Chapter 31
"Yeah, I said it was the first time."

"Oh, that's right." Gao Zhiyuan paced back to his desk, sat down, and a big question mark popped up in his heart——

Does a waiter in a corporate cafeteria still need the manager to come and "pick him up" in person?

Is there a mystery hidden here?
Thinking about the Lingfang Farm, Gao Zhiyuan naturally thought of going to Pang Hongzhu.

Gao Zhiyuan felt that this woman was not simple. She was a mysterious chapter in the story of Lingfang Farm, just like what was sung in that song—like clouds, fog, and wind.

In a way, she is an enigma!

The more Gao Zhiyuan thought about it, the worse his mood became. Taking the opportunity of going to the bathroom, he squatted on the toilet pit and dialed Pang Hongzhu's mobile phone number.

It took a long time for the phone to connect. Pang Hongzhu gave a light feed first, and then asked in a business-like tone: "Director Gao, what do you do?"

"Are you ok?"

"Why am I bad?"

"I'm just worried that you're too tired."

"It's fine, it's all right."

"That's good, by the way, is it convenient for you to talk over there?"

"Sorry, it's really inconvenient."

"what happened?"

"A large group of people are together and are visiting." Pang Hongzhu's words were piercingly cold, obviously having nothing to say.

Gao Zhiyuan just said amusedly: "Okay then, I will contact you later."

Pang Hongzhu said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Gao Zhiyuan's heart felt cold for a while, and he stood there blankly, at a loss as to what to do.

This woman, what is she playing?
How can it be hot and cold, cloudy and foggy?

Gao Zhiyuan returned to the office with a mess in his arms. Just as he sat down, the phone rang again.

Could it be that she called back again?
Gao Zhiyuan was agitated for a while, but when he glanced at the number, it belonged to his wife Yu Meijuan, and he was immediately disheartened.

"Hi." He replied coldly.

"Old Gao, are you okay?" Yu Meijuan's voice was cheerful.

Gao Zhiyuan said indifferently: "That's it."

"Husband, do you live a happy life alone at home? Didn't you go out to play wild?" Yu Meijuan asked repeatedly with a smile on her face.

Gao Zhiyuan felt guilty for a while, as if she had found out about his date with Pang Hongzhu last night, he hurriedly covered up and said: "Do you think I have that ability? To be honest, even if you forgive me, I don't have that ability anymore."

After the words were out of my mouth, I remembered that Dong Xiaowan was sitting opposite, a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face.

"Maybe not?"

"There is no need to doubt it. You know it best in your heart."

"Don't pretend, you don't know that you bear men can't cheer up with your own wife, but it doesn't mean you can't be with other women. Am I right? Comrade Gao."

What happened to Yu Meijuan today?
In the past, I was impatient to make fun of her and make a few jokes with her, but today I talked about it faintly, sounding extremely excited.

Gao Zhiyuan pondered secretly, but said: "I'm a little busy here, don't talk about those useless things. It's rare to go out for a while, are you doing well?"

"What a fart! I've been busy with business, not inspecting the scene, just listening to the report, and organizing discussions at night. Everyone is tired and falling apart. You don't know how to be considerate of others, so you don't know how to comfort them." Yu Meijuan said coquettishly .

"Stop it, don't be nasty, when will you be back?"

"It's not settled yet."

"Let's take a break from your busy schedule and have fun. It's rare to have such an opportunity. It should be relaxed and romantic. Just let it go." Gao Zhiyuan's words were obviously insinuating.

Yu Meijuan said coquettishly: "Gao Zhiyuan, you really understand me, is your wife that kind of romantic person?"

Gao Zhiyuan suddenly felt that Yu Meijuan's words were a little strange, the simplicity was gone, and there was a bit of hypocrisy, so he said, "Okay, let's talk again when we have time, I'm still rushing to write materials here."

"Okay, I should go to the report too."

Depend on!
Listen to your second uncle's size!

I really played Lao Tzu like a monkey.

Gao Zhiyuan put down the phone, and his mind returned to Pang Hongzhu. He was eager to find out about that mysterious woman who was close at hand but far away.

He wanted to ask Dong Xiaowan, and get some clues about Pang Hongzhu from her mouth.

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back. To inquire about a woman for a long time will definitely arouse others' suspicion.

Gao Zhiyuan's heart was itchy and unbearable, and he was really restless.

Seeing that it was time to get off work, Director Liu Yufeng hurriedly left the office.

Several other colleagues also followed and walked out, only Gao Zhiyuan and Dong Xiaowan were left in the room.

"Xiao Dong, why don't you leave?" Gao Zhiyuan had nothing to say.

"Practice for a while, it's okay to go back anyway, don't worry."

"Oh, by the way, Xiao Dong, where do you live?" Gao Zhiyuan asked with concern.

Dong Xiaowan raised her head, glanced at Gao Zhiyuan, and replied calmly, "I live in a relative's house."

"Are you far away?"

Dong Xiaowan smiled and shook her head, but said nothing.

