The Story of Qingfeng Village

Chapter 251 A New Beginning 5

Chapter 251 A New Beginning Part Five
"Aunt Li, come quickly, come quickly, I'll be waiting for you."

Li Jinfeng stood in the crowd and waved at Aunt Li.

"I'm coming……"

Aunt Li agreed.

Liu Jianguo: "Mom, go quickly."

He Xiuli: "Aunt Li, go quickly."

Aunt Li: "Then I'm going, I'll talk to you later."

Aunt Li tugged at the clothes, although the clothes were not wrinkled at all.

Leaving happily.

Li Fuming complained: "Old woman, what are you talking about, don't you have to imitate young people's makeup?"

Aunt Li squinted at him and said, "Is it okay for me to wear makeup?"

"Okay, okay, okay, you have the final say."

Father Liu on the side laughed, he was used to Aunt Li and Li Fuming teasing each other.

Li Jinfeng held up a selfie stick and said: "Aunt Li, let's go, let's take pictures of the fish pond first, Uncle Zhu and the others are already on the boat ready to cast nets, and later we will go to the slopes to take pictures of the orchard, so we must hurry up." "

Let's go, a group of people cheering
Follow Li Jinfeng and Aunt Li to the fish pond.

The gate of the village committee fell silent in an instant.

Wang Jinfa poked his ears and said, "Oh, it's finally clean. I was dizzy and itchy from the noise just now. Let's see what tricks these mothers-in-law and aunts can come up with."

Li Jinfeng was mainly in charge of making videos to introduce Qingfeng Village to the Internet. Since the Internet, mobile phones and computers were available, the villagers have also watched a lot of videos and learned a lot.

Ever since Liu Li suggested that he could make videos by himself and introduce Qingfeng Village to the public, Li Jinfeng began to think about it. After practicing for a while, it was considered to be in good shape, so the filming officially started today.

After all the villagers had dispersed, Xiao Guangwei came out of the house, "Director Wang, don't underestimate the power of women, they can hold up half the sky."

Wang Jinfa: "I dare not underestimate them. Just don't poke a hole in the sky."

"Our half of the sky is here again, welcome or not. Secretary Xiao, Director Wang."

"Hey, it's Mr. Chen, Mr. He is here, please, please, please, anytime you come, we warmly welcome you."

Everyone entered the village committee.

We are all old friends, and we didn't just sit down so casually.

Xiao Guangwei: "Mr. Chen, Mr. He, come and sign the agreement today."

Chen Lili: "Well, I just signed an agreement with the township, and I came here with the squad leader and Zhu Xia."

Wang Jinfa: "I don't know what agreement to sign."

Chen Lili: "Build a strawberry planting base in Taiping Township, mainly supplying to the provincial capital."

Wang Jinfa: "Good thing, is there any share in our village?"

Zhu Xia: "Director Wang, why do you want to go to the village for everything? Are you afraid that you won't be able to take care of it?"

Wang Jinfa: "Of course I want to fight for something good in the village. Who would think that there are many ways to get rich?"

Xiao Guangwei: "Old Wang, I'm sorry, I really didn't want to do this job for the village this time, so when Secretary Chen Zonggao and the others asked if our village needed to grow strawberries? I declined..."

"What? Secretary Xiao, you really refused, oh my god, it's over, it's over, a way to make a fortune is gone, Secretary Xiao, although we are developing well now, but this is just the beginning , The big guy is still thinking about working hard and getting ahead, how can there be any reason to push the God of Wealth away? Mr. Gao, Secretary Chen, is thinking about us, why don't you appreciate it?"

Wang Jinfa beat his chest and stomped his feet again, and complained again, making everyone laugh.

Chen Lili: "Director Wang, you are wrong to blame Secretary Xiao. He didn't push the God of Wealth away, but found another way to get rich."

He Xiuli: "That's right, there are thousands of ways to get rich in the world, and it's not the only way to grow strawberries."

Wang Jinfa said: "Which one is that? Oh, my Secretary Xiao, my Mr. Chen, and Mr. He, please don't be fooled. Tell me quickly. In my heart, I am as anxious as a cat catching Same……

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The crowd laughed again.

Xiao Guangwei: "Okay, okay, let's not keep it secret. Lao Wang, I think so. The strawberry bases in Taiping Township should be connected in one piece. Most of this village is on slope land, which is not suitable for growing strawberries... If I insist on planting, it is only a piece of land here and a small piece of land there. It’s a waste of resources, right? It’s better to let the village make unified arrangements and find a flat river beach nearby.”

Wang Jinfa nodded, his village

Except for the sloping land, there are only some different numbers of paddy fields and dry fields down the slope, all of which are now planted with vegetables and grains, and there is indeed no land to grow strawberries.It is impossible to pull out good vegetables and replant strawberries.

No, people in the village have planted it for more than two years

I already have some vegetables, I already have experience, and I signed an agreement with Xinfeng Company, Xinfeng Company has already opened up the market, and the vegetables in the village will not worry about selling.

If you change it to something else, you have to start all over again, and the strawberries are stingy, and the storage time is short. If they are not done well, they will lose money.

Wanting to understand the truth, he said with a haha:
"Hehe, Secretary Xiao, I didn't expect it, or Secretary Xiao, you are comprehensive and thoughtful. We don't grow strawberries in Qingfeng Village, and leave the opportunity to other villages that need it. Hehe... Secretary Xiao, what did you say? What are the other sources of income?"

