Chapter 29
"Ah! Liu Hua, you used to be a deaf-mute?" Li Shihong asked in surprise.

"Get out, Li Shihong! Can you speak? Liu Hua's long-standing resentment cannot be vented, and he is so angry that he is temporarily deaf!" Song Dajian said hastily.

"I'm sorry, Liu Hua, I didn't mean that, you know?" Li Shihong quickly defended herself.

"It's okay, I don't mind." Liu Hua smiled in the dark.

"What happened later?" Gao Qi asked with concern, he had already been brought into the story by Liu Hua.

"Later, I became what people call a little fool, a little lunatic. At that time, I knew everything in my heart and knew what I was doing, but I just couldn't control my emotions.

I often run all over the mountains and plains. At first my uncle was able to catch me, and then I was so fast that no one could catch me. I was like a monkey, rippling and jumping on the branches, playing with wild beasts in the mountains and forests, and often climbing rocks Walking around the wall to pick mountains and delicacies, so my physical fitness is actually very good.

In any case, I never take the initiative to kill. I can't do anything to the weak, but when encountering wild beasts attacking, I will fight them to the death out of self-defense.

In fact, poisonous insects and beasts are also very afraid of humans. As long as you don't invade their territory or pose a threat to them, they will not take the initiative to attack humans, but there are exceptions.

My uncle can't keep up with me anymore, but if I'm tired or hungry, I'll run home by myself.

Everyone in the village said I was crazy, but my grandfather and grandmother didn't believe it. They thought that I must have been possessed by evil spirits because I was sleeping on Xiaocang's grave, so they quietly took me to see the witch.

I found a sorceress, but she didn't take good care of me. Later, my uncle took me to the county hospital. My parents asked someone to find the best doctor in the county to see me. In the end, I didn't find out any diseases, because I only listened to the doctor. I can't speak, I can't speak, everything is normal, and my deaf-mute disease, the doctor didn't find out the cause.

In this way, I should eat and eat, I should sleep, I should go to class, I should run and run, and I never forget to help my family pick pigweed after school in the afternoon.

Ever since I couldn't speak, I saw Chen Tianming and Chen Lingrong didn't rush to fight.

At that time, my family was too poor, and my homework was written on the slate with slate pencils. Only pencils and paper were used for exams.

My uncle went to elementary school, and he taught me to write on slates and count when he had free time. I taught me at that time, but when I asked the next day, I couldn’t do it anymore.

Every time I take the exam, I am the last one in the class, and sometimes I get a big duck egg.I spent almost five years in a daze like this, during which time my grandma had left me a second grade.I'm going to be promoted to the fourth grade soon, but I don't even know what the 2+3 wait is.

I have been sleeping with my grandfather for the past few years when I was ill. One day my grandfather went to visit the zoo for the fourth grandfather, and my grandmother held me in her arms, patted my back and coaxed me to sleep.

That day I had a dream that I will never forget in my life. A kind old lady held my two little gray rabbits in her arms and said to me: "Xiaofu, I am the old mother of Guanyin in Donghai. I will take your two little gray rabbits. The little rabbits are taken away, don't worry, I will take good care of them! '

When I saw that the little rabbit was about to leave me, I cried and chased after it. It was a heart-piercing cry. While crying, I chased after Guanyin's mother who was getting farther and farther away from me.

The crying alarmed my grandmother who got up early and was cooking in the yard. She ran into the room and woke me up from the crying dream, yelling, "Xiao Fu, wake up!" '

I opened my tear-wet eyes and saw that grandma's face was full of tears, so I reached out to wipe her tears.

'Xiao Fu, my dear, you are crying!Your illness is cured! 'Grandma held me in her arms, cried and said to me:'Hey, just cry, cry out all the grievances in your heart, and you will be fine if you cry out! '

I cried for a long time in my grandmother's arms that day, and finally my heart was not so blocked. Later, I told my grandmother the dream I had.

When my grandma and grandpa were overjoyed, they took me to thank the goddess who treated me, because the god she worshiped was the old mother of Guanyin.

The sorceress said to my grandma: "You named Xiao Fu. Fu and Buddha have the same sound. Your Xiao Fu has Buddha on his body!"He must be a blessed person in the future, and you will enjoy his blessings in the future! 'The grandma said with a wide smile. "

After Liu Hua finished speaking such a long paragraph, he found that the dormitory was extremely quiet, and it seemed that no one interrupted his speech for a long time.

"Are you guys asleep?" Liu Hua couldn't help asking softly.

After a sigh, Li Shihong said in a daze, "We were brought into the story by you, how could we fall asleep?"

"It's hard for you, Liu Hua! You have experienced so many things at such a young age! Is Xiaofu your nickname?" Gao Qi asked with a sigh.

"Yes, I was born in Futian." Liu Hua replied.

In fact, Liu Hua's birthdays have been foolish since he was a child. He was born in Futian, but his grandmother always cooked birthday eggs for him on the seventeenth day of the first lunar month.

Grandma's reason is very good, saying that it is a local custom that some difficult children celebrate their birthdays early, but they are not allowed to postpone their birthdays.

Grandpa told him that because he was weak and sick since he was a child, he found a fortune teller to help him do a fortune telling. His horoscope fits well with the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, so he chose this day for his birthday.

My uncle said that he was the fortune-teller who traveled from village to village to find

That's what grandma, grandpa and uncle all said, so he naturally believed it.

"No wonder you are so agile in basketball, and your physical fitness is stronger than ours. It turned out that you were trained in that situation! You have suffered!" Song Dajian sighed.

"Fortune and misfortune depend on each other!" Sunan said.

"Liu Hua, it's hard to imagine that your childhood was spent like this!" Shi Wenqing's voice was a little depressed, he was infected by the story Liu Hua told.

"I now understand that you are neither far nor near to anyone, and you are polite, so that's what happened!" Li Shihong sighed.

"Liu Hua, all of this has passed. You have our good brothers now. If you have any problems in the future, everyone will help you!" Jiang Zhenhai said with a bold nature.

"I want to record what Liu Hua said, and record the stories of each of us. One day I will write them out. I want to record our growth path!" Li Chunjiang said excitedly.This was a wish he had just made for himself.

"Yes, Chun Jiang, record our growth in Tsinghua Garden, this will be the best memory in our life." Jiang Zhenhai said excitedly.

Gao Qi waited for everyone to sigh before saying to Liu Hua: "Liu Hua, the feudal superstition you are talking about is the Guanyin mother in the dream?"

"Well," Liu Hua replied softly, embarrassed.

"What's the point? Think about it, when your grandparents led you to see the witch, there must have been Guanyin's mother in the witch's house, and you remembered it invisibly. In fact, it is also a wish of yours. Subconsciously, I want to find a good home for the little rabbit, so everything is in the right place, and it is reasonable to dream that Guanyin's mother takes the little rabbit away."

Everyone was quietly listening to Gao Qi explaining Liu Hua's doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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