Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 35 An Idea☆

Chapter 35 An Idea☆
"Liu Hua, your idea is really good, but we don't know how to make candied haws!" Director Li said in embarrassment.

"My uncle knows it! You can do the work for him." Liu Hua said with a smile.

"Oh, that would be great! If I can really make hawthorn into candied haws, my hawthorn inventory may be solved, and our supply and marketing cooperative's funds can be used!" Director Li said with a smile on his face.

"It's just that my supply and marketing cooperative doesn't have a place to make it, and I still need to find some people to help, I'm afraid it won't work in time!" Director Li was so happy with his patronage just now, he forgot about it.

"Well, let me tell you a way, do you think it will work?" Liu Hua said.

"Say it, tell it." Director Li said quickly.

"I brought back a bag of hawthorns today, and tomorrow I'll send you a batch of candied haws. What do you think?" Liu Hua expressed his thoughts.

"That's great! If you can send the candied haws over tomorrow, I'll go to the county seat to find Director Wang of our county agency, report this matter to him, and let the county supply and marketing agency make unified arrangements for all branches and departments in the county. Distribution at the supply and marketing point." Director Li said confidently.

He didn't expect that the matter of making candied haws would be solved so easily, and the rest of the problems would be easily solved. Director Wang in the county was also worried about the backlog of hawthorns in the county!

"No problem! Prepare me a sack of hawthorn and white sugar. I can't keep up with thinning sticks today. Do you have bamboo needles for knitting sweaters?" Liu Hua asked Director Li.

"Yes, there are thick ones, thin ones, long ones and short ones, and there are many more!" Director Li replied.

Liu Hua wrote down the items and quantities he needed on paper and handed them over to Director Li.

"Then I'll go back and prepare it for you now, and then send it to Dayu Village for you." After finishing speaking, Director Li excitedly got up and left.

Yao Zhenming looked at Liu Hua and said, "Thank you very much. This year, our county has had a good harvest of hawthorns. There are limited purchases available for marketing cooperatives and pharmaceutical companies. The hawthorns of many villages in our commune are piled up in warehouses and cannot be sold.

Recently, the agricultural technology station of the commune recommended to all villages to plant thin-skinned walnut trees. This is the latest variety. "

"Secretary Yao, in fact, we can build some small village-run enterprises to further process hawthorn, such as canned hawthorn, hawthorn cake, hawthorn paste, hawthorn drink, etc." Liu Hua said.

"You're right! Why didn't I expect that the supply and marketing agency was always urged to find a way, and the supply and marketing agency was overwhelmed!
It's still a college student's mind, which is a good idea!Tomorrow, I will notify the village cadres to come to the commune for a meeting, let the agricultural technology station take the lead, give them some ventilation first, let everyone think about it, and whoever does it first after the Spring Festival will be supported by the commune first. "Yao Zhenming made up his mind.

"Secretary Yao, if you have nothing to do, then I'll go back." Liu Hua stood up and said goodbye.He had in mind the processing of candied haws.

"Don't go, there is one more thing I want to hear from you." Yao Zhenming hurriedly reached out to stop him, motioning Liu Hua to sit down.

"Secretary Yao, I don't know anything about the hawthorn. When I was helping in the school cafeteria, I mentioned that our hometown is rich in hawthorn. The master chef in the cafeteria told me about these things. They called hawthorn a red fruit. "Liu Hua hurriedly told the truth.

"After all, you went to university in the capital, and you have a lot of experience, so let's chat casually." Yao Zhenming waved his hand and said, "That's right, there are two communes in our county that have set up small paper mills. Chengguan Township in the county Some villages in cities and towns have built paper mills, using rice straw and wheat straw as raw materials to produce yellow papyrus, and it is said that the benefits are not bad.

Comrades from the commune office gave me suggestions that I also want to build a paper mill, and I also want to mobilize several larger villages to build a paper mill.

I am worried that paper mills have been built in so many places in our county, and our commune is also building so many paper mills. Will the paper produced by that time be the same as hawthorn, which will be piled up in the warehouse and cannot be sold, so I have been Very hesitant, you are a top student of Tsinghua University, give me a staff advisor! "Yao Zhenming asked Liu Hua for advice sincerely.

In Yao Zhenming's eyes, Liu Hua is not a brat, but a proud man in Tsinghua University who he can't look up to. He talked about the deep processing project of hawthorn, which really impressed him.

Yao Zhenming's words made Liu Hua think of his own experience of pulling slag in the county paper mill, so he said modestly: "Secretary Yao, since you said it, then should I just say something nonsense?"

"Say it!" Yao Zhenming nodded repeatedly.

"To tell you the truth, I worked in a county paper mill during my summer vacation this year. Every time the paper mill exhausted air, I would breathe through the tap with my nose. Moreover, the waste water discharged from the paper mill contains a lot of harmful acids and alkalis. Substances will cause serious pollution to land and rivers.

I heard from my mother that women in towns used to wash their clothes in the South and North Mang Rivers.When the students have physical education classes in summer, the teacher will take everyone to swim in the Mang River.Since the establishment of the county paper mill, the water in the Mang River has been polluted. The water has turned yellow and there is a lot of white foam floating in it, and the smell is unpleasant. "

"You mean that the construction of a paper mill will pollute the Dayu River in the town, and the water of the Dayu River flows into the Yellow River, which means that the Yellow River will also be polluted?" Yao Zhenming understood Liu Hua's meaning.

"That's the reason! Secretary Yao, we can't cut off the water source of Huaishu Town Commune just for the benefit of the moment!" Liu Hua said earnestly.

"Now not only the commune, but several villages are clamoring to build a paper mill, including your Dayu village. Our team has already discussed and approved it, and now we are discussing with the credit union how to support it with loans.

Before I told you, I was only worried about sales, and didn't think about pollution at all! " Yao Zhenming said, rubbing his short hair with his hands, obviously worried.

"Secretary Yao, I understand what you mean. After all, everyone sees the benefits of the paper mill. You are afraid that other communes will become rich in the end. Our commune has laid the bottom of the county, and you can't give it to your superiors. The leader should explain to the folks in Huaishu Town Commune, right?" Liu Hua could see Yao Zhenming's concerns at a glance.

Serving as an official will benefit one party.On the outside, Yao Zhenming is doing it for the economic development of Huaishu Town Commune, and for the benefit of the common people; in private, Yao Zhenming also needs to use his political achievements to add some gold to his black hat, after all, he still has a high promotion. Opportunity.

"Yes, you are absolutely right. I want to build Huaishu Township into a model commune in Yuanshui County, but it is too difficult!" Yao Zhenming shook his head and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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