life is sweet

Chapter 41 [041] Accidental Discovery

Chapter 41 [041] Accidental Discovery

Seeing Sun Meng's expression, Grandma Sun Meng added a sentence without giving up.
"Your baby, I guess I was wrong. I knew it was the case, and I asked you to check it a long time ago. I was sure that it was a girl who was induced by the film, so I induced the labor directly. There will be no such thing."

"However, I think your pregnancy is different from before, and our friends all looked at your pregnancy as a boy."

"That's right! I feel that the taste is obviously different from that of Huai Beibei at that time." Sun Meng also echoed.After speaking, he asked Zhang Zhicheng, who had been holding his mobile phone and did not participate, "Really? Zhicheng!"

"What?" Zhang Zhicheng raised his head in bewilderment and asked.

"Are my habits different from when I was pregnant with Beibei?"

"Hey, what are you talking about? They all happened."

Zhang Zhicheng replied impatiently, then continued to play with his phone with his head down.

"Originally, if you give birth to a girl, you should be a girl. Our Zhang family can't afford it. We can have another son later on," the mother-in-law said, "Who knew that your stomach is so disappointing and you don't have a uterus."

"From now on, our Zhang family seems to be dying."

The mother-in-law's words were undoubtedly adding salt to Sun Meng's wounds, she didn't speak anymore, but turned her back to her mother-in-law helplessly.

Grandma Sun Meng glanced at Sun Meng after finishing speaking, and said: "Don't be idle, I don't speak well, how can this woman not have a son, let alone now, even if Zhicheng's old aunt gave birth to five sons in the past. It’s a woman’s life for a daughter to have a son in her 5s.”

"What is the purpose of marrying a wife? It's not for carrying on the family line. As a woman, she doesn't even have the ability to bear sons, so what's the use of it?"

Sun Meng didn't reply, but even though Sun Meng's mother-in-law said so, her husband Zhang Zhicheng didn't say anything more, Sun Meng could only comfort himself that he was playing on his mobile phone and didn't pay attention.

But she also knew very well that even if Zhang Zhicheng listened to the truth on the spot, he would not talk back to his mother for himself.

Grandma Sun Meng saw that her son and daughter-in-law ignored her, so she didn't go into details.

"Forget it, don't mention it, you can sleep well."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at her phone again. It was already 5:[-].

She kicked her son's foot and asked, "Hey! What's the matter with you, mother-in-law? It's already 5:[-] and you still haven't ordered the rice."

"It's still early at 5:[-]," Zhang Zhicheng replied with a smile, "Mom, wait a little longer, it should be here soon."

"The young ones are like this, and the old ones are also like this. They always do things slowly, and they are not reliable at all."

Sun Meng turned sideways, and when her mother-in-law finished talking about herself and then about her mother, she couldn't help but shed tears.

Grandma Sun Meng was really bored. At this time, she saw Zhang Xiaomei's mother in the next bed, sorting things in front of the bedside table.

So, Sun Meng's mother-in-law turned around and asked Zhang Xiaomei's mother, "Your daughter looks quite young, did she give birth so early?"

Zhang Xiaomei's mother replied in embarrassment: "Oh, no, no baby."

"Oh, I thought all the babies lived together."

"Your daughter should have just graduated from college, right?" Grandma Sun Meng asked very gossip, "What disease did she suffer from and was hospitalized?"

Zhang Xiaomei's mother didn't want to answer her question, she just smiled.

Sun Meng's mother-in-law continued: "Hey! It seems that you came in on the same day as us. I remembered. I heard the doctor said that we were admitted to the hospital on the same day."


"I have something to do, let's go out first."

Zhang Xiaomei's mother didn't want to talk about these topics, so she prevaricated Grandma Sun Meng with a random reason and left.

Grandma Sun Meng is a typical woman who came from the countryside. She suffered a lot in the past, but now that her family is rich, the whole person is arrogant.

She usually loves to gossip, her husband dotes on her, and she is strong at home. Now that the family's business is stable, she doesn't need to worry much about herself, and she has the final say on everything at home.

She was a little unhappy seeing Zhang Xiaomei's mother's indifferent attitude.

"Hey, what is this person's attitude! Really, just chat casually, why do you make it look like spying on privacy." Granny Sun Meng cursed.

Then she glanced at her son who had been playing with his mobile phone with his head down and his daughter-in-law who was sideways. She was really bored, so she went out to fetch water with the kettle.

It happened that at the place where the water was collected, she ran into the accompanying family members in the next bed on the other side.

Grandma Sun Meng asked curiously again: "Hey, do you know how the girl in bed 49 got in?"

"It looks like the girl is quite small."

The other party looked at her in her early 50s, looked around, and then whispered: "You don't know about her yet?"

"I don't know! I asked her mother today, and she seemed to be ignorant of the answer."

"Her mother will definitely not say such shameful things,"

"Ah! Something shameful? What is it?" Granny Sun Meng inquired as if she was watching the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

The other party saw that she was a middle-aged woman who loved to gossip like Granny Sun Meng. Seeing that Granny Sun Meng didn't know the situation, she proudly shared it as if she had big news in her hand: "That girl, she was working outside and was raped by others. With a big belly, the man left her behind."

"Then she had no choice but to go to a small hospital with her friends to induce labor, and finally something happened and she called 120 to send it in."

"Abortion at such a young age? That would be embarrassing." Granny Sun Meng said, "Doesn't that girl look very young?"

"Yes! Only 18 years old."

"Abduction at only 18!"

"Yes! And I heard that this child is already her second."

"Oh my God, that's really embarrassing. Such a young child can't learn well. I said why I asked her mother to ignore her just now. It turns out that she was afraid of embarrassing herself." Grandma Sun Meng replied with a smile.

"How can such a thing be publicized to the outside world?"

"And I heard that the girl was in shock when she came in and almost died on the operating table. Fortunately, Dr. Su rescued her. Her mother arrived after the operation. This girl is also a fortune teller. so big."

After the other party finished speaking, he continued to add: "Oh, by the way, this girl came in at the same time and there was a woman in a car accident who almost died, and was also rescued by Doctor Su."

"I heard that the uterus was always removed, but they were all cured by Dr. Su. Now the uterus is preserved, and the person is also preserved. This Dr. Su is really amazing."

Sun Meng's mother turned green when she heard this.

"I heard that your daughter-in-law's attending doctor is also Dr. Su?"

"It's great. We didn't know it at the time, so we just found a doctor."

Before the other party finished speaking, Sun Meng's mother left.

"Hey! What's the matter with this person! He didn't say hello when he left." The other party looked at the figure of Sun Meng's mother in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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