Chapter 43
One day after class, she saw a newspaper on the teacher's desk. She couldn't remember whether it was "Young Pioneers Newspaper" or something. Until the teacher walked up to her and asked loudly: What are you doing here?
Zhu Xia was taken aback. She was timid at first, but now she spoke incoherently, "I, I, I'm reading a newspaper"

"Reading the newspaper?" The teacher's tone was obviously suspicious and disdainful, "Don't you know the class? Or do you want to be a teacher to teach everyone? Why don't you come and teach everyone?!"

The students in the audience burst into laughter.

Zhu Xia felt ashamed, as if she really made a mistake and wanted to covet the teacher's position.

Zhu Xia didn't know how she returned to her seat, but this incident left a shadow on her, so that she gave up when she had the opportunity to become a teacher. The title of engineer.

Look at today's children, how smart and brave they are, lively and cheerful, bold and careful, they dare to express their opinions on anyone and anything, and they are worthy of any occasion.

"teacher Zhu……"

Wang Miao's shout interrupted Zhu Xia's thoughts.

"Am I speaking well?"

The child's voice is full of urgency and anticipation, hoping to be affirmed by adults.

"You speak very well, like a little teacher, work hard, Wang Miao, you will surpass your teacher Wang!"

"I will work hard!"

"From now on, I will come to listen to your lectures every day, and be your first student audience, okay?"

"Really?! Great! Thank you Teacher Zhu!"

Yao Ma came to ask Zhu Xia to have breakfast, interrupting the conversation between the teacher and the student.

Zhu Xia asked Wang Miao if she had eaten?
She said: "Eat, my sister got up early to cook, my sister ate at school at noon, and I joined the store at the bottom of the slope."

Zhu Xia knew that the school did not have a cafeteria, and the children or teachers who were far away from home would all cook rice there and eat the pickles they brought.

"Then I'm going to eat, remember to wait for me after school in the afternoon, and I will visit your home."

"Okay, teacher, my sister and I are waiting for you."

When Zhu Xia walked out of the classroom, she saw Xiao Guangwei running around the playground, and even punched in the military.

Seeing him complete a set of punches, Zhu Xia opened her mouth to speak.

"Morning Secretary Xiao."

"Morning, Teacher Zhu."

"Secretary Xiao, you punch like a tiger."

"Thanks for the prize. I learned it from the army, and I haven't given up practicing it."

"Secretary Xiao, you can't hide your secrets. Give it to the children. You can keep fit if you have nothing to do."

"Okay. As long as the children are willing to learn, I will find time to teach."

"Willing..." Wang Miao shouted from behind, "Uncle's boxing is so majestic."

Xiao Guangwei readily agreed. "Okay, then it's settled."

"Mr. Zhu, there will be a village meeting in the morning. If you are free, come down and help us cheer."

"Ha, what a secretary Xiao, you just promised me something, and you're going to pay me back before you turn your back on it?"

"Hehe, support the work. Come and not reciprocate."

"Okay, I don't have class in the morning, I'll be down in a while."

Xiao Guangwei: "That's a deal, let's ring the bell."

Zhu Xia thought of the big bronze bell hanging on the yellow fruit tree at the foot of the slope.It is said that it is an old antique from a long time ago.

She had seen it before when she was young, and was even hugged and knocked.

At that time, when the village wanted to call everyone to a meeting to talk about something, the bell would ring.

The bell will be heard far away, and it can be heard clearly even under the ditch.When the villagers hear the bell ringing, they will gather at the village committee.

Not long after breakfast, the bell rang.

I saw the yellow fruit tree at the foot of the slope,

Wang Jinfa took an iron rod and knocked on the bronze bell.

Li Jinfeng came out and shouted: "I said, the head of the house, have you not eaten breakfast or something? Use some strength?"

Wang Jinfa smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I knocked on this, and I can't find the feeling."

Wang Chunsheng came to work by motorcycle.He took over the conversation: "That's right, the village committee is so idle, you haven't had a meeting to talk about things for a long time. To be a monk for a day is to hit the clock for a day. Tell yourself that you are a competent village director. No?"

Wang Jinfa gave his cousin a depressed look, and really treated himself as a student.

When Wang Chunsheng told him, he never dared to talk back.

Xiao Guangwei came up to resolve the embarrassment, "Let me try it."

He took the iron rod and knocked hard.

The sound of the bell became loud and powerful and spread far, far away.

Villagers both near and far heard the bell.

They guessed and talked about what they were going to say. After breakfast, they walked out of the house one after another and walked towards the village committee.

Zhu Xia also came down and stood in the crowd to greet the villagers.

Her hall uncle and second hall uncle were also there, and said to her, "Big sister, you'd better go home and live here."

Zhu Xia: "No, it's more convenient to live here. Now I'm mainly working. I'll go back and see you when I have time."

Seeing that they still wanted to persuade them, Zhu Xia smiled and said, "If you cook delicious food and call me, I will still come."

Seeing that Zhu Xia persisted, the two elders stopped pushing.

Seeing that everyone was present, Wang Jinfa shouted, "We have a meeting."

The discussion below stopped, and everyone waited for him to continue.

Wang Jinfa: "Villagers, folks, I am incompetent as the village director. The leadership team of our village committee is not worthy of its name, so today we have to re-elect the members of the village committee."

Someone shouted: "Director Wang, aren't you doing well?"

"It's just wow. If you don't become a director, you won't be appointed as a director."

"If you want me to tell you, you still continue to walk."

"That's it. That's it."

Wang Jinfa glanced at Xiao Guangwei,
Xiao Guangwei stood up and said: "Everyone thinks Director Wang should be the director, and I think so too. There is no need to change the director. The most important thing is that the other members are not yet in place. Today we will confirm the candidates for other committee members to facilitate future work."

"Let me just say, Jinfa is doing well, what director should I change?"

"The director is on the move"

Wang Jinfa: "Thank you for trusting me and supporting me. Now we have to elect a deputy director, accountant, security committee member, and women's committee member.

The original deputy director was Li Jiaquan, but he went to the village to open a teahouse. I asked him, and he said that he really didn’t have time to come back to manage the affairs of the village. The right candidate? "

The villagers look at me and I look at you.

Although the deputy director of the village committee is not a cadre, he still needs to be able to read and read.

Most of the people standing below are old men and old women, and they can't read a whole bunch of characters in Dou Da, so it is impossible for them to come here.

The rest are a few middle-aged old men, and the number of educated ones who can write can be counted.

An old man shouted: "Call Chunsheng to come here, Chunsheng has culture...has a level..."

(End of this chapter)

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