Uncle's Crisis

Chapter 381 There Are Outer Ghosts and Inner Devils

Chapter 381 There Are Outer Ghosts and Inner Devils

Sun Chaosheng nodded and said: "Yes, it is very necessary, otherwise, it will be troublesome. Some people said that they will go to the street to parade, and they have to go to the relevant departments to ask for an explanation. I am trying to put out the fire. Thank you for coming in time gone."

"Isn't this nonsense!" Director Song slapped the back of the sofa and shouted, "Isn't the case under investigation, and we'll let everyone know the results when we have the results. Don't act aggressively."

Sun Chaosheng was lukewarm, and said: "Ju Song, you have to understand everyone's feelings. Be a good person, and if you say nothing, you will be gone. It is reasonable for them to ask for an explanation."

"Mr. Sun, it's not good for you to behave like this. How can you pamper them?"

"No, I tried my best to comfort them."

"Deal with everything calmly, believe in the law, and never lose your mind. They are your subordinates, your employees. You must find a way to manage them well, and you can't make wild noises."

Sun Chaosheng sighed and said, "There are many things that even I, the general manager, can't figure out. How can I explain them to them?"

Director Song said: "Is there anything you don't understand? The matter is obvious. Lao Zhang adopted extreme measures, coupled with his own illness, which caused serious consequences. Mr. Sun, Brother Sun, you have to take the overall situation into consideration. What's more important!"

"Okay...Okay, I see. You should say something at the general staff meeting. They are in a panic, and they need you to help them clear it up."

Director Song said: "Originally, I just came to talk to you and communicate with you for the sake of our personal friendship. I have no right to talk nonsense at your staff meeting."

Sun Chaosheng was not in a hurry with him, and said, "Director Song, this is to stabilize the situation."

"Okay then, since the notifications have been issued, it is better to obey orders than to be respectful. I will push the matter at hand first and explain it to them."

Only then did Sun Chaosheng soften, and said, "Ju Song, do you think I'm unlucky enough?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's been less than a year since I was transferred here, so many major incidents have happened, and two lives have been lost. People will think of me like this?"

Director Song said: "How can I look at it? It's nothing more than saying that you are a disaster star and that you are not good at management. But if it is replaced by someone else, there may not be no accidents. It should be dealt with as usual, and it may be more serious. You just met."

Sun Chaosheng didn't want to say anything more, stood up, picked up the mobile phone on the table, and said, "It's been half an hour, and we're almost here."

Sure enough, the meeting room was full of people, and it looked dark, with dark faces, and the atmosphere was very solemn.

Director Song followed Sun Chaosheng into the door, glanced down the stage, and couldn't help trembling in his heart, but his expression looked abnormally calm.

After sitting down, Sun Chaosheng first introduced Director Song to the audience, and then told the process of Lao Zhang's death that he knew.

After the speech, some people began to whisper and discuss.

There are also bold people who directly raised questions, saying that a good person, how can he just die?There must be articles in it, there are a lot of articles!
Before Sun Chaosheng handed over the microphone, Director Song grabbed it and shouted: "Everyone is quiet, we are investigating, and when we have the results, we will tell everyone as soon as possible."

Seeing that some people were still not calm down below, he patted the table vigorously and said, "Everyone, don't listen to rumors, let alone gossip and spread rumors in private, everyone should trust us, trust science, and trust that the facts will be clarified! "

Afterwards, he took out a death appraisal report from his bag, held it in his hand, and then gave a further explanation on the cause of Lao Zhang's death.

With a serious expression and a tough tone, he was irrefutable. He said that after the forensic examination and the report to the procuratorate for review, the guard Lao Zhang died of a heart attack, and there was no other possibility of death.

As for the reason why the police took Lao Zhang away, Director Song also gave a detailed explanation. He said that the alarm center received the police report at a quarter past eleven.

Our people rushed to the scene at the first time, and only then did we know that Lao Zhang, the guard on duty in your unit, suddenly became manic, swung knives wildly, and injured innocent passers-by.

After the police officers arrived, they controlled him in time, but the troublemaker died of a heart attack on the way to custody.

As soon as the voice fell, someone stood up and raised a question.

Director Song looked at his watch and said, "I still have an emergency meeting. If you have any questions, you can go to our Law Enforcement Section and ask them. I won't answer them here."

Sun Chaosheng was afraid that things would get worse, so he stood up, comforted everyone, and said that they should trust the case handling agency, and they would give everyone a satisfactory answer.

Before he finished speaking, Director Song had already stepped off the stage and walked towards the door.

Director Song didn't go back to Sun Chaosheng's office, and walked out of the office building.

Sun Chaosheng watched Director Song's car drive out of the gate through the window. He called Gao Zhiyuan over and asked him to notify the various departments. He must take the overall situation into consideration and not act emotionally.

Then, they sat down and analyzed the death report.

In his view, this report is almost meaningless, just a superficial phenomenon, with little substance.

Sun Chaosheng sat blankly for a while, then suddenly had an idea, picked up the phone, and dialed Pang Yaozong's cell phone.

Pang Yaozong came up and accused him, saying: "What did you do, Sun Chaosheng? A psychopath stands at the gate every day, and you don't see it?"

