Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 47 Textbooks

Chapter 47 Textbooks

"People always want to eat, it's a helpless move. But what surprises you is yet to come!" Guo Haiyang said proudly.

"Really? Let's listen to the details." Gao Qi regained his energy.

"In 75, when Secretary He, who had just been transferred to the Central Plains Province, passed by our town, he found that the whole province had gone to many places, but our town was full of vitality and prosperity.

Secretary He didn't know what was going on, and the county leaders didn't dare to explain the truth.After Secretary He returned to the province, he instructed the "Zhongyuan Daily" to send reporters to follow the investigation team to our commune for interviews and investigations.

At the beginning, the leaders of the county and the commune were all terrified, because they didn't know the intentions of the new leaders, so they almost dismantled all the factory equipment and sold it as scrap.

The county leaders quickly found that the reporters and the investigation team were very objective and did not show some extreme remarks, so they did not order the forced demolition of the factory.

After the reporters and the investigation team left, everyone waited for the ruling with trepidation, but soon the "Central Plains Daily" reported in detail on the development of our town commune and team enterprises with the title "On the Field of Hope" in a prominent position on the front page. investigation report.

This report had a great repercussions throughout the country, and was soon seen by the old man, who made a personal comment, and the People's Daily immediately reprinted the report.

Our Guojia Town is completely famous this time. There is an endless stream of people from all over the country who come to visit and study, and there are even many foreign friends. Of course, it is still much worse than Dazhai, hehe. "Guo Haiyang didn't know why Dazhai, a well-known village in the country, suddenly jumped out of his mind.

"Your town is different from Dazhai. What Dazhai left us is a revolutionary spirit of fighting against heaven and earth, while the development history of Guojia Town is a textbook worth studying and learning from." Gao Qi said objectively.

"Company commander, you still have the ability to speak well!" Guo Haiyang gave a thumbs up, fully agreeing with Gao Qi's evaluation.

"I still want to praise you, the people of Guojia Town have advanced ideology, novel ideas, and bold actions!" Gao Qi couldn't help but patted the table and praised.

"Hey, company commander, this is called being poor and wanting to change. If you want to do it, you need to make a revolution; you need to be self-reliant and work hard."

"Ocean, you are right! The people, and only the people, are the driving force behind history creation!"

The two raised the enamel jar and bumped into each other.

Guo Haiyang took out another bottle of Linhe Daqu from under the small table, and he seemed to be restless, ready to have a long talk all night.

The two drank and chatted, and the conversation became more and more excited.

Suddenly, Gao Qi looked at Cui Haiyang thoughtfully and asked, "Yangyang, what are your future plans?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. In the past, my parents both worked in village enterprises. The life of the family was more than enough, and it was more than enough. Although there was no savings, the life of the family was relatively good. Now both of them have resigned. Quit, come back to help my wife sell meatballs, then I will have to help my wife buy meatballs for the time being." Cui Haiyang replied honestly.

"Yang Hai, do you want to live like this for the rest of your life?"

"There is nothing I can do about it. After graduating from high school, I was not recommended to go to college, so I joined the army. I was only a squad leader in the army, and I didn't get into the four pockets. I heard that the questions in the college entrance examination are getting more and more difficult. I don’t have the heart to take the exam anymore.”

"I suggest you go to a TV University and learn about business management. The country also recognizes academic qualifications."

"Company commander, what you are talking about is a way, anyway, there is no harm in learning more knowledge."

"Three years from TV University, when I graduate you will graduate too, if I go to work in the local area, I will arrange you by my side."

"Company commander, as long as I can follow you, I can be your driver."

"Tomorrow, I will accompany you to the Xinhua Bookstore in the county to buy some review materials for the TVU."

"Okay, listen to the company commander."

Perhaps because they drank too much, the two of them changed the subject first, and talked about topics that both of them deliberately avoided at first, because those topics were too heavy, and they were some pains that neither of them wanted to touch.

You and I said one sentence, the two couldn't control their thoughts, recalling a group of comrades who were born and died, and the love was so deep that the two iron-blooded men couldn't help crying.

Tao Chunqin, who was standing outside the window, wiped away the tears from her face, sighed, turned and went back to her room.

The county No. [-] middle school starts tomorrow, and Liu Hua feels that before returning to school, he should go back to his alma mater to see his teacher and the principal Zhang who once cared for him very much. In fact, he still has a bigger expectation in his heart.

He came to the gate of the school on his father's bicycle, and when he saw the large characters of "Yuanshui County No. [-] Middle School", he felt a little excited.

"Liu Hua!" A person suddenly jumped on him from behind and hugged his neck from behind.

"Qin Dali!" Liu Hua knew it was Qin Dali without looking back.

"I guess you will come to the school to see the teacher today, I have been waiting for you here!" Qin Dali said with a big smile as if no one else was around.

"I've always wanted to visit you at your house, but this Spring Festival is too busy, so I delayed it. You see, I borrowed my dad's bicycle, and I plan to go to your house to visit you after visiting the teachers at school." Liu Hua He patted the bicycle seat and said to Qin Dali.

"Okay, at least I haven't forgotten the class brothers who share weal and woe."

"Fuck you!"

"How is it, Tsinghua student, are you doing well now?" Qin Dali asked with a smile.

"It's not bad. When I didn't go to high school, I was under a lot of pressure, and it was much more relaxed." Liu Hua replied with a smile.

"How are you?" Liu Hua asked with concern.

"That's it. A normal college student who didn't come out of the Central Plains Province, just messes up a diploma, and is assigned to be a math teacher in a high school after graduation. That's it for the rest of his life." Qin Dali said carelessly.

"You can take the postgraduate entrance examination?" Liu Hua said.

"Don't you, at least finish these four years of college, and I don't want to go to school anymore." Qin Dali raised his hands in surrender.

Liu Hua smiled, Qin Dali hasn't changed at all, he's more than smart, but impatient.

Liu Hua pushed the bicycle, and the two walked side by side to the campus, chatting while walking.



"Ah? Liu Hua, it turned out that you managed to dispose of the hawthorn hoarded in our village? Dude, you are too awesome! Come on, let me show you how your head grows." Qin Dali clasped his hands together. Seeing Liu Hua's head shaking from side to side.

"Get out! Shake again, be careful I'll beat you!" Liu Hua scolded with a smile.

The two of them fought all the way into the second door of No. [-] Middle School, which is the quiet study area.

What Liu Hua didn't know was that Li Ting was following him far away at this time, and he was taking the side road outside the flower bed, so even Liu Hua would not see her when he turned his head.

Li Ting started to panic when she saw Liu Hua just now, she wanted to see Liu Hua, but she didn't want Liu Hua to see herself, because she didn't know how to face Liu Hua at all, the girl's heart was extremely contradictory.

(End of this chapter)

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