life is sweet

Chapter 15 [015] Car Accident Maternity

Chapter 15 [015] Car Accident Maternity

For the operation just now, Su Qingchun and his colleagues rescued the patient in various intricate pathways and monitoring.And near the high-speed exit ten kilometers away, a car accident happened unexpectedly.

In a white car, his wife, Chen Yue, was sitting in the back seat because her belly was too big and inconvenient, talking to her husband who was driving about the upcoming child.

They just got off the highway exit and wanted to get back to their home as soon as possible.Walking to the fork ahead, a red sports car suddenly turned and rushed towards them.

When the red sports car turned around, he saw the white car and hurriedly honked the horn, but the white car was in a blind spot and did not react.

The red sports car slammed the steering wheel, and there was another blast of horns to warn. The white car reacted, but it was too late. The two cars braked suddenly, and the tires rubbed against the ground violently, making a chi-chi sound...

Only a "bang" was heard, and the red sports car still slammed into it from behind.

The airbag on the car was instantly deployed, and Chen Yue's husband hit the airbag heavily with his head. He felt dizzy for a while, and he recovered after a brief absence.

"Xiaoyue! Xiaoyue!" The husband didn't have time to check whether he was injured, and turned to look at Chen Yue in the back seat.

Chen Yue in the back row was not wearing a seat belt, and was hit violently. At this moment, she was caught between the front seat and the back seat and could not move.

Chen Yue's husband immediately got out of the car and opened the back door, only to see that Chen Yue had passed out, there was a little blood on the corner of his mouth, and blood was flowing profusely from the inside of his thigh.

A young man got off the sports car, and he seemed to be fine. When he saw the scene in front of him, he backed away in fright.

"Xiaoyue! Xiaoyue!" The husband shouted desperately, but his wife, Chen Yue, did not respond.

"Quick! Quick! Call 120!" The husband yelled at the young man angrily.

The young man next to him hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed...

At this time, Su Qingchun and Cai Junmei were about to leave the operating room after chatting.

When the two walked out of the operating room, Su Qingchun felt hungry again.

"It seems that this 10% glucose injection is not so full! How long has it been, and I feel hungry again." Su Qingchun joked.

"You are too tired to have such a long operation in a row." Cai Junmei said, "I heard that there is another hysterectomy operation ahead of you?"

"Yes!" Su Qingchun replied, "Today's evening shift is really exhausting. I feel like I've been in the operating room since I took over."

"The most important thing is the canteen I ate tonight. The sweet and sour meat was sour and old. I didn't eat much, so I was very hungry." Su Qingchun replied with a smile.

"After Master Li in our cafeteria left, I seldom went to the cafeteria to eat."

"I seldom go there after Master Li left, but I heard that there is a new master in the past few days. I didn't expect this master to be worse than before."


As soon as the words finished, Su Qingchun's stomach started to growl.

"No, I'm going to order supper, and my stomach is growling with hunger." Su Qingchun took out his mobile phone and asked, "Director Cai, what do you want to eat? I'm treating you, thank you for your reminder just now."

"I don't need it. It's so late, I just want to go back to sleep." Cai Junmei yawned as she spoke.

"Then I'll invite you another day." Su Qingchun said, "Go back and rest quickly today, hehe, I won't call you if there is nothing important today."

"Okay." Cai Junmei patted Su Qingchun's shoulder and said, "Your technique is so good, it must be fine."

"Then I'll go first."

When Cai Junmei went back, the elevator went down, and when Su Qingchun returned to Keli, the elevator went up. When Su Qingchun just entered the elevator, he picked up his mobile phone to order takeaway, and the phone rang again.

"Doctor Su, the emergency department is calling to see a pregnant woman in a car accident, and I will inform you for a consultation!"

"I'll go, why are there so many obstetrics and gynecology emergency patients today!" Su Qingchun, who has always been very gentle, couldn't help but swear.

"Yes! Come down quickly!"

Although Su Qingchun was eager to take a rest as soon as possible, he immediately pressed the elevator to the first floor.

The patient in the emergency department just mentioned by the nurse was Chen Yue who had a car accident on the highway. At this time, Chen Yue had been sent to the emergency room for emergency treatment. Su Qingchun joined them as soon as he came to understand the situation.

"The patient is comatose, and his heartbeat is weak." Li Sihai, the doctor on duty in the emergency department, was connected to several emergency patients, and his voice was obviously lower than before. He was also extremely tired in this emergency department.

"The scalp on the right frontotemporal top was swollen, the nose was bleeding, and there were multiple abrasions on the extremities, among which the left lower extremity was fractured."

"The abdomen showed the shape of a late pregnancy but no obvious external scars were seen."

"It's the third trimester? Didn't you ask your family?"

"The family members are treating the wound in another treatment room. Xiaoqin is asking about the specific situation."

"Not good, the fetal heart rate is sinking!"

Suddenly, the nurse standing next to the fetal heart rate monitor shouted.

"Oops, the fetal heartbeat can no longer be heard." After a while, the nurse became anxious again.

Su Qingchun looked at the situation and it was wrong.

"Inject epinephrine immediately and prepare for emergency surgery!"

"Notify the neonatal department immediately to enter the operating room!"

"Inform neurosurgery and orthopedics immediately!"

Su Qingchun's order was simple and powerful, and there was tension in the air.

Although it was the turn of the emergency consultation in the gynecological ward to be on duty at night, the doctors on duty at night in the gynecological ward were Jiang Kuang from the first-line shift, Su Qingchun from the second-line shift, and Director Cai Junmei from the third-line shift.

It's not good for Su Qingchun to ask him to come back, and it's not good for Jiang Kuang's first-line class to stay.So he asked the nurse to contact the doctor on duty in the maternity ward to help.

Tonight, Su Qingchun's operations were one after another, and each time was more dangerous.

With the assistance of doctors and nurses in the emergency department, Chen Yue was pushed into the operating room soon.

10 minutes later, the fetus was delivered.

Because of the distress in the uterus, the newborn's complexion was pale, his limbs were paralyzed, he had no heartbeat, no breathing!
"Quick! CPR!"

The neonatologist waiting in the operating room immediately rescued the newborn.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes... The newborn's heartbeat resumed, but he couldn't breathe on his own and needed a ventilator to maintain his life.

At the same time, after the fetus was delivered, Chen Yue immediately received a consultation with a neurosurgeon to confirm that there was no problem.

Based on her actual situation, the orthopedic surgeon decided to perform another operation immediately.

Su Qingchun, the doctor on duty as the obstetrics and gynecology consultation, did not leave immediately, but stayed with the operating table to prepare for some obstetrics and gynecology complications. The operation lasted until dawn, and Chen Yue was finally rescued.

Su Qingchun could finally breathe a sigh of relief. After getting off the operating table, he was so tired that he slumped on the floor of the operating room, and fell asleep on the stool in the dressing room.

It stands to reason that Chen Yue is a pregnant woman and should be arranged in the obstetrics and gynecology department, but she had an orthopedic surgery and needed wound treatment later, but the orthopedics department has no beds for the time being, so Chen Yue was first arranged in the obstetrics and gynecology ward Observe first.And Su Qingchun, as the doctor taking over on duty, naturally arranged her in his own group.

However, when Su Qingchun returned to the department after a rest in the operating room, he heard the news from the neonatology department that Chen Yue's child was detected to have disappeared brain waves, and the clinical diagnosis was brain death.

(End of this chapter)

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