Sun Chaosheng retorted bluntly: "President Pang, Lao Zhang is not sick, at least he was well before yesterday, a very honest and kind person, loyal to his work, and a competent security guard."

"Isn't this nonsense? Such a good person would do such a thing?" Pang Yaozong's voice was as hard as a knife.

"Mr. Pang, I've read the autopsy report. It says that Lao Zhang is manic and insane. This is not true."

"You also have doubts about this kind of identification?"

"I'm telling the truth. I don't think his death is that simple. There must be something hidden behind it."

"Then what do you think is the secret?"

"I think one is that the bad guys came to harass and irritate him, so Lao Zhang lost control and did stupid things."

"He is an old man, who will harass him?"

"Not necessarily to him."

"Who could it be?"

"Other people, or collective property."

"Sun Chaosheng, isn't this a subjective assumption? The investigators have been to the scene, where is the bad guy? Why didn't Lao Zhang identify the bad guy on the spot? By the way, isn't your unit equipped with surveillance cameras? Wouldn't it be clear at a glance if you opened it? "

"The monitoring has been tampered with."

"What do you mean? Who has tampered with it?"

"I don't know who moved it, but all the information during that time has been deleted."

"Look...look, what's going on here? Who can move the surveillance in your unit? Unless there are ghosts among you, in this case, you can ask the police to go back to your unit, check one by one, and screen one by one. gone."

"No, I don't think it's the inner ghost, but the outer demon!"

"Old grandson, grandson, why do I feel that the more you talk, the more outrageous it is? Is it because you have been stimulated during this period, and you have also become nervous?"

"No, Mr. Pang, I'm very clear-headed, very clear-headed!"

After a pause, Pang Yaozong softened, and said: "Mr. Sun, in this situation, you must look at the problem from the perspective of a leading cadre. Don't be emotional, let alone fan the flames. You must put the overall situation first. Be a fire extinguisher, don't get bruised and swollen on this matter, do you understand what I mean?"

Sun Chaosheng said: "I don't mean to fan the flames. I just want to know the facts and the truth. I just want to use your ability to help Lao Zhang get a reasonable explanation!"

Pang Yaozong sighed and said, "Old Sun, the facts are the facts, so you can do it yourself. If that's the case, I'll go to the head office."

"Why are you going to the head office?"

"Report the situation to Mr. Xiao, and let him help us make decisions, help Lao Zhang to avenge his grievances, and uphold justice!"

Before Sun Chaosheng could say anything, the other party had already hung up the phone.

"The cunning old fox is in such a state, and he is still working for the tiger, trying to escape the blame, there is no way!" Sun Chaosheng dropped the phone with a slap, and cursed.

Gao Zhiyuan said: "Yeah, I can't bear it anymore, it's time to kill the wolf."

Sun Chaosheng nodded and said, "Yes, if you bear it any longer, maybe we won't even be able to save our lives."

"By the way," Gao Zhiyuan suddenly remembered something, and asked Sun Chaosheng, "Have you received a mysterious email?"

Sun Chaosheng asked him back: "Are you talking about a letter of proposal?"

Gao Zhiyuan nodded and said, "Yes, it is clearly written on it. It has listed many crimes against that old dog Pang Yaozong, and mobilized more people to stand up and expose that heinous villain."

Sun Chaosheng said: "I also received it. It seems that the person who sent the email was very professional. He pointed out the weakness of the old fox. He also left the report mailbox of the provincial inspection team and the mobile phone number of the team leader."

Gao Zhiyuan said: "Yes, when the time comes, his death time has come."

Sun Chaosheng sighed deeply, and said: "The storm came a bit late, and our colleagues made such great sacrifices for nothing. I am really sorry for them!"

Gao Zhiyuan said: "It's already like this, we can only face the reality, as long as we can bring down the old things, it can be regarded as a comfort to them."

Sun Chaosheng nodded, and said: "Well, you quickly gather the materials you have. By the way, there is also Feng Dazhi, and I want him to join in."

Gao Zhiyuan said: "I have already asked, and he has also received that email."

"That's good. This time, we must slap that big fly to death thoroughly, and we can't let him do more evil and harm good people."

"Yeah, these years, he has covered the sky with one hand and done all kinds of bad things. It's time to clean him up!"


The two chatted for a few more words, Gao Zhiyuan got up to leave, and just walked out of the office, but was called back by Sun Chaosheng.

Gao Zhiyuan asked him what else he could order.

Sun Chaosheng said to let him contact quickly and find someone to replace Lao Zhang on duty.

Gao Zhiyuan agreed and said that he would start to implement it after returning to the office.

But things were far from as simple as he imagined. Gao Zhiyuan made a round of phone calls, including the heads of various departments, and asked them to help find a suitable person to be the guard.

But there was an echo soon, no one was willing to take over the job, the reason was simple, Lao Zhang had just died, and the cause of death was unknown, lest there would be disasters later;
The second reason is that I don't want to stay in that room, it's unlucky.

After repeated discussions, several department heads agreed, saying that they could use their spare time to stand guard for free.

Let Xin You go to Sun Chaosheng's office again, and after reporting the arrangement of the on-duty staff, he also offered to take the initiative, saying that he would also take the lead and join the guard on duty.

Sun Chaosheng thought for a while and said, "That counts me in too!"

(End of this chapter)

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