Uncle's Crisis

Chapter 26 Self-defeating Temptation

Chapter 26 Self-defeating Temptation

"I'm just talking casually, don't mind."

"Speak, just say, what do you mind?"

"Because of the special circumstances at the time, did your sister take the initiative to do that?"

"Do you think that's possible?"

"Yes, for your father, for the whole family, maybe she will go all out."

"I've thought about that too, but I always feel that it's impossible."

"You said that your sister has been obedient since she was a child, she is well-behaved and sensible, and always considers her family, so it is very likely that she will choose the worst plan."

"is it possible?"

"If she wasn't willing to cry and struggle, would that person be able to succeed? Even if she did, would she suffer silently?"

"My sister is cowardly by nature, she knocks out her teeth and often swallows them in her own stomach."

"It was really difficult for her to make that choice. How much pressure and torture did she have to bear in her heart? By the way, how did your mother tell you about that incident later?"

Pang Hongzhu sighed deeply, pondered for a moment, and said: "The last time I met my mother, she was already terminally ill, and she didn't even have the strength to speak. I just told the general story of the matter intermittently, and then I said..."

Seeing that Pang Hongzhu hesitated to speak, Gao Zhiyuan asked, "What do you mean?"

"As parents, how can they have the courage to speak out after they have done such a big crime? They can only bear the condemnation of their conscience and go to another world."

Gao Zhiyuan's heart ached and he was speechless.

After a while, Pang Hongzhu went on to say: "Based on my intuition, I'm sure that my sister's idea is definitely not alone. She is not a casual person. She has cherished herself since she was a child. How could she be willing to give away the most precious thing?" How about handing it over to a strange old man?"

"Yeah, most people don't do that."

"Actually, don't think too much about it. All of that was carefully planned by the team leader. He used his power as a bargaining chip to force my family to submit step by step."

"But you always get your sister's consent in advance, right?"

"Of course, otherwise, can she submit obediently?"

"If that's the case, your parents are too selfish."

"Yeah, in order to avoid the catastrophe in front of me, I actually acted as an accomplice."

Gao Zhiyuan felt tight in his chest and was a little breathless. He said, "Forget it, let's not talk about those disturbing things, it's useless. Let's talk about your sister, how is she doing now?"

"What a fart!"

"what happened?"

"After she fulfilled that person, the case was shelved and suspended there, and the task force withdrew."

"Your father's suspicion has been released?"

Pang Hongzhu sneered and said, "Is there still a need to ask me this? Didn't you work in that unit at the time?"

"I work in that unit, but who would say that to a young man who just joined the job?"

"Not only was he cleared of suspicion, but he was blessed by misfortune, and became the top leader of the provincial company in one step."

"It's just a pain for your sister."

"Yeah, there was only one time, and she was pregnant."

"Why don't you go to the hospital and have it done?"

"My elder sister wanted to go, but both parents begged on their knees, saying that if the child was aborted, the disaster would come again."


"Because that man is just greedy for a moment."


"He wants a child and wants to carry on the family line. Once he does it, it will be tantamount to tearing up the contract, and father's crimes will be investigated again."

"Looks like it's really a deal."

"Yeah, it's extremely dirty!"

Gao Zhiyuan's thoughts returned to the scene of dating Pang Hongyu Park, everything was still so clear, as if it was right in front of him.

It seems that the judgment at the time was correct, she was indeed pregnant.

If she had told the truth at that time, how should she choose?
What would happen if he accepted her out of sympathy and fell in love with her?
"Gao Zhiyuan, now you know why I said you were dishonest?" Pang Hongzhu raised his head, his expression relaxed.

"Where am I dishonest?"

"You don't need to be stubborn anymore. The first time you met my sister, you were so shameless, clenched your hands, and patted her head, but you came up and touched her belly."

"Then you can't blame me. It was your sister who took the initiative to take my hand and put it on her."

"She is so stupid, the more anxious she is, the easier it is to expose."

"Yeah, obviously, your sister is trying to induce me. She thought I would desperately want her, and then she took the initiative."

"It's called cleverness being misunderstood by cleverness. It's self-defeating. It would be great if I met a fool. But when I met a monkey spirit like you, I just saw it through."

"Maybe it's God's will. I always feel that there is a voice reminding me."

"Gao Zhiyuan, tell me, if my sister told the truth at that time, would you still run away?"

Gao Zhiyuan shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "What's the point of asking this now? Maybe, maybe not."

"Give me an accurate answer."

"There are no precise answers, and any results are hypotheticals."

"In the final analysis, our family is too honest and has no scheming."

"what do you mean?"

"My dad can do the same thing, choose a suitable opportunity to invite you to the house, get you drunk with spirits first, and then put you on my sister's bed."

Gao Zhiyuan smiled and said that you are ruthless.

Pang Hongzhu said: "It's a bit ruthless, but it's not a bad thing for you."

"Where is it?"

"Career and future are not just flat."

"It sounds a little ridiculous."

"Do you regret it?"

"A little bit, but not because of the future."

"Why is that?"

"For your sister."

"Are you showing a high profile to me at this time?"


"You really are a fart! You don't know how to flatter, and you messed up a well-designed show. I reckon someone even wants to kill you."

"You mean Li Yuming?"

"Who else is there besides him? He has painstakingly and carefully planned, even the details and steps of my sister's temptation to you have been carefully arranged, who would have thought it would be easy for you to see through."

"Li Yuming is a good director, but your sister's acting skills are too bad, that's why she let it out."

"Li Yuming took him for granted."

"how do I say this?"

"He must think that you just started working, you don't understand bullshit, and he knows that you are single and have never been in a relationship. As long as my sister makes a move, you will definitely faint. As long as you get wet, everything will be uncontrollable is you."

"Yeah, once you give in, you won't be able to tell anymore." Gao Zhiyuan clinked glasses with Pang Hongzhu, took a sip, and said, "When I discovered your sister's secret, my first reaction was that you should not be judged by appearances." , how can a quiet and beautiful girl become romantic?"

"Aren't you afraid of retaliation?"


"Afraid to still do that?"

"A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, so he went to the end. To be honest, in terms of the state of mind at that time, let alone Pang Maocheng's daughter, even the emperor and I are not afraid."

Pang Hongzhu smiled sadly, and said, "Later, my father complained about Li Yuming a little bit."

"What do you blame him for?"

"It's because his eyesight is not strong enough, and he misread it. He didn't know that you have such a personality. If it were another person, he would definitely fall into the trap."

"Isn't it? At that time, there were several single young people in the agency, but he just chose me."

"Let me tell you, he spent a lot of effort on the selection of candidates. After careful observation and judgment, he decided to seek you."


(End of this chapter)

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