Uncle's Crisis

Chapter 18 Suddenly Had a Crazy Idea

Chapter 18 Suddenly Had a Crazy Idea
After returning to the cafeteria, Gao Zhiyuan wanted to sit down and have a cup of tea, but Li Dakang unceremoniously issued an order to evict the guests, "Go back...go back, you guys go back quickly!"

Gao Zhiyuan said, "Let's wait for Mr. Sun."

"What are you waiting for? Wait a minute! Just let him sleep here."

Gao Zhiyuan said, "That's not appropriate."

"Why is it inappropriate? Is it possible that I will harm your Sun Boss?" Director Li's eyes were as big as a mountain egg.

"That's not the case, but how can we explain to sister-in-law?"

"Gao Zhiyuan, thanks to the fact that you are still a literati playing with a pen, it is not easy to deceive an old woman, can you? Well, I, Li Dakang, will teach you personally." After Li Dakang finished speaking, he threw the water glass in his hand directly on the On the table.

The driver, Lao Ding, stood up and said with a smile on his face, "Okay...Okay, then let's go back first."

"That's right. Let's go now. I'll go to sleep too. After I wake up, I'll have a drink with Mr. Sun." After speaking, Li Dakang stood up and walked out without looking back.

"Is it appropriate to just leave like this?" Gao Zhiyuan looked back at Master Ding.

Master Ding said, "It's okay, let's go."

Gao Zhiyuan was very reluctant, muttering and following Master Ding.

The car drove out of Lingfang Farm and drove towards the cement road leading to Jiyuan City.

At this time, the sun had already set, and the faint night slowly crept up.

Gao Zhiyuan sighed and cursed: "You bastard! Look like a copycat king."

Master Ding said, "Does he look rough?"

"Isn't it? It's more barbaric than fucking animals."

"Don't just look at the appearance, this person is a bit of a city, rough on the outside but not rough on the inside."

"Do you think he can pretend?"

"Yeah, this copycat king is not simple."

"What's so special about him? He's just a layman!"

"Vulgar is a bit vulgar, but very scheming."

"As far as his scheming is concerned, even a fool can see it. Isn't it just to ask for money! Look at his virtues, cursing, barking his teeth and claws, what a fucking thing!"

"Brother, you are not simple."

"Master Ding, don't mock me. I'm a son at work. When I come to Li Dakang, I will become a grandson."

Master Ding smiled, and said inexplicably, "It's almost over, it's almost over."

"Hey, half of the people are buried in the ground, and there is still a fart?" Gao Zhiyuan looked pessimistic.

Master Ding held the steering wheel in his hand, smiled and didn't answer, which made Gao Zhiyuan more confused.

Gao Zhiyuan wanted to chat with him a few more words, but he swallowed the words again.

What's there to talk about?

It must be that Master Ding saw that he was offended on the occasion and made a joke to comfort him.

It seems that Master Ding has a good character, he is quiet and humble.

He was transferred from the Nanting branch with Sun Chaosheng, and he was still working in his old profession - the driver of the general manager's car.

For a period of time, whether it is an administrative unit or an enterprise, there has been a common phenomenon-that is, the transfer of leaders and the accompanying drivers. This seems to have become an unwritten rule.

In fact, there is no need to think too much, the reason is very simple, and the inside story is self-evident.

In a certain sense, the driver is a roundworm in the leader's belly, and the master's every move, likes and dislikes can't be hidden from him.

He also knows how to observe words and expressions, is good at matching what he likes, and can keep his mouth shut to the greatest extent.

Anything that has advantages and disadvantages, while they are being used, they also control the privacy of many masters, which invisibly becomes an extremely lethal bomb.

On the outside, it looks like one master and one servant, but in essence it is a grasshopper on a rope, and no one can do without the other.

Just now on the road, Master Ding said such a sentence out of nowhere, it sounded nonsensical, but after a careful taste, maybe there is a certain connotation in it.

After all, he is Sun Chaosheng's confidant, and he is reticent and cautious on weekdays. How could he say that indiscriminately?
But what was he trying to imply to himself?

Could it be that he is hinting that he has a bright future?

Thinking of this, Gao Zhiyuan's heart suddenly brightened, and the dirty air that was stuffed by Li Dakang before was swept away.

Thinking back to the conversation in Sun Chaosheng's office in the morning, I became more and more convinced that I was very likely to turn around.

The car drove into the gate of the unit.

After getting off the car, Gao Zhiyuan walked up to Master Ding and said, "It's past lunch time, let me treat you to a light meal."

Master Ding shook his head and said nothing.

Gao Zhiyuan strongly invited, "You have been transferred here for so long, and we haven't had a meal alone yet. Today I will be the host and welcome you."

Master Ding shook his head and said, "Why should we be polite? Besides, I'm just a coachman. What can I do?"

"Master Ding, you can't say that, I am sincere."

"How about this, after a few days, I invite you."

"Master Ding, you should give me some face."

"I really have something to do tonight, I can't get away, otherwise I wouldn't be in a hurry to come back."

"My sister-in-law didn't follow me, what can I do alone?"

"Oh, to be honest, I just bought a house here, and I hired a decorator from my hometown to do the construction. I should go and have a look, what do you think? Brother Gao."

"Brother Gao" made Gao Zhiyuan feel very cordial.He nodded, said yes, and watched Master Ding turn around and leave.

He looked up at the sky, let out a long sigh, and walked out of the company gate.

As I was walking, I suddenly thought that my wife Yu Meijuan had gone to Hainan, and my heart suddenly moved, and I became agitated for no reason.

Depend on!
Finally have a night of my own, why not use it to do something you like?

Gao Zhiyuan quickened his pace and walked forward, and came to a barbecue restaurant in less than 10 minutes.

Walked over, sat down at a seat, ordered a few skewers of barbecue, and a beer.

He seldom comes to this kind of place. He always feels that he is a staff member of a large enterprise, and he is afraid that his acquaintances will point him out if they see him.

He gulped down his beer, and his mind went back to Sun Chaosheng.

Is he really drunk?

It can be said that he has a lot of alcohol and is known as a tumbler. That little wine will not be broken, right?
Looking back at the scene at that time carefully, it seemed that he was indeed unconscious, but why was his hand holding the girl still moving?


Are you out of your mind?

Gao Zhiyuan scolded himself, it's worth thinking about it, isn't that obvious?
It seems that when he was rubbing that little hand under the table, he had already reached a kind of tacit understanding with the girl, so he pretended to be drunk and stayed.

Sun Chaosheng, Sun Chaosheng, you really are three points smarter than Sun Monkey!

At this moment, maybe he is sticking together with that flowery little person, spending a good night together lingeringly.


Damn it!
The cabbage is so good that the pigs are arched!
Sun Chaosheng turned out to be a filthy bastard, he looked like a dog on the surface, but he still pretended to be full of gossip.

But thinking about it the other way around, I can't blame him, it's just because of his nature.

Besides, since that girl took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, a fool would refuse.

After thinking about it, Gao Zhiyuan suddenly had a crazy idea: why bother to find a place to indulge completely while Yu Meijuan is not at home?

(End of this chapter)

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