Taxi at night

Chapter 11, The Forgotten Electric Guitar

Chapter 11, The Forgotten Electric Guitar

When Lu Ren returned to the city from Qingshui Township with his passengers, it was already dark.Although there was a gap between him and the small-eyed man, there was a big quarrel, and they didn't see each other, he still sent the small-eyed man and his cousin to the orthopedic hospital about four kilometers west of the city, and then transferred the young woman, mother and child Two back to the city.

By the way, on the bus back to the city, the small-eyed man not only had a gloomy face like a deep pool, and was speechless along the way, when he got off the bus in the hospital, he also gave Lu Ren a hard look with indifferent eyes, as if asking for a cold look. The cold air passing over Lu Ren's spine contained too many complicated connotations.

Lu Ren, with a sharp mind, caught the feeling of being lost, and felt this kind of resentment strongly in his mind. The small-eyed man probably vented all his faults on him.

Lu Ren wanted to turn his gaze back, but finally gave up.

This is obviously not a good thing.In this small and medium-sized city, rich people are rare.Through some information obtained during limited contact, Lu Ren was basically sure that the small-eyed man was the owner of a private company engaged in mining and processing, and he belonged to the kind of person with some energy.

In the southeast corner of eighteen kilometers away from the city, there is the ore processing area full of economic vitality in the city. The mountains are dotted with hundreds of private mining companies, and the industrial output value accounts for more than half of the city's economic income.

This also created a group of very wealthy small mining owners.Lu Ren would try his best to avoid this kind of people if he could not offend them.

Lu Ren snorted softly in his mind, a little annoyed, the broken leg had half a dime to do with him, and it's not over.

However, Lu Ren didn't take it seriously either. Since he chose the taxi industry two years ago, he has long since become numb to trivial matters like this.

In fact, it wasn't just the small-eyed man who was unabashedly hostile to him, even the young woman with the baby in her arms seemed to have grown courageous after entering the bustling urban area, opening her mouth and closing her mouth to complain sarcastically to Lu Ren: "It shouldn't be delaying." When she was going home, she complained about regretting taking the car... until Lu Ren sent him to the door, and before leaving, the young woman still gave him a big roll of the eyes.

Comparing his heart with his heart, Lu Ren doesn't think he has done anything wrong. Sometimes, it's really hard to be a human being!

If it was a man, Lu Ren would retort in person, and would not give in silently.Now a different woman kept croaking in his ear, although Lu Ren was angry, he endured it.

After sending off the passengers, Lu Ren glanced at the electronic meter on the platform. Seven o'clock was still ten minutes away. It took more than two hours and earned 110 yuan for the 250 kilometers. It was very far away from completing the scheduled goal of 300 yuan per night. close.

In addition to being depressed, the current income made him feel better in his heart.

From now until 09:30, under normal circumstances, there will be at least a hundred yuan in income. Lu Ren should have a pretty good harvest tonight.

In most cases, all human activities and behaviors can be reduced to one word: "money".

Lu Ren's income was good tonight, and this good mood also covered up all the above unpleasant feelings.

After ten o'clock, there were few pedestrians on the street, and there was a gap in taxi passengers, and taxis with flashing "empty" signs could be seen everywhere.

According to Lu Ren's many years of night train experience, generally at this time, there are only a few places to pick up passengers: a train station, another night market or in front of a bar KTV.

He decided to go to a nearby gas station to wash his car. The mud-spattered body would make him lose some potential customers, especially in the second half of the night when there are fewer cars and passengers have more choices.

At the beginning of the new century, private cars were rare in Lu Ren's third- and fourth-tier cities.

When he came to a gas station, Lu Ren saw that the bright and spacious platform was empty, only a few night shift workers sat and chatted, there were few vehicles coming to refuel, and the business was light.

After Lu Ren opened the back of the car, he saw the electric guitar for the first time, dodging timidly in a corner like an orphan, which reminded him.

It has been several days since the girl who fell into the water was rescued. The female college student seems to have suffered from hysteria, and there is no news so far. She seems to have forgotten these things.

"I can't find your owner. She seems to have abandoned you." Lu Ren frowned with a wry smile. These things belonged to the owner and were of great value. They couldn't be thrown away, let alone at a low price. After dealing with it, I have to work hard to keep them, and add a responsibility for no reason... Ouch, what is this all about!

Let's wait for another two days. If the girl doesn't come to claim it again, Lu Ren has made up his mind to hand it over to the relevant department, and this can be regarded as an end of his mind.

The next day, the east was slightly bright, and Yao Qin got up on time at 05:30.As a single mother, Yao Qin has to get up early to do business and also take care of a child who is in school. To be honest, it is not easy.

Before seven o'clock, Yao Qin would send her children to school, then set up a stall for business, and go home to cook after ten o'clock... It's such a simple life, day after day, for two or three years .

Yao Qin is used to this monotonous and busy life.

Not long after, with Uncle Li's dry cough outside the courtyard, Yao Qin realized that she was going out too.

There was silence in Lu Ren's courtyard, and no sound could be heard. Yao Qin knew that Lu Ren would not pick up the car and come back before eight o'clock.

This man, who is almost 30 years old, is only two years younger than her. His personality is mainly introverted, but sometimes he is not lacking in activeness.

This is Lu Ren's impression of Yao Qin now.

At the beginning, Lu Ren didn't talk much, and he looked taciturn. The two families had been neighbors for more than half a year, and the conversation between each other could hardly exceed [-] sentences... Yao Qin thought that with such a temper, she couldn't find a wife It is also reasonable.

As the saying goes, men are not bad, women do not love.Lu Ren doesn't take the initiative to provoke girls. Generally, girls prefer boys who are lively and talkative. If they go on like this, Lu Ren will always be half a beat behind others, and naturally lose many opportunities to communicate with others.

As a person who has experienced it, Yao Qin once had a rich and colorful emotional life, from an ignorant girl to a mature and juicy young woman, of course she can see Lu Ren's basic situation at a glance.

In fact, Lu Ren is very simple and humorous. Only when he has been in contact with him for a long time can he clearly feel this.

Yao Qin felt a little sad for Lu Ren. Girls have wasted extra time on a boy, and they were often at the right age to date with multiple boys at the same time.

Those who talk less are not as chatty, those who are stupid are not as smooth-talking, those who are ordinary-looking are not as good-looking as handsome, and those who have ordinary family backgrounds are not as good as rich and rich... As for how to live after marriage, whether the two of them In harmony, isn't it ridiculous that you let an unmarried girl talk about life experience?
This is the situation of people like Lu Ren.

(End of this chapter)

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