Gao Zhiyuan suddenly realized something, thinking that she might be thinking wrongly, his face felt awkward, he got up and went to the bathroom.

Walking forward while thinking about something on his mind, he collided with the person walking out of the bathroom head-on, and hurriedly backed out

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry." Gao Zhiyuan looked up, and the person standing in front of him turned out to be the manager Sun Chaosheng.

"Old Gao, why don't you go home?" Sun Chaosheng greeted with a smile.

Gao Zhiyuan smiled wryly, and said, "I'm just going to be stupid when I go home, so I might as well do something here."

"Have so many things to do?"

"Director Liu is in a hurry to get a project report."

"Thank you for your hard work, Lao Gao." Sun Chaosheng said politely, suddenly remembered something, looked sideways at Gao Zhiyuan, and said, "Actually, the matter of the report is not so urgent, you should organize the materials first, and wait for a while It will be drafted after time.”

"I thought it was urgent."

"Yeah, I originally wanted to report it this week, but in the afternoon, I heard from the relevant leaders of the provincial company that there will be a special work meeting in a few days. Wait until you hear the spirit of the meeting."

"Well, okay, let me prepare the materials first."

"It's not in a hurry, why do you have to work so hard? You've been tired all day, so you should go home early and rest." After Sun Chaosheng finished speaking, he raised his feet and walked forward.

Sun Chaosheng's words warmed Gao Zhiyuan's heart, which had never happened before. He looked at Sun Chaosheng's back and said, "Director Liu said that the materials must be true and not sloppy. It's better to be more careful. Check the data again."

"You, you are such an old scalper! But you must pay attention to rest and take care of your body. I can't afford it if you are exhausted!" Sun Chaosheng didn't know it, and said while walking.

It seems that Sun Chaosheng has a high emotional intelligence, at least he can be considerate of his subordinates, and it is worth dying of exhaustion to meet such a leader!

Thinking of this, I became more motivated to work.

After solving the internal emergency in a hurry, he returned to the office quickly. , sat down at the desk, and concentrated on proofreading the materials.

"Director Gao, are you still busy? It's so late, let's go home and eat quickly, don't make my sister-in-law wait." Dong Xiaowan cared.

Without raising his head, Gao Zhiyuan replied, "Your sister-in-law is not at home."

"Where did sister-in-law go?"

"I'm on a business trip, and I'm alone at home, so I might as well take the opportunity to do some work."

"It's better to go back and rest quickly. Why do you have to work so hard?"

"Didn't you leave in the same way?"

"I don't know anything, so I have to make it up quickly. Besides, I didn't do anything today, unlike you who didn't stop after a hard day. Come back quickly and stop busy work." Dong Xiaowan was full of words It's all related, and it sounds very useful.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Gao Zhiyuan continued to do his own work without raising his head.

Dong Xiaowan groaned, bit her lip lightly, and was in a daze.

"What are you two doing?" Sun Chaosheng broke into the office one step at a time, looked at Gao Zhiyuan, then at Dong Xiaowan, and ordered, "Okay...okay, stop for me, go home and rest right away!"

Without waiting for Gao Zhiyuan to respond, Sun Chaosheng continued: "Old Gao, you are an old comrade, don't you even understand labor laws?"

Gao Zhiyuan smiled awkwardly and said, "I worked overtime voluntarily, and it has nothing to do with that."

"That's not okay. Those who know the facts can say it, but those who don't know will say that I, Sun Chaosheng, are forcing my subordinates to work overtime. Isn't this forcing me to break the law?"

"How is this possible? It's nothing to do with it, don't worry." Gao Zhiyuan smiled wryly.

"You're still stubborn, don't you want to go? Well then, I'll go!" Sun Chaosheng looked at Dong Xiaowan after speaking, blinked a few times, turned and left.

Dong Xiaowan stood up and said to Gao Zhiyuan, "Forget it, since Mr. Sun objects to working overtime, then I'm leaving."

"He is concerned about us, so there is no need to take it seriously."

"I'm hungry, I'm going back to eat."

"Well, you go back first, I'll do it for a while."

Dong Xiaowan grabbed the handbag next to her and quickly walked out of the office building.

After going downstairs, she hurried to the gate.

Standing by the flower bed at the door looking around, a black car slowly drove over and stopped in front of her.

Dong Xiaowan opened the car door and got in.

With the sound of closing the door, the car sped away.

The driver was none other than Sun Chaosheng, the general manager.

Originally, he and Dong Xiaowan had already made an appointment to go together after get off work, but Gao Zhiyuan stuck there and refused to leave.

That bear is like a piece of wood with a single tendon!

Sun Chaosheng hated him so much that his teeth ached. He even suspected that Gao Zhiyuan was not really doing it for work, but was taking the opportunity to stalk him.

Even bringing up the labor law to scare him didn't work, there was really no other way, so I had to exchange glances with Dong Xiaowan, and walked away first.

After going out, he sent a text message to Dong Xiaowan, saying that he would wait for her outside by car.

After Dong Xiaowan sat down, she asked Sun Chaosheng cautiously: "Where are we going?"

(End of this chapter)

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