Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 2 Vixen

Chapter 2 Vixen
Liu Hua lying on the hospital bed thought of his parents.

"What are they doing now? Do you know that I'm dying of pain right now? Grandpa said that people who are connected by blood have a sense. Can they sense it?"

Liu Hua's mother and father lived in the county seat, and he lived with his grandmother and grandfather in Dayu Village since he was a child, so he was very close to his grandmother and grandfather.

I heard from the villagers that he was sent to his grandmother's house by his mother when he was born, and his grandmother raised him with millet milk, and sometimes hugged him to rub the milk that other children's children could not finish.

The county seat is too far away from Grandma's Dayu Village, the bus can only go to Huaishu Town, and the remaining ten miles of mountain roads have to be measured with feet, so Liu Hua rarely sees his mother and father all year round.

Later, when my mother gave birth to a little brother, I didn't have time to ask him. He could only see him when his parents came back to deliver New Year's goods to grandparents before the Spring Festival.

My mother is very good-looking, and she will take out the newly made clothes that can only be worn during the New Year for him to try to see if they fit. She will also hug him and ask him how he is, making him feel warm in his heart.

Every time Mom and Dad left, Liu Hua would watch eagerly, and his little head would think, "Why Mom and Dad only took my younger brother back to the city, why didn't they take me?"

Liu Hua was very sad for this, and even cried when he was young.

Grandpa and grandma told him that there is only one small house in his father's house, and there is a sick grandmother who needs to be taken care of at home, and his mother works part-time everywhere, so she is really too busy to take care of him and his younger brother.

Later, when he grew up and got used to it, he didn't care. Sometimes he even forgot that he still had his parents.

Liu Hua was pulled back to Dayu Village by Chen Baoping in a flat car. The bumps along the way almost killed Liu Hua.

Liu Hua couldn't bear it anymore, so he would whisper to his uncle to stop the flat car and let him rest for a while, otherwise he would vomit.

Now he feels a headache even when he speaks loudly, so every time he begs his uncle to stop the car to rest, he will speak in a low voice, and it takes several times of begging before the uncle can hear him, and then he feels a little uncomfortable. Patiently stop the flat car.

In this way, the two of them stopped and went. The mountain road usually took less than two hours. Today, they walked for more than two hours. When they entered the village, the moon was already high.

Dayu Village is also called Dayu Brigade. Liu Hua's grandfather's family lived in the northeast of Dayu Village, so Chen Baoping had to go through the whole village to drag Liu Hua back home.

There is a big bell hanging under the old elm tree in the village, which will be rang when the village goes out to work or holds a meeting. There is a mill right in front of it, and there is an open space beside it. This is the place where villagers like to gather.

The mountain people who have had dinner like to hang out in the moonland and chat under the big clock. The boys are playing cockfights or smashing four corners in the open space next to them, and the girls occupy a corner there throwing sandbags or Jump rubber band.

"Baoping, why are you back so late? What are you pulling in the car?" The chatterers saw Chen Baoping pulling the flat car, and surrounded him curiously.

"Oh! Isn't this Xiaofu? What's the matter, with white gauze wrapped around his head?"

"Fusheng, stop playing, go and tell your aunt and uncle, Xiao Fu was beaten!" The fourth master shouted at a group of boys playing.

"Hey!" Hearing his grandfather's yell, a seven or eight-year-old kid ran towards the east of the village.

"Is this being bullied at school or something? Baoping, who beat Xiaofu?" Fourth master was still asking.

"Fourth Master, Xiao Fu accidentally broke his head by the handle of the pulley when he pulled out the water." Chen Baoping had no choice but to explain.

"Hey! I thought it was someone beating me, so why not be careful, go back and rest!" Fourth master tapped on the side of the car with a pipe in his hand.

"Xiaofu, Xiaofu, Baoping, what's wrong with Xiaofu?" After hearing Fusheng's report, grandma and grandfather had already stumbled over, followed by Xiaojin.

"Mom, Daddy (Dad), it's okay. Xiaofu was hit on the head by the pulley and has a slight concussion. The doctor said that he will be fine after a week of sleep. You don't have to worry." Chen Baoping saw his parents running away in a panic. Come here and explain quickly.

"Oh, my dear! Does it hurt?" Grandma saw Liu Hua whose head was wrapped in white gauze, and she was so distressed that she didn't know where to touch it.

"You boy, what were you thinking when you pulled out the water? Why didn't you knock you down the well!" Grandpa Chen Dong scolded angrily.

Liu Hua heard his grandfather's scolding, and knew that his grandfather scolded him because he felt sorry for him. He wanted to smile in the direction of his grandfather, but he was really uncomfortable, so he just grinned in the end.

"Damn old man, shut up! Did you lose your breath and talk without seeing the baby in pain?" The grandmother was unhappy, and stepped on Chen Dongsheng's big foot with her foot.

"Old lady, does your foot hurt?" Chen Dongsheng asked with a smile.

Grandma ignored him and directed Chen Baoping to pull Liu Hua into the house.

"Baoping, why are you running back when you don't go to work? Tian Fengmei stood at the door of the east room in the north room, staring at her man fiercely.

"Isn't this broken by Xiao Futou? As an uncle, I must not send him back." Chen Baoping avoided Tian Fengmei's gaze, and helped his father and mother to help Liu Hua into the south room of the east room. This is Liu Hua's room.

"The head was broken, but it wasn't the foot that was broken. Can't you run back by yourself? If you want to send it, how many people!" Tian Fengmei's mouth is not clean, and she always speaks with a handle.

I don't know when the bad habit was passed down. The women in this place speak like men, without covering their mouths.

"Sister-in-law, don't talk about elder brother, elder brother and Xiao Fu haven't eaten yet, do you have any left in the house? I have some left in my house, give it to Xiao Fu to warm up." The little sister-in-law, Xiaoxian, has a kind personality and reminded the elder sister-in-law Tian Fengmei made food for her elder brother.

"No, my mother won't cook it for him! Let him meddle in his own business when he's full?" Tian Fengmei's shoehorn face twitched, Xiaoxian fell silent, and turned around and entered the west room in the north room.

At this time, Chen Tianming, Chen Tianliang, and Chen Lingrong, who were playing poker at someone's home, ran back.

"Mom, I heard that my dad brought Xiaofu back with a flat car, did he hit his head badly?" Chen Tianming ran to his mother excitedly and asked.

"I don't know, I have eyes to see!" Tian Fengmei gouged out her son Chen Tianming's eyes, and said harshly.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Who messed with you again?" Chen Lingrong looked at Tian Fengmei who was grumbling and asked.

"Who else could there be except your father!" Tian Fengmei said angrily, and went into the house to cook.

"Brother Tianming, let's go in and have a look at Xiaofu." 12-year-old Chen Tianliang looked at Chen Tianming and said.

"What's there to see, I want you to go, I won't go!" Chen Tianming and Chen Lingrong entered the door of their house.

Tian Fengmei's natal family was in Huaishu Town, and she entrusted her natal brother Tian Shengli to find her a job, so Chen Baoping was always half a head short in front of Tian Fengmei.

(End of this chapter)

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