Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 31 Chapter Family

Chapter 31
When Liu Hua told this story, his heart was completely relieved, and the knot in his heart for so many years was finally opened.

At this moment, he let go of his hatred for Chen Tianming, Chen Lingrong, and Tian Fengmei, after all they are also his relatives.

Dajin's meanness is only because her family is too poor.With his extra mouth, Dajin couldn't stand it, so it was understandable to take her anger out on him.

He didn't want to worry about these anymore, people have to look forward and move forward.

But now the divergence in life between him and Chen Lingrong and Chen Tianming has become farther and farther away, and it will be difficult to have any intersections in the future, so it is time to let go.

"If we have a chance, let's go to your vine garden together. I want to see if your inner world is full of sunshine!" Gao Qi said to Liu Hua in a yearning voice.

"Welcome! Warmly welcome everyone to come to my spiritual space - Vitex Garden!" Liu Hua welcomed happily.

"Liu Hua, we are good brothers for life. No matter what job we take in the future, we must keep in touch." Song Dajian said.

"Leave this matter to me. When you start to work in the future, I will be responsible for writing everyone's mailing addresses together, and everyone will have a copy. If someone's job is transferred, I will notify you in time." Gao Qi said.

Everyone agrees.

Liu Hua thinks it is good to have a boss.

"Congratulations, Liu Hua, you finally got out of the nightmare in your heart! In the future, we may still encounter many such and other problems, just like those hooligans today! But there are still many beautiful things in this world that are worth our while Praise, go fight for it!" Gao Qi said passionately.

"Boss, I found that you are especially good at doing ideological work. Are you an instructor in the army?" Li Chunjiang asked curiously.

"Hehe! I am a company commander, not an instructor. I have participated in self-defense counterattacks. In your current fashionable words, I am a person who has gone through the baptism of blood and fire." Gao Qi laughed.

Liu Hua was startled, turned over and sat up, staring blankly at Gao Qi in the darkness. At this moment, he felt as if his blood had froze!It turned out that he sworn obeisance today turned out to be a glorious company commander of the People's Liberation Army!And he is a hero who has participated in self-defense counterattacks!How could He De, who came out of a mountain village, climb up to such a heroic elder brother?

Liu Hua's nose was sore.

At this moment, not only Liu Hua, but everyone sat up from the bed. After two seconds of silence, the whole dormitory became noisy.

"Boss, hero! I am extremely proud and proud to be your roommate!"

"Boss, you are amazing! I am so moved that I am about to cry!"

"Boss, tell us some time about how you fought the war!"

"Boss, have you been injured?"

"Boss, how many Y soldiers have you killed?"

"Stop, stop, stop! If you are so loud, you will disturb the students next door!" Gao Qi hurriedly stopped.

Everyone hastily lowered their voices, but they still sighed with excitement.

"Okay, I promise you, I will tell you when the school starts, okay?" Gao Qi quickly promised.

"Brother Qi, I salute you! I wish you and uncle a happy Spring Festival! Good health!" Liu Hua warmly and sincerely wished Gao Qi.

"Yes, boss, we salute you! Happy Chinese New Year to your family!"

Everyone extended their sincere greetings to Gao Qi.

"Study hard and work hard! The construction of the country's four modernizations requires our generation to do a relay race. Brothers, no matter when and where, everyone must keep in mind, don't do things that harm the interests of the country, and be a Wang Jinxi style Character! Be a law-abiding, patriotic, loving and dedicated Tsinghua person, and you must not discredit Tsinghua Park!" Gao Qi's voice warned everyone at the dawn.

"I swear!"

"I swear!"

Everyone has vowed: to contribute all their strength to the prosperity of the great motherland!

These college students in 1980 are a new generation of young people who grew up in the era of learning from the best role models. They have the world in mind, simple thoughts, and enthusiasm, just like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, rising slowly on the land of the motherland .

Liu Hua only felt that his blood was boiling, and he felt that his life had a greater purpose.

A sleepless night turned eight vigorous young people into good brothers for life!
"It's almost dawn, we should get up, Li Chunjiang and Song Dajian, don't you guys have to catch the early train? Hurry up and get ready!" Gao Qi reminded everyone.

Because Liu Yuanqing and Chen Shuping were too busy before the Spring Festival, they didn't go to pick up the station. It was Liu Yang who took Liu Hua back home. In the evening, Chen Shuping made a table of delicious food for Liu Hua.

"I heard from Liu Yang that you want to go back to the village early tomorrow morning. See if you can do this. In a few days, your dad and I will go back to deliver New Year's goods to your grandparents. When the time comes, we will go back together. What do you think?" Chen Shuping looked at Liu Hua and asked.

Although Liu Yuanqing and Chen Shuping are very enthusiastic about Liu Hua, Liu Hua always feels strange in his heart. He never feels that this is his home, and he really misses his grandfather and grandmother very much. Back to the village.

"Mom, I miss my grandpa and grandma. I guess grandpa and grandma are thinking about me now. I'd better go tomorrow. I don't want to wait." Liu Hua said apologetically.

"Brother, I have two days to go on vacation, why don't you wait for me." Liu Yang was reluctant to let Liu Hua go.

"When you are on vacation, go back with your parents. I will wait for you in the village." Liu Hua patted Liu Yang on the shoulder and said.

He stayed at his parents' house in the county seat for one night, and early the next morning, Liu Hua got on the bus to Huaishu Town without hesitation.

Finally breathing the air of Huaishu Town, Liu Hua took a big breath of cold air, "This is the unique taste of my hometown!"

The warm sun shone gently on Liu Hua's body, making him feel unspeakably comfortable.

For Liu Hua, who walks like the wind, the mountain road of more than ten miles is just a few breaths.

From a distance, Liu Hua saw two people sitting on the Lulu roller at the west end of the village, his heart was pounding, and he had a premonition.

He quickened his pace and ran forward.

Closer, it is his grandfather and grandmother, the gray hair and the gray goatee on the chin are the memories flowing in his blood.

"Grandpa~! Grandma~!" Liu Hua shouted, waving his arms while running.

Chen Dongsheng vaguely heard the shout, put his hand on his forehead and looked towards the road, opened his eyes suddenly, and shouted excitedly: "Old lady, your Xiaofu is back!"

Grandma's cloudy eyes also saw the figure in the distance, and she happily twisted her little feet to meet the figure running over, and shouted excitedly: "Xiao Fu, I'm waiting for you!"

"Slow down! You old woman!" Chen Dongsheng was afraid that the old woman would fall, so he immediately supported his grandmother's arm.

(End of this chapter)

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