life is sweet

Chapter 89 [089] Disneyland

Chapter 89 [089] Disneyland
This day was April 4th. It was said that Su Qingchun's family had agreed to take their children out to play on this day.

The night before, his wife Huang Xiaopei had made an agreement with Su Zixuan who was sleeping alone in the next room: "There are a lot of people in Disneyland, we have to queue up early and go to bed early at night."

As a result, in the early morning, Su Zixuan came to her parents' room when it was just dawn. Seeing that her parents were still sleeping, she jumped onto the bed and shouted, "Dad, Mom is getting up soon, and we are queuing up to go to Disneyland."

Both Huang Xiaopei and Su Qingchun were shocked.

Huang Xiaopei first raised her head and looked out the window. She yawned and looked at her mobile phone and said, "Oh my God, it's only 6 o'clock, why did you wake up so early?"

"Mom, why are you still sleeping?" Su Zixuan said, "Didn't you say yesterday that you would get up early to line up?"

"We have to line up, but it's too early, isn't it?" Huang Xiaopei scolded, "Besides, my parents are sleeping, so you will scare us if you lie directly on the bed."

At this time Su Qingchun also got up, he half-raised his head to see that Su Zixuan was fully dressed, and asked, "Xuanxuan, have you washed your cough?"

"Yeah, why don't you get up quickly?"

"It's getting late, hurry up." Su Qingchun glanced at his daughter, then out the window, and said to Huang Xiaopei.

"But yesterday I read on the Internet that the door didn't open until 8:[-]?" Huang Xiaopei said, "It doesn't have to be so early, does it?"

At this time, the weather in Shanghai is neither too hot nor too cold, and it is just right to cover it with a thin summer quilt when sleeping at night.

While speaking, Su Zixuan had already lifted the adults' quilt.

"Get up quickly." He yelled with a laugh.

"Xuanxuan, you are impolite, do you know that?" Huang Xiao trained, "How can you lift other people's quilts?"

Su Zixuan ignored it, and said with a smile: "Mom, get up quickly."

Huang Xiaopei glanced at Su Qingchun and said, "Then get up, your daughter probably can't wait any longer."

So in the next half an hour, Su Zixuan followed his parents and urged him in various ways, and they left home on time at 6:[-].

It's a holiday in the early morning, and the road conditions are relatively good at such an early hour.

In about half an hour, they arrived at Disneyland.

Although Huang Xiaopei had already bought online in advance, they didn't expect that the park would be overcrowded when they entered the park.

Today's weather is hot, and the highest temperature in the weather forecast has reached 31 degrees. As the sun slowly rises, the surface of the body can obviously feel the scorching heat. Su Qingchun is even more surprised when he sees the scene in front of him.

There are at least hundreds of people in the front row, most of them are with their families. There are old people fanning their children with fans, some with umbrellas, and even some with strollers among the crowd.

Su Qingchun raised his head and glanced at the sun, the sun has only just risen now, and it will be too real to stand in the crowd and slowly rise as the sun rises later.

"Oh my god, why are there so many people!" Su Qingchun looked at it in disbelief and took out his phone again, it was only 7 o'clock.

Seeing this scene, Su Zixuan complained: "I told you to get up early, there are so many people, we don't know when we can go in."

"It's okay, we'll just line up, there aren't many people in front of us," Su Qingchun comforted, "And look, there are a lot of people behind us."

Su Qingchun pulled his daughter to look behind, the line following them was really long in just a few minutes.

The joy of queuing is not that there are fewer and fewer people in front, but that there are more and more people behind; it is like the troubles in life, not because of less money, but because of inner restlessness after having more money.Happiness is peace of mind.

Su Qingchun's mentality was quite good at this time. After hearing what his father said, Su Zixuan was indeed not as restless as he was at the beginning, and slowly followed his parents in line.

Su Qingchun and Huang Xiaopei also prepared everything and lined up against the scorching sun. They didn't enter the park until 9 o'clock.

After entering the park, Qingchun was also greatly shocked by Disney. Although Huang Xiaopei also made some strategies in advance, after entering, he found that queuing up for each project was another problem.
Because there were too many people, and the place was unfamiliar, it was difficult to find places to play, and the sun was getting hotter and hotter. In the end, they went to a few must-see places.

Pirates of the Caribbean, Carousel, Buzz Lightyear Interstellar Rescue and Alice in Wonderland that Su Zixuan named to see.

It was already 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon when they came out of Alice in Wonderland. Su Qingchun and Huang Xiaopei were clearly exhausted, but Su Zixuan was very happy along the way.

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Su Qingchun said, "It seems that Xuanxuan really likes to come to play. We are tired from waiting in line for so long, but she is still in high spirits."

"Yeah, you don't know, many people in their class have been here, and she has always been very envious."

Huang Xiaopei said with a smile, "Also often clamoring for me to bring her here."

Su Qingchun said to Huang Xiaopei with deep guilt: "Hey... I'm to blame for this matter. Speaking of which, Disneyland is located in Shanghai. She kept saying that I don't have time to accompany you all. I really feel ashamed of her."

"Hehe, what you said, why does it feel so sensational all of a sudden, if you feel guilty, just spend more time with her, that's fine."

As he said that, Su Qingchun saw his daughter's swiftness and ran into the crowd.

"Hey, where did she go?"

"Hurry up and chase her, I can't run anymore," Huang Xiaopei said out of breath, "Get her back here and let's meet up and have a rest. After dinner, we have to go Fireworks light show."

"I can't walk anywhere else. I heard that it's best to choose a good location and perspective early to watch the fireworks and light show, otherwise all we see may be human heads."

"So we'll go right after we rest."

"Okay, then you wait here, I'll get her back."


Su Zixuan himself seldom went out to play, and it was not easy for his parents to bring him out to play, and he was wild, so he moved forward to see any lively and interesting things.

After Su Qingchun parted from his wife, he walked through the crowd, and Su Zixuan stopped in front of a human Mickey Mouse.

"Xuanxuan, what are you doing here?"

"Dad, look how cute this Mickey Mouse is!"

While talking, Su Zixuan tried to touch Mickey Mouse's clothes, and then said, "Isn't she hot?"

"It's hot, so we're going to give Mickey Mouse a break."

"How to rest?"

"We can rest after we leave Mickey Mouse." Su Qingchun said, pulling his daughter back and saying, "Let's go and have dinner with mom, who is still waiting for us."

"All right.!"

Su Zixuan looked at Mickey Mouse reluctantly and waved at it.

And said: "Mickey Mouse, goodbye!"

(End of this chapter)

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