter such a thankless thing.

The girl got into the car and felt much better.Before Lu Ren left, he turned on the warm air in the car, and the car gradually warmed up. While the girl was blowing the warm air, she looked in the direction of the community. It was dark, and she saw nothing except a few lights, let alone Lu Ren. Jen figured out.

About 20 minutes later, Lu Ren came back out of breath.

"Have you found it?" the girl asked eagerly, her hands clenched together involuntarily.


"Then, what should I do tonight? And what about my cell phone that I dropped in the well? Without it, I would not be able to contact my relatives!" The girl brought up the cell phone again, and Lu Ren felt keenly that it was better than that. Where will I stay tonight... The girl seems to be more concerned about the mobile phone of that tribe.

This ghost girl is trying to urge him to go down to the cellar to get the phone.

"I think we'll talk about it tomorrow!" Lu Ren continued to decline, refusing to answer.

"No, I'm going to fish it out tonight. Master, I'll go down by myself, and you'll grab me later..." The girl suddenly made a decision, and then she was about to push the car door open.Lu Ren was stunned. The girl actually had the courage to go down into the well for the second time. Was she really not afraid of getting sick?

Unknowingly, the girl posed a big and small problem to Lu Ren.He can pretend to be deaf and dumb, don't ask, and let the girl do what she wants.

Lu Ren's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he remained silent.The girl finally opened the door and was about to get out of the car...

"Let me fish it for you!" Lu Ren finally made a difficult decision.

In the night, Lu Ren only wore a pair of underpants and jumped into the well. After searching for a long time, he found the girl's cell phone, oh...and a pair of glasses.

The reason why it took a long time was because the bottom of the well was covered with large and small stones at some point.The girl's mobile phone is small and exquisite, among these mixed stones, she missed it without paying attention.

When he came out, Lu Ren felt that the temperature outside was colder than the well water, and thought to himself, no wonder the girl was shivering from the cold, that's why.

Lu Ren then sent the girl back to the city and checked into a familiar hotel.80 yuan per night, because it is an acquaintance relationship, only 70 yuan was charged to Lu Ren.

The girl should pay the bill for the accommodation, but something happened that made Lu Ren feel depressed again. The girl collected the money in her pocket...less than 50 yuan.

Lu Ren looked at the girl's expression suspiciously, a little suspicious that she had ulterior motives.How can there be a reason why a girl only brings a few tens of dollars when she goes out? Is he really being used as a bully?

"That's really all there is." The girl gave Lu Ren an aggrieved look, and searched herself again in front of him, but couldn't change a dime.

Lu Ren still refused to believe her easily.

"Why don't I go to stay in a hotel that costs 30 yuan a day. Just now I saw the signboard on the way." The girl said that there is a hotel that costs 30 yuan a day, and it is in the alley not far from the train station.The girl didn't know what was going on inside, but as a local taxi driver, Lu Ren knew everything about it.

Lu Ren only felt that tonight was really disturbing. Ever since he picked up this unlucky girl, he has never been happy.

He gritted his teeth, filled up the remaining money with some pain, and then ran away quickly amidst the girl's endless thanks, running faster than a rabbit, lest something would happen to the girl halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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