Chapter 40

Regarding Li Qiang's contracting of the fish pond, although the villagers usually wait and see, some are jealous, some are jealous, some gossip, some of this and that, but once they encounter such a thing, they also feel uncomfortable.

People are like this, they can't see themselves as better than themselves, but they will show their generosity, superiority and inevitable sympathy in front of the weak.

Now that the Li family is in trouble, I am worried about the Li family again.

"Brother Fumin, Qiangwazi, hurry up and catch the fish that are still alive, so as to reduce the loss..."

Li Fumin waved his hand: "No need, this water is already polluted with poison, do you still dare to sell it after catching it? If someone else eats it, people will die?"

"Brother Fumin, what should we do? What should we do?"

Although pig butcher Li Fugui has killed a lot of pigs, the white knives go in and the red knives go out, he has long been used to life and death, so it stands to reason that he will not be false.

But it was the first time I saw so many fish dying in front of my eyes, I was so anxious that I was at a loss, it was all money!

Li Qiang clenched his fists and let out a stern roar towards the sky: "Wang Defa, I belong to the eighth generation of your ancestors..."

Grandpa who came here after hearing the news saw white flowers on the water, and sat down on the embankment: "God, what kind of evil is this?"

Li's mother cried even louder, "Oh my God, why don't you let me die? I still have nothing to live for, so I might as well die..."

Lift your feet and jump into the weir pond.

All dreams and hopes were shattered at this moment.

This is the result of the family working hard from dawn to dusk.

How can this not be heartbreaking.

He was held tightly by several women.

"Sister-in-law Fumin, don't be too hard on yourself."

"Damn it, Wang Erliuzi..."

"When you catch Wang Erliuzi, you must deal with him well."

"It's not about stealing some fish anymore, it's a crime."

The villagers discussed in one go.

Li Fugui waved his hand, "Come on, let's go to Wang Erliu to settle the score."

Since Brother Fumin and Qiangwa have been stunned and have no energy to deal with this matter, then I am the closest cousin of the Li family.Of course, I have to fight for my brother and nephew.

A group of people from the Li family followed him.

Some members of the Wang family were still watching,

If it was just Wang Erliuzi who stole a few fish before, they wouldn't need to get involved. Now that things are getting serious, they can't keep silent or be neutral. They have to make a choice. here.Although Wang Defa is a member of the Wang family, but now that something like this happened, no one would speak for him.

In addition, the members of the Wang family are usually not used to Wang Erliuzi, so when Li Fugui said to go to him to settle accounts, the members of the Wang family also followed, walking through the hillside with torches and lanterns for a while.

Only the four members of the Li family and some women were left on the embankment, guarding a pond of dead fish.

When Li Fugui led the people halfway, they met the villagers who had been chasing Wang Defa before.

The villager came back to report the news. He said that they chased all the way to the countryside, but they didn't meet Wang Defa.
The others chased him to the village, and when he came back to report, Wang Defa might not have returned to his hometown, but went to a neighboring county along another road.

Because Qingfeng Village is the most remote village on the border with neighboring counties.

From Qingfeng Village is the boundary of Liujiaqiao Village, Tongxian Town, Lingxian County.

So all the people divided into two groups, one way continued to search around Taiping Township, and the other way went to Tongxian Town along Liujiaqiao Village.

Sure enough, I found out in Tongxian Town that Wang Defa had appeared here.

Someone saw him leaving in a car, which may have been bound for the provincial capital.

This means that Wang Defa has absconded.

The provincial capital is so big, where can I find it?

Even if he didn't go to the provincial capital and just hid in the corner of the village, it would not be easy to find.

What's more, he has a lot of cronies and friends, someone must take him in, and someone will inform him.

Li Fugui had no choice but to bring people back dejectedly.

The village director here, Wang Jinfa, has already received the news and accompanied Li Fumin and Li Qiang to the township to report the case. The township thinks it is a major event. This is a serious crime of sabotaging economic construction.

The police station filed a case and dispatched police officers to find the whereabouts of Wang Defa and Ding Jiaying, nicknamed Ding Ding Mao.

Li Fumin and Li Qiang had to come back and wait for news.

The township also sent cadres to help deal with the aftermath.

The village also organized everyone to help drain the water, dispose of the dead fish, and store the water again.

Looking at the dead fish in a pond, Li Qiang was disheartened.

The young man was full of confidence, but in the end, his hard work was in vain, and more than a year of hard work was in vain.

This incident dealt him no small blow.

He gave up the fish pond and went out to work. This has been going on for many years.

Later, when his grandfather passed away, Li Qiang came back to attend the funeral. After the funeral, his parents were picked up and never came back.The yard on the front house is covered with grass..."

Li Xia: "No wonder I haven't seen Uncle Fumin's family since I came back. It turned out that something like this happened. What a pity."

Xiao Guangwei: "Wang Defa just ran away and was not sanctioned?"

Wang Jinfa: "I didn't escape, but I was caught. The police found Wang Defa's whereabouts through his cronies. Wang Defa was sentenced. After several years of imprisonment (prison), he was released. It was said that he seemed to be running a business with someone. Carrying a bag all day and looking like a dog,

No one in the village paid any attention to him. He usually hangs out in the countryside and rarely comes back to the village. Today, I don't know what's wrong, and he almost made a fuss when he came back.Fortunately, Sanwan put him on the ground, otherwise I don't know what the fuss would be. "

Zhu Xia: "If I had known that he was such a person, I wouldn't have dealt with him with three bowls of water. I would have poured a basin of cold water on him from head to toe."

"Haha, our teacher Zhu has the demeanor of a heroine."

Zhu Xia: "I can't help it, I'm just so hot-tempered."

Xiao Guangwei: "After that, no one will contract the fish pond?"

Wang Jinfa: "Yes. Li Qiang walked away, and no one in the village came to take over. No matter how I mobilized, the villagers were indifferent.

They would rather go out to work than stay in the local area to develop the economy.

After talking too much, everyone said: "Director, don't call it a contract, just belong to the village collective as before, everyone has a share, everyone is responsible, everyone has fish to eat, if you come again In an accident, I couldn't even catch two shrimps..."

So no one came out to contract for the whole death, and then the fish and lotus root in the weir pond were left to fend for themselves.Water is released once a year to dig lotus root and catch fish once a year. Everyone divides it up and beats teeth for sacrifice. "

Xiao Guangwei: "It's a pity to leave such a good resource unused."

Wang Jinfa: "Why, Secretary Xiao, you still want to mobilize people in the village to contract."

(End of this chapter)

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