life is sweet

Chapter 76 [076]

Chapter 76 [076]

After listening to Su Qingchun finish talking about Sun Meng in the 48th bed, Huang Xiaopei said angrily, "Then according to what you say, this matter has nothing to do with you or the hospital. It's purely a family mess."

"There's nothing you can do about it." Su Qingchun sighed, "In the past few years, the hospital has a tendency to compromise when dealing with such problems. It seems that as long as there are patients or family members who make trouble, no matter whether there is fault or not, the hospital leaders will maintain stability. attitude, what they want most is to solve the problem quickly and calm the patient down.”

"And recently, it happened to be the period of the hospital's grade assessment, so the leaders above paid special attention to this matter. The handling of this matter took over and I was notified suddenly after I had an operation today."

"They are eager to lose money quickly, so that everyone can live in peace."

"Have you still lost money?" Huang Xiaopei asked Su Qingchun with wide eyes when he heard the loss.

"Yes." Su Qingchun nodded, "15."

"Oh my god! No way? 15, that's a lot!"

Huang Xiaopei clicked his tongue, "Isn't it just a minor operation?"

"The medical expenses didn't cost so much, did they?"

"All the hospitalization expenses add up to less than 3 yuan, and the money they say is mental damage expenses."

"Then have you taken responsibility?" Huang Xiaopei asked cautiously.

In fact, this was what Huang Xiaopei wanted to ask when he heard about the medical dispute. After all, it was directly related to their interests.

"I am the attending doctor and need to bear 20% of the responsibility."

"20%?" Huang Xiaopei's mind turned, "Then you have to pay 3 yuan?"


Su Qingchun answered with his head down, "It will be deducted from three months' wages."

"Oh my god, it's too much." Huang Xiaopei stomped his feet angrily, "How can your hospital do this?"

"You are not at fault, so why do you have to pay your doctor for any medical disputes now without asking whether you are negligent or not?"

"Their hospital is rich and generous. It is their business to lose money if they want to reduce disputes. Why do you doctors lose money?"

"Besides, after the medical reform, my own salary is very low, and my work continues unabated. I am as busy as a dog every day. If I count overtime pay in other units, it will be more than that."

"Now these patients or their family members lose money when they make unreasonable troubles. How much is your monthly salary? It can easily be tens of thousands. Your salary deducts insurance and provident funds, plus the 1 yuan apportioned for three months. The money you get That's enough for fuel."

"According to this, if you charge more unreasonable patients, the doctor will probably have to bring money to work."

Huang Xiaopei chatted like this for a long time, but Su Qingchun didn't answer.

Su Qingchun knew it would happen if he told Huang Xiaopei that he lost money, so he had already prepared himself and let her say it.

Su Qingchun also knew in his heart that Huang Xiaopei wanted to start a cram school before, and it was also for the betterment of the family's finances. Now that he heard that he had deducted his salary, he was naturally angry. Su Qingchun thought: Let her vent now, or else vent her anger. It's not good to go anywhere else.

Now Huang Xiaopei finally stopped and did not speak, so Su Qingchun comforted him:

"Hey, Xiaopei, it's okay. It's only 3 yuan. Fortunately, we have paid off the loan to buy this house, so we don't have too much pressure."

After Su Qingchun finished speaking, he said with some emotion, "Hey, living in Shanghai is indeed under great financial pressure, but fortunately, the sum of the housing provident funds for the two of us only needs to repay the loan of 1000 or 2000, and we are not like others. We don’t have a car loan either, but compared to many people, we are doing pretty well.”

"Although the various training classes for Xuanxuan cost several thousand a month, plus the money for parents, we still have some spare money, so it doesn't matter, isn't it just 3 yuan, 3 After a month, my salary will return to normal, and it’s fine.”

Su Qingchun patted Huang Xiaopei's leg lightly, and said with a smile.

"Hey... I'm not saying that we won't be able to live if we lose the 3 yuan, I just feel too innocent."

"If you want to say innocent, the most innocent is my master. He also needs to pay 2 yuan because of my affairs."

"Huh? Teacher Tao is going to lose money too!"

"Yes! He is my superior doctor, and he is jointly and severally liable." Su Qingchun said, "I feel really sorry for this matter, Master."

"Ms. Tao is such a nice person, I won't blame you, and don't blame yourself too much." Huang Xiaopei said, "No one wants to become like this."

"A lot of things are indeed unexpected. No one knows what will happen in the future. Today's unexpected things make me deeply feel the current popular saying."

"Which sentence?"

Su Qingchun replied with a trace of helplessness: "You never know which will come first, tomorrow or the accident."

"I am 38 years old this year, and I will be [-] in two years. Everyone says that [-] is not confusing, but I feel that I have unknowingly stepped into the confusion of middle age."

"After these things, I still hope that I can live a more stable life for the rest of my life. I really don't want to have any more troubles."

After speaking, Su Qingchun sighed again.

"After you said that, I suddenly felt that we might as well go back to our hometown to live in comfort and stability."

"You see, although the salary in my hometown may not be as high as here, the house price is low, and our family and friends are all there. I believe that with the two of us, we will definitely be able to get Xuanxuan into the best school in our hometown. You don’t have to worry about these things, the car, and the happiness index must be much higher than here.” Huang Xiaopei looked at Su Qingchun with regretful eyes and said slowly.

"This can't be completely understood in this way. It's better to have a small place in a small place, and a big place to be in a big place." Su Qingchun said, "If we were in our hometown, it would be easier than this, but even if Xuanxuan is in his hometown, the most Good school, but the platform is not as good as here, you think how top-notch people must be admitted to Shanghai in the college entrance examination, it is that he strives to become the best, and what he strives for is what is now easy for Xuanxuan, this is the platform is different .”

"If we are in our hometown now, we are happy now, but what about Xuanxuan? He may face the same embarrassment as we did before, but he still has to go through our hard work. Now that we are here, Xuanxuan can relax more than people in his hometown. Get more resources, more opportunities."

What Su Qingchun said made Huang Xiaopei very surprised. Logically speaking, these words should have come from Huang Xiaopei's mouth, but she didn't expect that Su Qingchun, who had always been trying to stabilize himself, would say these remarks.

"Yes, you are right. I thought you wouldn't think so, hehe. After all, the platform here is much higher, and the contact is different from people and things. In Shanghai, we can keep our children on the starting line. .”

Huang Xiaopei felt much more comfortable when he heard Su Qingchun's sigh today. In fact, he felt that there was a lack of communication between Su Qingchun and her, which led to many of their ideas not being well explained and misunderstood.

"That's right!" Su Qingchun echoed, "Of course it's good to give children a better education. We can't give her enough wealth when they grow up, but we can give her the best we can. education."

"Yeah!" Huang Xiaopei nodded repeatedly.

The knot in Huang Xiaopei's heart was finally resolved, because this matter was a blessing in disguise, and the couple who had been in the cold war for a week were reconciled as before.

Originally, Huang Xiaopei wanted to wait for the opportunity to discuss with Su Qingchun about letting the elderly in the family take care of Xuanxuan and then pay a certain fee, but after thinking about it, she was still afraid that Su Qingchun would object, so she shelved it again.

(End of this chapter)

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