Wang Jinfa has not forgotten the other way Xiao Guangwei said.

Xiao Guangwei: "It is also related to strawberries. Mr. Chen and Mr. He went to inspect the market at the beginning. The strawberry market is in great demand, so they decided to jointly build a strawberry base with Xiangshang. This in itself is taking care of us, so I am very grateful."

It is.

If there were not so many places to go, I still chose Taiping Township, more or less because of the good cooperative relationship established before. , also because there are people here.

Xiao Guangwei: "I was just thinking, we can't let down the kindness of Xinfeng Company, and we must seize the opportunity. The strawberry base has been established, and the township is responsible for the planting, and Xinfeng Company is responsible for the sales. The provincial capital is already building sales points and contacting large wholesalers.”

Chen Lili and He Xiuli nodded to confirm that Xiao Guangwei was right.

Wang Jinfa thought to himself: This is nothing to do with us.

Xiao Guangwei said: "Strawberries have a short maturity period. Once they are ready to be picked, they will be picked immediately. This is not a problem. There are plenty of people in Taiping Township. The key problem is transportation."

Wang Jinfa: "That's not difficult. When the strawberries are ripe, call a few cars and load them after picking. From here to the provincial capital, you can take the expressway from Baima Town, and you will arrive in the provincial capital in more than two hours."

Xiao Guangwei: "How many cars to call? What if you can't call a car? Let the strawberries rot? And
Ordinary trucks are not enough. In order to ensure the quality of strawberries, special refrigerated trucks must be used to keep them fresh. "

Wang Jinfa: "For such a car, the shipping fee must be high. And you have to book the car early, otherwise, I'm afraid it will really rot."

Now that I think about it, I admire Xiao Guangwei more and more for his foresight, not to grow strawberries.

Xiao Guangwei: "So, we will earn the freight ourselves."

"what do you mean?"

Xiao Guangwei: "I have already discussed with Mr. Chen and Mr. He that our Qingfeng Village and Xinfeng Company will cooperate to set up a transport team to transport fruits."

Wang Jinfa: "For those strawberries, do we need to set up a transport team?"

He thought: Secretary Xiao, you really dare to think about it.

Xiao Guangwei: "It's not just strawberries, there are other fruits in Taiping Township
For example, our lemons and dwarf pomelo, as well as raba tangerines and green tangerines grown by other villages.These fruits have already been grown on a large scale, and it is definitely not enough to just sell them to Ningcheng. We still have to transport them to the provincial capital to get a good price.

With our own vehicles, we are not afraid that the fruits will not be transported out. "

Zhu Xia: "Yes, you can see that some places have a good harvest of fruit, but no one picks it up, and the fruit growers themselves don't have vehicles to transport it. As a result, the fruit is unsalable and the losses are heavy. Therefore, it is a good thing to have our own transport team."

Wang Jin found out.

Secretary Xiao really has a unique vision, thinking of things that others can't think of.

I really don't have his courage and courage.

Convinced again.

"It's a good thing. But it costs a lot of money. We farmers have never done transportation."

Chen Lili: "Director Wang, you were still planning for the village just now, why are you hesitating now? Your Qingfeng Village even dares to set up a company as big as a kudzu root factory. It will be shipped to the provincial capital, and some fruits that are not available locally can be brought back from the provincial capital, and our Xinfeng company will be responsible for sales

If you go and come like this, isn't it perfect?Don't let go and run in vain. "

Wang Jinfa patted his thigh, "Okay, that's it. When will the agreement be signed?"

Chen Lili: "We have prepared the agreement. Secretary Xiao and Director Wang please review it."

"How to solve the financial problem?"

Chen Lili: "Half of the loan is paid by our two families. After signing the agreement, we will go to the provincial capital to look after the car."

Zhu Xia: "I'm going back to the provincial capital too. I'll contact you about buying a car."

"Thank you in advance then."

"The agreement is signed, let's go out and have a look at the beautiful Qingfeng Village."

Everyone left the village committee and walked up the slope behind.

The school on the slope has been refurbished and painted by the village committee since the students moved to the village to go to school. Now it has become the classrooms of Qingfeng Village Farmers’ Night School, as well as the reading room, activity room and computer teaching room. And the showroom of agricultural and sideline products in Qingfeng Village.

Standing on the playground, looking at the red flag fluttering in the wind.

A sense of pride welled up in my heart.

The breeze blew the fragrance of melons, fruits and vegetables. In the weir pond at the bottom of the slope, villagers rowed boats to cast fishing nets and pulled up a net of lively fish... There were bursts of laughter from the orchard on the opposite Yanzi slope... …

It was noon, and the tweeter on Huangguoshu began to play the radio, and a familiar singing voice came from inside:
Our home is in the fields of hope,

Cooking smoke wafts over the newly built houses,
Small river flows beside a beautiful village

A piece of winter wheat, that piece of sorghum

Ten miles of lotus ponds and ten miles of fruit fragrance,

hey hey yo yee yo
We have lived in this field for generations

rich for her,

prosper for her,

happy for her,

Credit her.



End of full text

 The story of Qingfeng Village comes to an end here.

  Thank you for your encouragement and support.

  Let's meet again in "The Three Flowers of Ningcheng's Past".

  There is also "Network New Liaozhai", please continue to support it.

  thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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